Thursday, March 06, 2025

California High School Punishes Girls For Being Girls

Someday, I pray that we will look back on this transgender madness and those responsible for all of the damage they’ve done will be repentant.  Of course, that is a tall order because the radicals responsible for brainwashing themselves into believing that this is fine are suffering from profound mental illness.

The thought process is literally insane. Accepting and promoting the idea that you can change sexes just because of some naïve belief is Twilight Zone material. That belief, in many cases, leads to mutilation, disfigurement, and sterility. The left never discusses those consequences. Instead, they try to sell to the general public that anyone who disapproves of these procedures somehow harms the individual, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Other consequences are also involved, and one of the most significant is eliminating women’s rights. The left doesn’t want true equality. What they want is the completion of their agenda on an individual case basis. If a young adult male decides he is going to pretend to be female, all the left cares about is defending his right to do so. The fact that he can compete against females in what is supposed to be a women’s sport is bad enough, but then having a male in female locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms is beyond intrusive; it’s nauseating.

At Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, CA, two girls wore “Save Girl’s Sports” shirts to protest having a boy on the girls’ track and field team. The boy did not regularly attend practices and failed to meet key varsity eligibility criteria; however, he was assigned to the varsity team, which resulted in one girl losing her spot.

You may have heard about this story already, but I think it’s important to write about it because of the way the school administration handled the issue, but more importantly is the way the girls at the school handled it.

When the two female athletes arrived at school, they were confronted by the administration and told that wearing those shirts was comparable to “wearing swastikas in front of a Jewish student.” The school punished the students by issuing dress code violations and preventing them from attending class.

In protest, Over 150 students wore the same shirt to school to support the girls. The school punished these students by issuing dress code violations and barring them from attending class.

Here are the ridiculous instructions that the school emailed regarding the shirts.

A black and white text on a black background

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A black and white text on a black background

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A black and white message

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It’s interesting that, once again, the left invokes something about the Nazis over a T-shirt. It seems that the only method they have to ridicule conservative values is to reference things surrounding Hitler. How sick is it to compare a shirt correctly protesting that a male forced a female off of a women’s sports team to a swastika?

I am incredibly proud of the girls who protested this miscarriage of justice. The only way that this nonsense will ever come to an end is when the girls/women involved refuse to compete with or against a male on a female’s team.

It’s a shame that women must suffer to convince those in charge to do the right thing. But until you interrupt the left’s agenda, they will keep taking more. Biological males are not females and can’t become female, no matter how many snow globes they shake or magic lanterns that they rub.  

Those are the facts, and they are irrefutable.