Monday, March 24, 2025

Star of the Show Ole Joe Continues to Marvel

As I’ve been prepping my mind for what I wanted to write on today, a most agitating yet satisfying realization came over me.

I wanted to write on everything.

Writing for Scott has been fun because he has allowed me the rope to dangle one foot outside the moving train while holding safely to the wall of reality and RVIVR politics. It has been a bit of a risky move to follow the likes of “narrative warfare,” “information war,” and the importance of recognizable characters and plotlines in the scope of real life, but it is turning out that risk is proving fruitful.

Because “real life” is proving itself to be more and more…and more…theatrical. As a novelist myself and one who has seriously dabbled in screenwriting, the signs–dare I say the literary elements–are all there. This is either a fascinating complex military reverse psyop on the American people to untangle the mind control produced by the original psyop, or an ongoing five-act play of the greatest Bard of them all–God himself.

Or, of course, a combination of both.

For anyone questioning this, consider how quick so many were to attribute Trump’s escape from death on July 13 to God’s saving hand. For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would believe that and not believe that a narrative is unfolding before us. If God nudged that plotline to the left, and we believe God is all-powerful and good, how can we not at least consider that he is manipulating events in a way–again quite possibly through high-powered and skilled human vessels–that will give America the chance to be a true Christian nation I don’t know it ever really had a chance to be?

I know, I know. Founding Fathers, Christian principles, all that. I know. But if you go down the rabbit hole on American history, you may begin wondering if we’ve actually been cutting ourselves short under God, and what we truly could be, precisely because we have settled for coveting what the Founding Fathers gave us as the only available contrast to a woke, corrupt, Marxist, occupied society and government that is decidedly not coveted.

But this is why I preach against the binary trap. There’s some fallacy of argument here for which I can’t quite remember the name, where the contention presented is a choice of two.

…when if we’d just climb out of Plato’s Cave we’d see a third possibility that entirely diminishes the other two.

I say all of that as an introduction to this brief today because I simply can’t make up my mind on where to focus the comedy. I don’t know if this is all comic relief to a drama or tragedy or if this is intended to be a full blown Dumb and Dumber-inspired classic, but boy, are the players on the stage making their case for the Oscars.

If they win let’s hope they give thanks to God and not Beyonce.

**Edit: My plan was to get into a lot of other things, like DeSantis as Secretary of Defense, like Trump and Trudeau, like the final House race still in question four weeks later going–get ready for the surprise–to the Democrat!

And maybe we should just keep “AOC for President 2028” as sh*ts and giggles all unto itself.

Everything is fake, even the elections. Maybe I’ll brief you on all of that tomorrow. But today I had to break the plan and stop writing after a trilogy of Ole Joe had produced 1823 words.

By the way, where oh where is Kamala?

Ole Joe, Star of the Show: Part I

I mean, it was sort of a joke at first, but did Ole Joe and his red-suited wife actually vote Donald Trump four weeks ago?

In Monday’s “With the Hunter Pardon, Ole Joe…” entry, I leaned out of the train a bit further, for the first time I believe making the thesis of an article the comedy of it all. Reading it would provide some good context for this brief.

This ongoing swan song into the good night continues to be Exhibit B on the contrast tour in making Donald Trump appear to be more the hero than he really is. Exhibit A was and is the two-tier system of justice in America, which included the never-ending witch hunts on Trump that proved to be the only campaign he needed. The opposing side has been winning Trump’s run for re-election for him, and now Ole Joe is paving the way for everything Trump has promised to do in the way of justice. Characters like Ellen DeGeneres, Reid Hoffman, Bill Maher, and Adam Schiff [et al] are all expressing their fear about Trump 2.0, but they have no one to blame but Ole Joe himself. The blueprint is being provided by the puppets of the cabal themselves, and Joe is the ring leader.

One expression is that you can learn a lot by letting things lie. It is one of the greatest personal achievements I think I attained in the classroom. Let things lie for a bit, even when those things appear urgent, especially when they involve emotion. Nine times out of ten things work out, and oftentimes, the enemy either reveals or hangs himself in the process.

This is why I see Trump’s ramblings, strange posts, and general silence on some things as a tell–he has been consistent enough with them and the story has played out along predictable lines enough to where he has earned that. Equally so, but in a humorous way, Ole Joe has earned the same.

