Friday, March 14, 2025

No Christmas Trees, Santa Or Rudolph, Then No Gay Pride Or Black History Months

We tolerated the left-running yellow lights, but now they are deliberately running through red lights, and it’s time to arrest their insanity and end their mindless abuse of common sense and their fanatical attack on Christianity.

As a Christian with common sense, I can appreciate that Some Christian holidays have religious and secular celebrations. On Christmas, we decorate Christmas trees and our houses and talk about Santa Claus and his reindeer. We sing about Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Mistletoe, and even Grandma getting run over by a reindeer. Those are secular things and represent the straightforward enjoyment of the holiday season. None of those things have anything to do with the religious aspect of Christmas.

The same reasoning applies to Christians celebrating Easter. We dye eggs, pack baskets with candy, and talk about the Easter Bunny. None of which has the slightest thing to do with the real religious meaning of the holiday.

The U.S. Constitution has two main points regarding religion. First, the Establishment Clause prohibits the government from establishing a religion.

Second, the Free Exercise Clause protects citizens’ right to practice their religion as they please.

In 1962, the government banned prayer in schools because a school’s use of loudspeakers for student-led prayers was considered school-sponsored prayer, even if the students had initiated the prayer. The idea, of course, was not to expose non-Christians to Christian prayer.  

Like many ideas, the separation of church and state is up for interpretation. Unfortunately, with the radical left wielding their influence, in many instances, it is misinterpreted and always against Christianity.

Recently, the Hillsboro school district in Washington state has banned Christmas trees to promote inclusivity during the holiday season. When staff members in the district’s transportation department learned of the ban, they protested by setting up their own Christmas tree in the bus barn.

However, the district’s “transportation czar,” Carol Hatfield, ordered the school bus drivers to “tear down the Christmas tree.”

A totally unjustified memorandum was sent to staffers telling them to “decorate, but nothing directly Christmas-specific.”

“Let’s start with no tree,” Hatfield wrote to staffers. “Is this really about a Christmas tree, or is it about unconscious bias and privilege?”

She then instructed them to focus on decorating for “other cultural celebrations, such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Posadas Navideñas, and Bodhi Day.”

In other words, anything but Christmas.

Meanwhile, children at a Canadian elementary school were purportedly banned from singing about Santa Claus and Rudolph because of inclusivity concerns. A zealot teacher took it upon themselves to eliminate the lyrics from the song “Candy Cane Lane.”

School superintendent Dave Eberwein told CTV News that secular schools should not advance one holiday over another.

“We’re not canceling Santa or Rudolph in our schools. I can’t speak as to why the teacher changed that particular lyric. That would be something for the teacher to have a conversation with the parent about directly.”

“Public schools are a place where every child should feel welcomed and should feel included and should feel represented in what the school offers in terms of its teachings and its learnings.”

These school systems need to understand that the Supreme Court has established a three-part test to determine if something constitutes an “establishment of religion.”

  • The primary purpose of the assistance must be secular
  • The assistance must neither promote nor inhibit religion
  • There is no excessive entanglement between church and state 

In these instances, everything that’s got the left triggered is secular, which is defined as anything, attitudes, activities, or other things without a religious or spiritual basis. Christmas trees, Rudolph and Santa, may be associated with Christmas but are not constrained to any particular religion.

In other words, people of many faiths celebrate the season with these images, so banning them is a significant misinterpretation of the law and is nothing more than a spiteful move by joyless radicals who have no faith.

Ask yourself this: why are these items banned, but an entire month is dedicated to gay pride and black history? Is it fair to force those who aren’t gay or black to be inundated with the presence of pride flags and exposed to an alternative lifestyle that they don’t subscribe to and have no interest in? Also, by accentuating black history, isn’t that discriminating against the history of every other race?

The left’s hatred of Christianity runs so deep that they want to eliminate even secular images that can be associated with Christmas, but forcing an entire month of perversion and the history of one particular race is acceptable.

The truth is it isn’t.

We are supposed to accept the injustice, but acceptance justifies the discrimination. The time is long past when a few radicals should be allowed to dictate what is right and wrong, especially when they do it while wallowing in everything that is wrong.

The time has come to not only stand up to the left but to refuse to accept the nonsense they preach as gospel. They want to change the very fabric of our country, starting with all beliefs we hold dear.

These joyless ghouls can’t be allowed to steal our happiness. We won’t stand for it, nor will Santa, Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, or Blitzen. If any leftists don’t like it, they can wrap it up and stick it….. under their Christmas tree.