Monday, March 31, 2025

Think That Narcissistic Ex >> Government Enemy Programming Reveals What It Fears

If we believe that the US elections suddenly turned free and fair just because the map on the television and phone screens turned red, we are not getting the larger scope of this information war, this struggle for America’s soul.

I mean, do we remember how some of “the polls” were looking? Some were actually getting it closer to correct, admittedly. But we go through this every year:

I remember seeing a comment months ago saying we need to stop worrying about the 2020 steal–even though he admitted that it probably happened–and just move on to getting Trump elected in 2024.

Apparently in some people’s minds that was and is going to solve all of our problems.

People do realize that election fraud is a symptom of something much more nefarious, right? People do realize that, if elections do indeed continue, there will be one in 2026 and 2028, right?

People do realize that this election is not officially over and that Arizona is still a laughing stock regarding this issue at this very moment, right?

I don’t mean for my tone to be condescending. It’s more pleading and persuasive. Please, reader, for God’s sake–literally–don’t think this war is over. It is just beginning, and we need you.

I surmise many of you see what is happening: You have Liz Cheney, the Clintons, Bill Gates, Kamala Harris, even an incredibly and curiously coherent Ol’ Joe parroting the exact same sentiments–that the 2024 election proved that US elections are free and fair and that we should all finally end this nonsense about 2020 and ride off into a new sunrise together.

I bring up this connection from time to time: If you’ve dated a narcissist, or bordered on being one yourself (guilty), you see exactly what play is being made here.

For those of you who have not had the beautiful privilege of dating an absolute psychopath, and you don’t in fact recognize the pattern, just know that this is an attempted psyop–supported by many Mockingbird media voices–to gaslight those who know the truth about 2020 into feeling stupid, crazy, and wrong, and that for the “unity of America” we should all just move on peacefully and “united.”

[Roll eyes].

This week, yes, we should celebrate and we are celebrating the fact that Donald Trump has unequivocally illustrated that the court of public opinion is on his side, that he has achieved the sweeping mandate he’s been discussing for weeks now.

We are not celebrating, however, because we have free and fair elections. It is the narratives surrounding this “election” that matters, not the election exclusively itself. There are signals in the noise to be recognized and processed. Here are just a very few of the screenshots I’ve collected:

(That one’s a little different, but then again not really if you know the narcissist).

See them trying to “move forward” as if it were something obviously virtuous? And if you choose to look back (like, for instance, to 2020), then you’re the one who is dividing America, then you’re the one proving why you were actually the one making it all up that they were the psychopaths in the first place.

Poor little narcissist. The victim in everything they themselves create. When the truth is that they simply don’t want to get caught and have to answer for it.

In some ways it reminds me of the do-nothings in the Little Red Hen children’s book. No, Bill and Hill, we will not be moving on to a brighter future or seizing our opportunities together. We will not forget what you’ve done without you first admitting to and repenting from the crimes you’ve committed. We see who you are, we know your mode of operation, we will not rest until either that repentance on your end or a reckoning from ours makes sure those evils against country and against children never happen again.

That is our patriotic duty under God.

That is what we had to do under God with our own sins.

Here is one writer’s view of it. I particularly like the part where she says some of us have been so traumatized that we are waiting for an incendiary reaction from the left, which by the way is already happening on social media even if you don’t see it on the big stage:

A consistent contributing factor in Americaโ€™s division is the ongoing lack of accountability. For the past four years, right-leaning Americans watched in horror as Democrats brazenly wielded power as a political weapon.

In contrast, left-leaning Americans embraced unconstitutional home raids, special counsel witch hunts, weaponized courts, political prisoners and the systematic destruction of every standard and norm when it came to their ideological opponents.

They called this righteousness.

The former has been so traumatized these past few years that theyโ€™re unable to fully celebrate winning this election. We are all waiting for the other shoe, the rug, the hose.

The latter is crying about fascism in fear of weaponized government โ€” a 180 from their prior four year embrace of using systemic power to deliver political retribution.

This article does an excellent job spotlighting these color revolutionaries โ€” the anatomy of the swamp:

โ€œLegacy media outlets, the polling industry, the Democrat-funded nonprofits and the academics and activists who run them have all now been exposed as cogs in a giant propaganda machine.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆthe government officials and institutions who tried to bankrupt and jail Trumpโ€ฆโ€ Jack Smith and โ€œand everyone else at Bidenโ€™s DOJ who was involved in these lawfare casesโ€ฆโ€

The FBI and other agencies that engaged in โ€œone of the most egregious abuses of power in American history.โ€

While we need to heal within our communities, with our neighbors and families and friends, we cannot allow calls for โ€œunityโ€ and โ€œharmonyโ€ to prevent us from attacking the metastasized cancer in our great American experiment.

No deals.

If that seems harsh, consider that they had to know theyโ€™d get caught. Criminal enterprise never lasts forever, and the writing about this one has been on the wall too long. They knew theyโ€™d get caught, but they decided to put the country through it all anyway โ€” years of hell โ€” for no reason other than their corrupt pursuit of power.

You cannot restore public trust without truth and accountability. Both are required.

This is why I stress focusing on the information itself, not to mention the patterns, and not our “celebrity” picks and voices to do the fighting for us. Every individual character we see and hear must be viewed as ciphers of said information, not heroic stalwarts of virtue and truth. That is how we get the disasters of Obama and the delusions of Bush–we throw our weight behind a figure and go to sleep while they wreck our country. General Michael Flynn is a perfect example of this, as I use his message quite a bit to make points but have seen a ton of questionable things about his past and potential motives. Time will tell on that one, but nothing changes the fact that some of the things Flynn says are correct and useful. Vladimir Putin is another. Putin and Flynn both have helped open the Overton Window in this information war; they are ciphers of information as we the people consume, filter, process, and ultimately fight.

Again, if you’ve dated a narcissist, think about how sharp your investigative skills became, how keen your nose and eyes got to recognizing the patterns, the repetitions, the pathetic efforts to fix their mistakes, the seeds planted to escape future discovery for their future crimes. Likewise, the Communist will try to obfuscate things and try to get us just to “move on already,” while all they do is hibernate in wait for their next subversive attack.

All elections, if we’re going to have them, including this one, need to be audited. That’s not sour grapes from 2020. That’s doing what the American people must start doing again–holding their government and media accountable. That is what they fear, and that is why you are seeing the foul melody of nice sweet pleasantries that don’t have an ounce of authenticity to them.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.