Friday, March 14, 2025

The MSM Is Still Nothing More Than A Liberal Echo Chamber

One of the left’s favorite buzzwords is misinformation. Of course, just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the definition of misinformation depends on who defines it. In the left’s case, misinformation is defined as anything that disagrees with their narrative. Truth and facts have nothing to do with that narrative, but still, in their altered reality, they label it as misinformation.

There are several methods that the left uses to reinforce their agenda. One way is to talk nonstop about misinformation that isn’t misinformation. If you keep calling everything by that name, some people will begin to believe it. Another method is completely ignoring stories that don’t jive with their program. There are thousands of cases like this, but a horrific one that occurred recently was the trial and sentencing of a gay activist couple who allegedly raped the boys they adopted from a Christian special-needs agency, pimped them out, and boasted about it on social media.

The MSM ignored this story because it demonstrates that the perversions they advocate for very often have dark consequences. The general public draws conclusions on the information that they are aware of. If you starve the public of the truth, then the left can continue to bolster their illusion of reality.

Another technique they use is the exact opposite of information starvation. They simply repeat something over and over again, apparently, until they believe it themselves. This nonstop repetition of a lie is a method of thought control or brainwashing. They inundate the airwaves because most of the major news outlets are owned by only six or seven conglomerates.

On Christmas Eve, a user on X posted a clip in which local broadcasters read from the same generic script. This script sounded like a mix of an advertisement and a public service announcement, and it was broadcast across the entire country.

We can all remember CNN and others referring to the riots after George Floyd as “mostly peaceful” while looters stormed the streets in the background and buildings burned. The Covid vaccines were also endlessly referred to as “safe and effective” even though we know now that they were neither. Then there was the lie about Joe Biden being cognizant and alert, and we know how that turned out.

The puppeteers obviously wanted to get the message out, so the local news outlets were given their marching orders, which, as usual, they followed like lemmings.

At one point, the post consisted of 36 small, rectangular boxes that appeared on the screen one by one. Each box featured a different local news station conveying the same message word-for-word.

Then at one point, they all spoke in unison:

“This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.”

Then, the small boxes disappeared, and the compilation showed fifteen consecutive local news stations delivering the identical “extremely dangerous to our democracy” message.

The radical leftists want us to believe that they learned from the ass beating they took in November, but the people in charge obviously haven’t. They are still using the same methods to try and mind meld with the American Public. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

This is what censorship looks like. It’s not just the denial of certain news, it’s the insistence that the truth is wrong and the endless force-feeding of lies.

The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it. Of course, it’s harder when the truth is tough to find, but fortunately, this time around, fewer people believe the lies.