Saturday, February 22, 2025

Trump Cabinet Background Check Story Exhibits Convergence of Competing Interests

In a nutshell, the enemy’s interest has been to destroy Trump. And our interest has been to destroy the enemy cabal occupying our government, media, and institutions. I will wander just a bit today for illustration’s sake, but I won’t ramble. It is all contextual to make a point that I hope brings a lot of hope and even more fuel to your faith life as we pray for true reform in our country.

It is fascinating to observe, and it is one major reason why I continue to believe at least much of this is being orchestrated by God, by a covert military operation meant to reverse-engineer America’s mass psychosis, or a combination of both.

As reported last week, Trump has decided to bypass the typical FBI background checks for at least some of his Cabinet picks, opting instead to employ private companies to carry out the vetting process.

Immediately, in just this opening fact, two things come to mind: 1) most of us are familiar with the corruption of some elements of the FBI, and were likely thinking Trump’s decision is a sound one; and 2) maybe not so many of us may remember Trump saying, shortly after his [publicly announced] alliance with RFK Jr, that he would no longer be receiving intelligence briefings from the typical sources, because he was secure in his own.

Both of these point to Trump’s control of the entire situation long before November 6. Calm equals control, and it is a good guess that such control equals planning and coordination.

It’s the same with Trump’s totally organic visit with Joe and Mika of MSNBC and their totally organic heartfelt message to viewers about shifting their attitude toward Trump. Seemed more like a hostage video to me. This, very much in conjunction with changes we are already seeing (were seeing already, see the Chris Cuomo deployment) in CNN, the Washington Post, and the LA Times.

This was my response to “Anthony.”

It is the same with his Operation Warp Speed post on Truth Social yesterday:

Juxtapose, with what so many are blaming Trump for concerning Warp Speed, with this post from 2014:

I could go on but let me leave it there. Both the MSNBC/Mockingbird media narrative and the Warp Speed narrative are too far afield for this article, but the point is that certain stories continue to break in the formation of incredibly orderly overlaps. Different groups with different opinion points on Trump are circling around certain hot button topics.

People with different interests are starting to come to the same conclusions.

This has been happening for a long time, but the squeeze on the Marxist cabal and how they can’t seem to do anything without stepping in cow dung is becoming all the more delectable as we churn forward.

This is what Trump wants. He recognizes the information war. He is inviting the conversation, the involvement of public opinion, the intensification of the mandate. He’s been doing it for years now, since before he became President, as former social media posts always show. He throws things out there to the public, seemingly randomly at times, casting them even to the wolves, sometimes willing even to take a cluster of gouges to the leg himself as a result–(why would he flaunt Warp Speed when so many equate it with the not-really-a-vaccine vaccine, and therefore an indictment on his first administration?).

He does this because it’s the conversation that ensues that matters. Many of his foot soldiers employ it. You see it when they post something so obviously controversial or even wrong and you scroll down the thread to see the American people fighting back the only way they can–with their fingers on a keyboard.

Information war.

I don’t think I can remember one time where Trump lost a battle but didn’t win the ultimate war involving a topic. He wrote the Art of the Deal because he understands the Art of War. He is bringing up Warp Speed for a reason. He is maneuvering Joe and Minka on MSNBC for a reason.

Forgive the digression, but besides control, convergence is also a tell concerning orchestration. Note all the seemingly different stories being placed in front of the American public for consideration. And on top of that, note how the government-media’s presentation of it lines up precisely with patriots’ developing view of justice, change, and true redirection.

He is breaking this Cabinet background story now for a reason.

He is subverting the subverters. He is out-shadowing the shadow government. Not to equate Trump with God Almighty by any means, but the reason this is working for him is because he is doing exactly what God does in our lives–he takes our crooked lines and makes them straight, by going through the crooked lines themselves. He takes our weakness and makes it a strength. His grace builds on nature, taking the raw material of our individual incarnations and infusing it with the divine spirit of the Incarnate Word himself.

Trump is using the enemy’s centuries-old weapons against them.

Here is a snippet from the CNN article, and as you read it, think to yourself,  “Yes, CNN, you’re right. And that is exactly what We the People want.” The bold points are mine, followed by my quick thoughts in italics.

President-elect Donald Trumpโ€™s transition team isโ€ฏbypassing traditional FBI background checks for at least some of his Cabinet picks while using private companies to conduct vetting of potential candidates for administration jobs, people close to the transition planning say.

Good, the FBI has proven to be corrupt when it comes to Trump. What assassination attempts?

Trump and his allies believe the FBI system is slow and plagued with issues that could stymie the president-electโ€™s plan to quickly begin the work of implementing his agenda, people briefed on the plans said. Critics say the intrusive background checks sometimes turn up embarrassing information used to inflict political damage.

