Thursday, March 13, 2025

DEI Study Confirms What We Already Know

DEI is a disease created by the radical left that has infected our school systems and thousands of corporations and institutions. The idea is flawed in that you cannot have forced diversity without causing division, equity that is not based on merit, and inclusion without creating exclusion.

The results can be seen in the growing underlying tension not just on college campuses but in all grade levels of schooling. There is an increased level of intolerance on many issues, including religion, especially towards Christian values, and a growing wave of antisemitism. At the corporate level, it is now an almost everyday occurrence to hear of lawsuits brought by employees who have been either disciplined or fired because of not adhering to some bizarre mandate involving DEI. Recently, Kay Jewers fired a woman for talking about God. Although she claims that a co-worker badgered her about how she felt about Pride month, knowing she was a devout Christian. She finally explained that she is a Christian and shared her sincerely held beliefs on Godโ€™s definition of marriage and sexuality. A few weeks later, after an โ€œHR investigation,โ€ she was fired for โ€œtalking about God at work.โ€

This appears to be a setup by a pro-LGBT staff member. The American Center for Law and Justice has now filed a lawsuit on the woman’s behalf. The ACLJ has accused Signet, the parent company of Kay Jewelers, of religious intolerance.

The radicals pushing DEI claim to be doing so for good reasons, but they know the results will be otherwise and are still pushing forward with their agenda. This is precisely the same principle as those who are still advocating for COVID-19 vaccines, even when they can see the tragic results of sudden deaths, blood clotting instances, problems with sterility, and other debilitating side effects.

A recent study by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) and Rutgers Universityโ€™s Social Perception Lab found that certain DEI practices pushed on participants led some of them to become irrationally aggressive, confrontational, and antagonistic.

โ€œThe evidence presented in these studies reveals that while purporting to combat bias, some anti-oppressive DEI narratives can engender a hostile attribution bias and heighten racial suspicion, prejudicial attitudes, authoritarian policing, and support for punitive behaviors in the absence of evidence for a transgression deserving punishment.โ€

The study co-author, NCRI Chief Science Officer Joel Finkelstein, told Fox News that researchers took prominent ideas in DEI lectures and training and explored how exposing people to that ideology would affect them.

Included in the study were texts from controversial anti-racist authors Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, including themes that claim white supremacy and racism are a norm rather than an exception.

According to the study, participants who read the anti-racist material developed a โ€œhostile attribution biasโ€ and were more likely to believe in punitive measures for offenders of so-called microaggressions even without evidence.

Finkelstein states:

โ€œWhen people are supposed to see anti-racist material in the ideology, it looks like what happens is that they become more likely to punish for any evidence of wrongdoing. That includes protesting people, calling for dismissal, demanding public apologies, receiving people calling for their relocation. These punitive measures are, in some cases, costing people their jobs.โ€

The NCRI also found that anti-Islamophobia material that comes from a Muslim advocacy group may cause individuals to believe Muslim people are being mistreated, even if there is no proof of that.

โ€œDEI narratives that focus heavily on victimization and systemic oppression can foster unwarranted distrust and suspicions of institutions and alter subjective assessments of events.โ€

In addition to the NCRI study, a 2023 report by the Pew Research Center found that 52 percent of American workers are now required to attend DEI meetings or training at work.

This study confirms what we already know. DEI is a form of manipulation that transforms normal people into suspicious, paranoid aggressors. When you constantly tell one group of people that they are victims and another group that they caused the problems, all the while preaching that the country is evil, you are not benefiting those who are being lied to.

The left knows this, and the chaos they are creating is the result theyโ€™re looking for. They want division and hatred. Have you ever heard the adage โ€œDivide and Conquer?โ€ The last thing the left wants is unified citizenship. Cooperation among the population makes it difficult for them to reach their ultimate goal of a one-world government.

Studies like this justify pushing back on DEI on every occasion at all levels. Itโ€™s time to return to a sense of normalcy, and nothing about the beliefs and ideals of the left are normal. Too bad there isnโ€™t a vaccine for liberalism.