Saturday, March 15, 2025

The “Failure” Of God

The meltdowns on social media are going strong after Trump did his impression of Return of the Jedi this election day. I was blessed to join News to cover election day activities for nearly 24 hours over two days. This included getting picked up at the airport by by and Uber driver named Zaman from Bangladesh who is now a good friend. He also returned me to the airport on Thursday after driving me around Queens and Bangladesh Street to meet his friends and walk among the stores. Yes, I was the minority ๐Ÿ™‚ Zaman leads the New York Bangladeshi communityโ€™s fight for freedom. They set up an outdoor large screen and had over 500 people watch the election coverage, including what I was doing at NTD. What a blessing to me to be welcomed by him, and also by the NTD News team.

Watching the repeated meltdowns of a variety of kinds on social media platforms, I wanted to resubmit this article from a few years ago for consideration. As you read it you can move forward to today and see how history repeats itself and and gain some understanding for what I believe best explains the response from so many who let themselves be completely destroyed by the results of one election. If the election outcome were different, there are those who would be emotional on the right. What I will always emphasize is that our nation is covered with the motto โ€œIn God We Trust.โ€ Letโ€™s keep doing that no matter what happens around us.

I admit that the title of the article assumes many things.  That God exists at all in any form, that God is either who Christians say or who a Muslim says, and even acknowledges that there are those people so bold as to think they are a god.  Itโ€™s encoded in each of us to seek something to fill the void of what can oft seem a meaningless existence where we think we have no real power over our lifeโ€™s direction.  The desire to find meaning leads men and women to seek out things that too often are fleeting or disappointing.  But thatโ€™s not what this article is about, instead itโ€™s about mankindโ€™s desire to worship something, and that desire leads many to worship government as it is seen as the source of power in their lives and also a means by which they can assume power over others.   

This leads us to America in 2022 where we see a perfect example of a cultural war where the Judeo-Christian values that built this society are pitted against the increasingly secular society seeking to undo those same values willfully or accidentally.  It comes down to God vs government.  Many who seek their own god to fulfil their need to worship bow at the altar of government.  Government assumes power, and power is addictive.  For those of us in the Christian faith, God never fails, we do.  For those in the secular faith of government worship, their god fails when Roe v Wade is ruled on by the Supreme Court in a manner that is in keeping with the U.S. Constitution but is also seen as successful when laws are made in direct contradiction to the Constitution, and thus is in breach of contract with We the People.   

 Letโ€™s split the population of the United States down the middle.  The first half will be those who worship God, and thereby claim a responsibility to act in a manner consistent with the belief in a higher power.  In America, this half is dominated by those of the Judeo-Christian faith.  The other half needs to find a god to fill the void.  That god could be money, power, sex, sports, or anything that dominates a personโ€™s life and drives them โ€“ usually to an unfulfilling end.  Often the seek a god they view as having power over people, not acting in service to them, insert government.         

In the battle of God vs government those who put faith and trust solely in government are emotionally distraught each time their god fails.  How could god fail them?  This is why people reacted the way they did when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 and also witnessed in their reaction to the Supreme Courtโ€™s ruling on the Dobbs abortion case.  When their god fails, their foundation is torn from under them and the power they thought they had is exposed for its temporary nature.  This is why those who replace God with government fight so hard to gain and maintain power through government, for itโ€™s their god and it must not fail, no matter the cost to a nation.

This leads us to better understand and explain much of what is happening around the country right now.  Those of us who know the true God of the universe understand what is happening and why, itโ€™s simply good versus evil played out  in temporary environment of today.  We know that the end of the book is already written and that no matter what happens that God has a plan and we who know Him personally can rest in that.  Those who do not know that God thereby put their faith in trust in government and will do everything they possibly can to ensure their god succeeds.  The tactics applied to ensure that success include time proven methods like lies, deceit, fear, violence, anger, and bribery.  What is lacking is decency, honor, integrity, courage, sacrifice, selfless-service, and duty.  This has manifested in a few ways, most recently:

a.      Forced injections and mask mandates

b.      Forced speech, or punishment of free speech

c.       Riots called peaceful protests; peaceful protests called insurrections

d.      Magnification of the โ€œwoke agendaโ€ in multiple environments

e.      Tax money as a weapon system targeting good people and corrupting institutions

f.        The marriage of government, business, and media (tech)

g.      Communism/Socialism/Fascism all wrapped up together and advertised and a good thing for our country

h.      Historical revisionism

i.        A fine line of difference between Republican and Democrat with the reality being they are a uniparty putting on a stage show

So let those of us remember that all people bow to something in their lives, far too many found the altar of their worship in government and all that means is the idols of thousands of years ago are the same as they are today, they only change form and title a little.  When government fails, let us who are Christians be there to show people love, grace, and mercy and introduce them to an unfailing God.  They may never accept God, but our only job is to show the way, not force them to walk it.