Saturday, March 08, 2025

Time to Put Up or Shut Up for Trump on This Crucial Issue

There are many issues to address, obviously, including the election audit that should take place for both this year and 2020 (at least), but today I want to address the one that is intensely personal for me, and the reason I could be supporting Trump one day and then completely turning on him the next.

If you’ve followed my work, you know I have taken the position of patience with Trump, considering the landmines he’s had to dodge, including not just the obvious in leftist lunatics, but perhaps even more consequential in Americans who turned on him apparently because of his flip from a pro-life stance in his first term. Such a calculation is more than valid when one considers that Trump always answered the abortion question from pro-life advocates, after he reminded them that he got Roe v Wade abolished, that you have to win elections too.

It was as callous and cutting a remark as anyone could make to a defender of a baby’s life, but the cutting sliced even more deeply because I know I have been an active component of an American society that has allowed this culture of sex degeneracy to sink its tentacles everywhere in the first place. If it were appropriate to do so on a website such as this, I’d give you details just to prove that I know I’ve had a hand in this and I know some of this is my fault. Concerning the people who like to remind me of my past, trust me, they cannot punish me more than I have already punished myself for the life I lived in my 20s and 30s. The life I continue to have to battle in my 40s and will always battle.

So to you, reader, I am sorry for aiding in the culture of degeneracy. Genuinely so. It is why I talk about prayer and fasting so much. I do it myself. Like a drug addict turned clean and resurrected to warn people what road not to take, I know that the only real talent I have from God, my writing, cannot be buried. I have an obligation to share it, despite my past.

Or perhaps precisely because of my past. I understand how evil works.

I say all of that not as an unnecessary confession. I say it because I invite you to do the same with yourselves.

Whatever gifts you were given from God, we need them. We need everyone, whether they have five talents or two talents or just one, to avoid burying them assuming that Trump’s victory Tuesday night is now somehow going to save us. It’s not. It can’t. Because if it does, then we are on the road to perdition. God would not allow a mere man to save anyone if the society’s degeneracy continued unimpeded.

Expanding Our Understanding of the Defense of Children

But in Trump’s defense–and it is absolutely the defining defense I have for him, that didn’t have me overlooking the abortion issue, but at least had me trying to understand his difficult position–because of our own distractions and insistence on vain pleasures over the years (guilty), we have become a society incapable as a whole of providing any meaningful fight against the child trafficking/sacrifice issue in this country. Some people still think all of that is baseless conspiracy theory. Some people still are worshipping entertainers.

Trump has had to go it basically alone on that one, and he shouldn’t have had to. So much of this is our fault–and that includes pro-lifers.

That’s it. That’s why I’ve supported Trump. Because I equate the killing of children through Satanic ritual sacrifice to the killing involved in abortion. And I’d say most critics who might call my vote for Trump as being cowardly don’t have any idea whatsoever what is happening not just to young children, but to babies.


Reader, there are things I’ve seen that you wouldn’t believe. Videos. Emails. Posts. Tattoos. They are not even remotely appropriate to show on RVIVR.

I’ve seen things that Trump has had to fight behind the scenes while we worship our NFL footballs and Taylor Swifts that make it easy to support him, despite what he has publicly said about abortion and other moral issues.

This is hardly a cowardly position. Nor is it a position steeped in ignorance.

On Easter Sunday of 2020, a loved one said the word “adrenochrome” to me, explained it, and all of a sudden everything made sense. The blackmail, the reason everyone and everything seemed to be saying the same exact words all the time against those fighting against evil.

They’ve been sacrificing babies outside of the “limit” of abortion for decades, centuries, millenia.

I understood Trump’s fight against child trafficking in a whole new way. I understood that he couldn’t use the exact words–child ritual sacrifice–because the people weren’t ready for it. He used those words once from what I saw during his campaign–at some point when he was talking about how murderous and wicked the MS-13 gangs are. Sorry I don’t have evidence of that, but I believe it was around the time the President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele was cleaning house and discussing the enormity of difficulties the next president would be up against. We invite you to look into the El Salvador story and the viciousness of these gangs. Here is just the first article at the top of a quick search: Exclusive: Locking eyes with mass murderers in El Salvador.

