Friday, March 14, 2025

Adventures in Clown World: December 2024

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all!

It’s been a little while since I’ve written an article here on RVIVR–mainly due to my recent marriage and moving into a new house. So, I unfortunately didn’t have much time to do writing over the past month. Nonetheless, I wanted to write at least one more article to close out 2024.

Heading into this month, I honestly thought that the political sphere would slow down this month. After all, the presidential election taking place last month and the Christmas season rolling in made me think that we would finally get a break from major political events. Well, things never truly do slow down in “Clown World”. From more Middle East conflagrations to a brewing intra-MAGA “civil war”, December 2024 had plenty of “Clown World”-type events going on.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the final installment of “Adventures in Clown World” series this year on RVIVR:

#1 Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy “America Last” immigration rhetoric

The MAGA movement became a hodgepodge of different political factions during the 2024 election cycle. One of the newest additions to the MAGA movement is the “Little Tech” sphere–mainly consisting of libertarian Silicon Valley entrepreneurs such as David Sacks, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Vivek Ramaswamy. Most of these figures were recently supporters or donors to the Democratic party. However, they all joined the Trump train in the past year or so once they realized that Donald Trump was the favorite to win the US Presidential election against Joe Biden,

Now that the election is over, Trump’s Tech donors are now showing their true colors by calling for mass legal immigration to the United States. Most notably, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are under fire after calling or more cheap foreign labor to America via the H1B visa program as a scheme to protect corporate profits.

What’s worse, Elon Musk has reportedly censored and banned over a dozen Twitter/X accounts for directly criticizing his “America Last” and “mass immigration” rhetoric. Fortunately, some of the leaders of the MAGA movement have pushed back against Elon Musk–such As Raheem Kassam, Steve Bannon, Laura Loomer, and others.

Regardless, only in “Clown World” does a billionaire foreigner get to dictate the government policy of our country.

#2 Anti-MAGA advertisements in Washington DC

Earlier this month, residents of Washington DC found a host of advertisements near public transit showing anti-MAGA images and phrases–including “Keep DC Trash-free”.

Oddly enough, the posters show the official logo of the Washington DC City government–leading some to believe that the City Government authorized these posters. However, the DC Mayor’s office has denied any connection to the posters, and the City’s Department of Transportation has begun to remove these posters.

#3 Regime Media openly backing a coup against President Trump

In the past week, two legal scholars named Evan A. Davis and David M. Schulte penned an opinion article in The Hill that suggested that Congress has the “authority” to prevent President-elect Donald Trump from assuming the presidency on January 20, 2025. In their article, Davis and Schulte essentially claimed that Congress can use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to block President Trump from becoming President–a section that the two “scholars” fail to admit only applied to members of the Confederacy during the Civil War (over 160 years ago):

After calling Trump supporters “election deniers” for the past four years, the “Regime Media” now is calling for a literal coup against President-elect Trump and the 77 million Americans who voted for him. It is beyond me that these two “legal scholars” have not been stripped of their academic and professional credentials after calling for a political insurrection against the duly-elected President-elect. But then again, we live in “Clown World”, so anything goes for the people who side with the Regime.