Sunday, March 09, 2025

The Chicago Teacher’s Union Is Why God Gave Us Middle Fingers

There are limits to how much aggravation anyone should accept from the left, and let’s be honest, they are well over the line of tolerance in MOST situations. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is totally out of control, and it’s time for them to return to earth.

Having stipulations when negotiating a contract is one thing; making demands is antagonistic, and when your record is so poor that you have no basis for the demands, it becomes arrogant insanity.

The CTU, by any measure of competence, has done a piss poor job. Their contract expires in June, and frankly, if they don’t become very reasonable very quickly, I would start a massive recruiting operation right now.

According to Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) data, only 31 percent of Chicago City students are proficient in reading, while only 19 percent are proficient in math. 

This means 81 percent of Chicago students cannot perform math correctly, and 69 percent cannot read well. 

Also, 41 percent of the teachers took at least ten absentee days last year.

For that dismal performance, the CTU is looking for a contract worth $50 billion.

The mayor of Chicago is a Democrat, Brandon Johson, who, believe it or not, supports paying these cardboard cutouts of teachers $145,000 annually.

That would represent an unjustified 9 percent increase, but if you think that is bad, pour yourself a stiff drink and find a comfortable chair because the rest of their demands are so far out of touch; it’s pathetic.

The CTU has also requested to have fully funded infertility and abortion care for members, as well as subsidize weight-loss surgery and drugs like Ozempic. 

Then get this: The CTU is calling for the creation of new housing for illegal aliens, new environmental initiatives, and the divestment of pension funds from fossil fuels. 

Are you disgusted yet? They also want to eliminate parents from parenting so they can manipulate young minds into believing nightmarish falsehoods. Chicago teachers want the right to keep secrets from parents 

The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) has revealed that contract negotiations are now focusing on policies to support the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ community.

IPI has learned that the CTU is requiring student pronouns and sexual orientation to be kept confidential from parents.

“The board will adopt and maintain privacy policies that explicitly assert the confidentiality of information pertaining to students’ sexual orientations and gender identities. No bargaining unit member will be required to reveal a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity without the student’s permission – even to the student’s family.”

The contract would require school officials and employees to acknowledge the preferred pronouns of all CTU members.

The CTU is also requiring that language be added to the contract to protect queer and trans students and to ensure that an affirming, inclusive curriculum is what our students deserve.

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is calling for “more trained service providers with expertise in LGBTQ+ issues,” including nurses, social workers, and counselors.

During a press conference, CTU President Stacy Davis Gates stated:

“This city is light-years behind in achieving the justice and equity it owes to its people. Despite our strong vision for change, we are facing a government that has been cut, consolidated, compromised, and closed for generations.”

This is sheer madness, and most of these demands have nothing to do with anything relevant to teaching students what they need to know. With their record of failure, where do these losers get off demanding anything? If Chicago gives in to any of these demands, you have just set the educational system back at least 50 years. These are not educators. These are leftist lobbyists working within a radical propaganda machine. This is not education; this is future misery wrapped in subversive tactics that deprive the students of proper learning techniques and attacks the inner workings of American families.

Chicago, if you care about your city’s youth, start recruiting now, learn to say no, and, if necessary, use stronger terminology to make your point very clear.