Said in February at CPAC:

“The next president of the United States, must not only win an election, he must have the vision, the will, and the courage to do whatever it takes.. but above all, he must be able to identify the underlying forces that will conspire against himโ€ฆ.”

Bukele was talking about Trump. Because Trump is the only one that has indicated to the people that he is able to identify it. Anti-globalist Bukele certainly wasn’t talking about Ol’ Joe or Kamala.

But he also said this:

“If you want globalism to be dead here too [in addition to El Salvador], you must be willing to unapologetically fight against everything and everyone that stands for it.

I emphasize the word you. That means us.

We have to stop arguing only for the low-hanging fruit like abortion (yes, I cringed to write that in order to make my following point) and start looking into the other evils that could be put on the same plane. I’d venture to say most folks, well-meaning pro-lifers included, have no idea about ritual child sacrifice or MS-13 gangs. I’m not saying all sin is the same–don’t at all misunderstand that–but what I am saying is that if Trump is indeed one of the good guys, he has proven it going back to 2017 with his fight against child sex “trafficking” (I quote because it goes well beyond that):

Trumpโ€™s Chilling Ongoing War Against Child Sex Trafficking

What I’m also saying is that if we want to win the pro-life/pro-abortion battle, maybe the best way is to show the opposing side something they may not even know in child ritual sacrifice and why, in the devil’s eternal deception on a society in the name of “freedom,” he views the two as the same–as offerings to their “father,” as Jesus termed it in the Gospel of St John Ch 8.

Friends, child sacrifice goes way back and continues to this day. Please don’t kid yourself and think America is too civilized for that.

The fight for life means we have to be wise as serpents as Jesus also said in  the Gospel of St Matthew Ch 10. That means this must go beyond Trump! That means I emphasize, yet again, the importance of the court of public opinion, or the public mandate Trump has been saying.

We the People must fight fight fight, not for the secondary American virtues of liberty and freedom, but of the primary virtues of God that protect the lives of babies and have a moral compass about them that will never, not ever, compromise.

We read words like Bukele’s and we get the warm and fuzzies and say “damn right” to ourselves. But when we read it or hear what he says again, and actually think about it, we are forced to contend with what “fight” actually means.

If we are to take back our country, we must not depend on Trump. We must go beyond even Trump’s campaign promises, because some of them will only keep alive America’s destruction.

We Must Call on Trump to Return to His 2020 Vision

Which means that, yes, we’ll be fighting those who want to continue to be “free” to have an abortion. This false notion of “unity” cannot exist right now. We have to live the Gospel of St Matthew 10:34-36:

 35 For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

 36 And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household.  37 He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me.  38 And he that taketh not up his cross, and followeth me, is not worthy of me.  39 He that findeth his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for me, shall find it.

Are we willing to lose our lives for Christ? Many are not even willing to give up NFL football or Taylor Swift concerts. How are we going to give up our lives, or what some people may think is worse, our reputations?

To followeth Christ means to embrace the discomfort, the ridicule, the hate. That means the whip, the nails, and the cross.

So if we want to save this country, we must demand that Trump stop with the cognitive dissonance created in fighting for one group of babies but not for another. We must demand that the evil of abortion be placed right next to the evil of child sacrifice.

(Because they’re one in the same).

I believe this is where we can all come together. I believe this is a lightning rod of true unity. People–left and right and everyone in between–must be taught the realities of what is going on in the world of the occult.

Epstein, Diddy, Balenciaga, Podesta, Pizzagate, etc have given us a start. But people are still in a fog. People are still worshipping the criminals. We must be awakened in mass to exactly what is going on because obviously the message isn’t being translated.

