Thursday, March 06, 2025

Museum Pushes Depravity As Art

We all know that modern art can be edgy—or, more accurately, downright weird. In November, a Chinese-born crypto entrepreneur, Justin Sun, purchased a piece of art at a Sotheby’s contemporary art auction for $6.2 million. The artwork named “Comedian” was nothing more than a banana duct-taped to the wall.

The banana was originally the star of a 2019 conceptual artwork by the noted prankster Maurizio Cattelan. The artwork is designed to be duct-taped onto the wall. It includes a certificate of authenticity and installation instructions for owners to replace the banana, if desired, whenever it rots.

That, to me, is weird, but there is a definite line between weird and depraved. The Modern Art Museum in Ft Worth has sprinted across that line. In a display named “Diaries of Home,” they mock morality and childhood. Among the depravity are several photographs depicting children in sexualized poses.

The Danbury Institute, a collective of public policy churches and other religious groups, is leading the effort to remove the children’s photographs from the museum’s collection.

The institute pointed out a museum plaque:

“Shockingly describes the collection as showcasing ‘children naked, moody and in suggestive situations’ to ‘evoke an edgy, dark side of childhood.’”

In a letter written to the museum by numerous pastors, religious liberty groups, and concerned citizens, they made their case against the exhibit:

“These images are presented as art, but they sexualize children and exploit their innocence. This exhibit should be called what it is: child pornography.”  

“This characterization is morally unacceptable, and the exhibit as a whole effectively works to normalize pedophilia, child sexual abuse, the LGBTQ lifestyle, and the breakdown of the God-ordained definition of family.”

They’re not wrong. The museum promoted the showing as works of art created by women and nonbinary artists that tackle “dynamics of both biological and constructed families.”

Because of the controversy, the Dallas Express sent a reporter to see the exhibit.

After visiting the museum, the reporter wrote about the experience in a story titled “Is the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth Promoting Child Porn?”

The reporter noted there was a high emphasis on “queerness.” A video presentation featured a person very concerned about how homosexuals are treated. In the video, the person stated:

“One of my major apprehensions around having a child was not knowing how we would be treated as queer people and queer parents. This is largely why I wasn’t interested in being pregnant.”

The article also listed there was a presentation showcasing a topless woman exposing herself and another photo that showed two women together in bed.

Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare blasted the exhibit. In a statement to the Dallas Express, he said this:

“There are images on display at this museum that are grossly inappropriate at best. They should be taken down immediately and investigated by law enforcement for any and all potential criminal violations. Children must be protected, and decency must prevail.”

The Tarrant County chapter of Citizens Defending Freedom expressed that the exhibit was deeply troubling and offensive.

“Child rape is not art; it is pedophilia. Every adult who approves this, from the board to the staff, should be held accountable,” said Tarrant County resident Leigh Wambsganss.

The Danbury Institute stated that the museum must remove underage children from the exhibit. The institute then made an excellent point about the lawlessness of this exhibit:

“Children cannot consent to such photography, and displaying these images publicly only perpetuates their exploitation. Such actions degrade the values of our community, endanger the innocence of childhood, and contribute to a dangerous cultural shift.”

This is the left trying once again to push the envelope into an area of acceptable perversion. Left unchecked, they will attack everything that a moral, sane society finds sacred.

This museum needs to be exposed and boycotted until everything about this exhibit is removed, but that isn’t enough. Anyone involved in approving its public display needs to be fired. Then pictures of them leaving the building need to be taken and displayed as an exhibit titled:

“Diary of Deviants Leaving the Building.”