It was good that there was anger over the Hunter Biden pardon in the immediate aftermath of the story’s breakage. Anger is what is fueling this American revival. But what may have been missed in the emotion of it all is that it seems much of the legacy media is turning on Ole Joe–yet again. And when Ole Joe is rejected, it represents the entire establishment–including the media itself–being rejected. The turds and tyrants are cannibalizing their own, and is that not a better outcome than Hunter Biden doing time or probation for tax evasion or a gun charge?

Besides, look at the year the pardon goes back to: 2014. Is there any better way than to tantalize everyday people with the natural question of, “Why that year?”

Will it not bring everything back to Ukraine?

What will happen when America en masse (it is already pretty much there) that they were duped all along with the “Standing with Ukraine” circus? What ever will happen to the little blue and yellow flags?

Oh, and more humor, even more so because I don’t even care anymore after fighting this issue for so long: Hundreds of millions of dollars more have been promised to Ukraine, making this Telegram post from BRICS today perhaps part of its own comedy:

They can’t be serious. Then again, I still see the occasional blue and yellow flag proudly waving.

As if you needed this, as there is obviously so much out there, I have been keeping this one in the Tab section on my laptop. Thought I’d share:

It is comical to think any differently.

Speaking of Ring Leader…

So not long after I released my Ode to Ole Joe on Monday, relishing the continuing cartoon nature of it all, I came across this:

Ah, yes, the ever-popular circus theme for Christmas. I deployed the term “cartoon” instead of “circus” on Monday, but certainly either one is helping the American people c.

Ole Joe, Star of the Show: Part II, orrr III

Certainly this one is not at all funny to the still-suffering people in North Carolina. Yes, that tragedy still continues in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

And yet, much like Harris promised humanitarian aid to some country (I forget which one…Lebanon?) right after either Helene or Milton ravaged the southeast, Ole Joe was making promises to poor people in Africa, and more, making completely out of touch, comical-only-because-it’s-him comments to do it.

From FOX News:

President Biden pledged $1 billion in humanitarian support to Africans displaced by historic droughts and food insecurity on Tuesday, as North Carolina residents continue to rebuild after the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.

“The United States continues to be the world’s largest provider of humanitarian aid and development assistance. That’s going to increase, you know, that’s the right thing for the wealthiest nation in the world to do,” Biden said while speaking in Angola. “Today I’m announcing over $1 billion in new humanitarian support for Africans displaced from homes by historic droughts and food insecurity. We know African leaders and citizens are seeking more than just aid. You seek investment.

“So, the United States is expanding our relationship all across Africa from assistance to aid, investment to trade, moving from patrons to partners to help bridge the infrastructure gap,” he added.

Bidenโ€™s visit to Angola this week marks the first time the president has stepped foot on African soil during his presidency, and it comes as people in North Carolina continue to face challenges after Hurricane Helene caused destruction and devastation in late September.

And here was funny Joe probably not being so funny to the good African leaders:

“We Bidens are like poor relatives. We show up when we’re invited, we stay longer when we should, eat all your food, and don’t know when to go home.”

Then this literally comes across as I’m writing this post, because I don’t have enough material as it is. Africa makes Ole Joe sleepy!

Maybe he ate too much of the Africans’ turkey, if indeed they serve it.

Here is a fact or two I didn’t really look up myself, courtesy of “Burning Bright.” I’m sure there are other numbers, but…

For context, according to various AI platforms I consulted (for whatever that is worth), two out of every five Angolans lives on less than $1.90 USD a day, and one in three lives in severe poverty. There is also a severe lack of clean water. So to hear this extremely wealthy white man who has known nothing but obscene privilege throughout his life come to a place like Angola and make his contrived boomer joke in such an intense, formal setting is laugh out loud funny. For me, it was the dementia-addled delivery that really sells it.

BB sees the humor in it too. But certainly, as we do for those suffering in North Carolina and everywhere, we share  it only to spotlight the sheer inanity of their enemy–and ours. I have to remind myself sometimes that whoever and wherever the real Joe Biden is–ok ok maybe it really is him not wearing a mask–that he has a past that is as wicked and despicable as anything America has ever seen, in particular involving the children, and that certainly is no laughing matter.


By the way, speaking of fun novels, don’t forget to order what would be a great gift for Christmas:

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer forย RVIVRย andย The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator ofย LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.