And if that causes some people a heart attack, so be it. I’ve emphasized the slow breadcrumbing of information in this war in my work to this point, but now that the election is over, it’s time. The time for such sensitivities must exit stage right. We must demand that the Trump administration and local governments exhibit a more urgent sense about this evil that demands the tears and justice of Heaven.

Mr. Trump Disappoints on Abortion, But This Isnโ€™t About Mr. Trump

Interestingly, politically speaking, regarding abortion, the left still seems to be ignoring every word the man said during his campaign. Perhaps they recognized in his words the shifts, perhaps even disingenuousness. It would make sense, considering he shifted perhaps a few times by my recollection in this campaign alone, and seemed to shift entirely–in pro-lifers’ minds–from a Presidency that created the fall of Roe v Wade in 2022 and his being called the most pro-life President ever, the first to ever attend the pro-life rally in DC. I wrote on it back in January 2020 in a fun comparison between Trump and Batman:

With one year left in his first term in office, Trump has not only given the pro-life community hope–he’s given them real, tangible reasons to believe he is sincere and in this war for the long haul. He became the first sitting President to speak at the March for Life, Republican or Democrat.

This, after proclaiming himself pro-choice in every respect two decades ago.

โ€œTogether, we are the voice for the voiceless,โ€ he told the tens of thousands in attendance, standing on a stage alongside Republican Senators Mike Lee and James Lankford, who introduced legislation in 2015 to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding. โ€œWhen it comes to abortion, Democrats have embraced the most radical and extreme positions taken and seen in this country for years and decades, and you can even say for centuries.โ€

Trump is transforming his past. Bruce Wayne, the man behind the mask with Batman, transmutes his fear of bats–the tragedy of his past–into something good and transformative for society.

The thing is, he goes about it in his own way. And a lot of people, including the police, don’t like it.

It is precisely what President Trump is fighting with both Democrats and the Thought Police of our society.

โ€œI donโ€™t know enough about Trump to know what his stance was prior to his presidency. Even now, I donโ€™t really care what he feels. I care what heโ€™s doing,โ€ said Nicole Burnshaw of Glen Mills, PA, who attended this yearโ€™s March for Life with her nine children.

Now, with his real-life and in-person appearance at the rally, Trump has irrevocably altered the standards for future Republican candidates for office.

Because of Trump’s daring appearance on the stage, simply declaring oneself pro-life will no longer be enough. Presidential candidates, perhaps even congressional candidates, will have to put the bite behind their bark.

How different, right? A cynic could be correct in saying he flipped simply for political advantage. A realist could be correct in saying he flipped to make sure he achieved the “Too Big to Rig” tally that would make another election steal impossible, given the numbers that apparently said many women voted against him in 2020.

I’m neither a cynic nor a realist. I’m a Catholic Christian, a more severe one who believes in the old ways, and from this point forward the writing game must change for me. All those times I’ve run parallel my support for Trump along with a warning not to look at him as a savior will now make more sense. The Dems simply could not win that election–we knew that much. But many think Trump is just the other side of a coin controlled by the globalists, and there is actually a fair rabbit hole to go down to at least give it some credibility.

My point: If Trump is in fact one of the good guys and not in fact the other side of the coin, he needs to govern like it.

It is at this point that all of us, all Americans who voted for Trump, not only come forward for payment of promises given in this campaign, but also for promises and hope stirred through things like the destruction of Roe and his appearance at the 2020 pro-life march.

That means “Promises Made Promises Kept,” when you’ve promised conflicting things to different voter groups, must by default fall under the obligations we have to God Almighty and not the false values of a Godless America.

I have written countless articles for the man believing in his pro-child vision. I am behind him, I love him as a brother, and I hope that he indeed will help restore a moral compass in America. But now that the election is over and overt Communism is temporarily checked, we can move to the next mode of attack, even if that means against Trump the Politician himself. I will be keeping a very close eye on where his actual actions are, and so should you.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.