Indeed, the three-letter agencies and government bureaucracy in general constantly stymied Trump in his first term. Good, if embarrassing information comes up about any of them, better to come from Trump’s team itself so Trump supporters will believe it and not discard it as Deep State misinformation as reverse engineering could do.

The discussions come as Trump has floated several controversial choices for high-level positions in the US government โ€“ including Matt Gaetz for attorney general and Tulsi Gabbard for director of national intelligence.

Controversial to whom? Who is panicking? Why are they panicking? We are well-versed in the Left’s definition of “controversial choices.”

Ultimately, the president has the final authority on who he nominates and decides to share intelligence with, regardless of the established protocol set in the wake of World War II to make sure those selections donโ€™t have unknown foreign ties or other issues that could raise national security concerns.

Ah, the World War II play. The effort to conflate perceived World War II heroism with current politics is hackneyed at best. Also overplayed is pretending that even our current public officials aren’t owned by AIPAC, not to mention that little thing called dual citizenship so many enjoy. Admittedly, even Trump is on my radar with all of this. But I think I remember seeing that Gaetz has no money streaming to him from AIPAC. Keep my eyes open on that one….

But circumventing background checks would be bucking a long-established norm in Washington. It also reflects Trumpโ€™s deep mistrust of the national security establishment, which he derides as the Deep State. Sources say he has privately questioned the need for law enforcement background checks.

Um, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. Y’all are all crooks. Most of you. Didn’t Julian Assange say that when the truth is finally revealed 98% of Washington will fall? 

Dan Meyer, a national security attorney in Washington, DC, said the incoming Trump administration โ€œdoesnโ€™t want harmony.โ€ They โ€œdonโ€™t want the FBI to coordinate a norm; they want to hammer the norm,โ€ he said.

I’m sure Dan is awesome.

Some of Trumpโ€™s advisers began circulating a memo before the election, urging him to bypass the traditional background check process for some of his appointees, a source briefed on the memo told CNN. Instead of using law enforcement, the memo proposed hiring private researchers who could move more quickly to perform background checks.

The president-elect could always, however, decide to eventually submit names to the FBI.

Some of Trumpโ€™s picks for roles in his administration could run into problems during a background check, posing potential hurdles during the confirmation process.

Gaetz has been mired for years in Justice Department and House ethics investigations related to sex trafficking. The Justice Department declined to charge Gaetz, and the House ethics probe, days away from being completed, was effectively ended when the Florida congressman resigned from his seat this week. Gaetz has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

This is clear: Either he’s guilty and Trump is spotlighting him to separate himself from justice (see Fauci, Rand Paul, and the torches and pitchforks from the People), or this is the typical smear campaign.

Gabbard, meanwhile, has frequently appeared to take positions more favorable to foreign leaders widely considered not just American adversaries but, in some cases, brutal dictators, including the presidents of Syria and Russia, raising questions from allies and critics alike.

Considered by whom? By the Marxist media long intent on brainwashing the masses? What exactly has Putin done that you all said he would do back when all of this started (continued) in February 2022? Now who is the one threatening long range missiles into Russia? Who are the allies you speak of? Who are the critics? Who is Trump actually working with in a more harmonious way and always has–NATO or the BRICS nations?

Gabbard notably met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria in 2017, and said in 2019 that he was โ€œnot an enemy of the United States.โ€

In early 2022, she echoed Russian President Vladimir Putinโ€™s rationale for the countryโ€™s invasion of Ukraine, pinning the blame not on Moscow but on the Biden administrationโ€™s failure to acknowledge โ€œRussiaโ€™s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraineโ€™s becoming a member of NATOโ€ โ€” a popular strain of thought in some right-wing circles.

US biolabs in Ukraine have literally been proven to exist. See Victoria Nuland and Marco Rubio in 2022. The US-led 2014 color revolution in Ukraine is widely known. The CIA has already admitted in the NY Times earlier this year to working in Ukraine. Many of the Mockingbird media outlets have done an about face on Ukraine, damning the neo-Nazi presence there years ago but now suddenly abandoning that part of the story. We can’t have two boogeymen on our hands now, can we?–not when they’re faced off against each other as a pretext for hundreds of billions of American taxpayers’ money being needed to grease the cabal’s insidious slave system.

There’s more to the article, but you get the point. Their interests and our interests are converging. What they write in an effort to show how bad these things are, we read as validation for what we know needs to happen. I add this just as an extra from one “Burning Bright”:

Reconciled, BB.

“Trump Cabinet Background Check Story Exhibits Convergence of Competing Interests”

This is the point of the title of today’s article. Sorry it was a mouthful. But such apparent coordination in all its beauty is difficult to communicate sometimes. Have faith, and power on.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.