Friday, March 14, 2025

It’s A Merry Christmas, No Matter Who Tries To Deny It

You have to love when the left, who never misses an opportunity to preach about how inclusive and diverse they are, falls flat on their face after tripping over their hypocrisy. They act like morons all year, but it is gratifying to watch them foam at the mouth over two simple words… Merry Christmas.

The management of a senior adult apartment complex in Washington State deserves all the criticism they receive after rebuking a woman for writing “Merry Christmas” in the complex’s newsletter.

The woman made an honest attempt to be inclusive when she posted a newsletter with the words “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa!”

To the radicals at Cirrus Management, the company that oversees the Riverside Landing Apartments, her message was perceived as anything but friendly. The American Center for Law and Justice reports that the elderly woman was informed her message was “too religious to distribute.”

“Our client, Marie, prints a helpful newsletter at her senior apartment complex. Marie never imagined she was offending anyone. You read that right: A resident of a housing community in the United States is being prohibited from expressing Merry Christmas.”

“Marie’s freedom of speech and freedom of religion are being violated by management in other ways. They are telling her that advertising her Bible study and informing residents about visiting pastors are unacceptable while simultaneously allowing secular and irreligious events to advertise freely.”

The apartment complex ordered Marie to no longer distribute newsletters if the words “Christian” or “Christmas” were mentioned.

“Essentially, management told her that the newsletter couldn’t reflect reality and must be stripped of its very identity. She’s been told that even a spirit of inclusivity by incorporating Hanukkah and Kwanzaa isn’t enough: There must be no mention of religion at all.”

The ACLJ sent a demand letter calling Riverside Landing to immediately reverse these discriminatory policies.

“Our client – and every resident – has the right to exercise their faith and to speak freely, whether that means hosting a Bible study, publishing a newsletter, or simply saying, ‘Merry Christmas.’ If they don’t agree to comply with the law, we will be forced to take further legal action to defend Marie’s rights this Christmas.”

You can almost picture the left’s panties curling up when Christmas is mentioned. The same doesn’t happen when any other religion is mentioned. We can add Christmas Derangement Syndrome (CDS) to the list of maladies that the left suffers from.

Their estrangement, denial, and hypocrisy changes nothing. Jesus was born in human form to live, feel, experience, and sadly endure the torture of that existence. However, the tortuous end to his earthly existence was not in vain, as his existence was part of a plan that brought a pathway of salvation for the world.

Our part is easy: believe and act in accordance with the truths of reality. Treat everyone as we would like to be treated and understand the rules of civility apply to all, but the rules of advancement are based on merit. Equality cannot be reached by promoting the underserving based on skin color or sexual preference.

In the spirit of peace, I wish everyone a Very, Very Merry Christmas. God Bless You All.

Christ Is The Reason For The Season,

Merry Christmas!