Thursday, March 06, 2025

Bill Gates Has A New Way To Drain The Public … Mosquitos

Bill Gates, the man who used to create viruses for computers so he could sell anti-viruses, decided with COVID that computers were child’s play. When the Covid “Plandemic” began, Gates and partners used their wealth and power to control the global Covid response — with little oversight.

The result was a gradual and significant shift in power from governments to a select group of non-governmental organizations. Supported by connections at the highest levels of Western governments and strengthened by long-standing relationships with pharmaceutical companies, these four organizations began to assume roles typically carried out by governments but without the same level of accountability.

The groups identified potential vaccine manufacturers and made strategic investments in the development of tests, treatments, and vaccines. They used their influence with the World Health Organization to help create an ambitious global distribution plan for delivering these COVID-19 tools to countries in need. However, the plan ultimately did not fulfill its original promises.

After the dust had settled in 2023, investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel revealed the extent of Gates’s profits from his investments in Pfizer partner BioNTech. When the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sold its BioNTech shares at the height of their value in 2021, it made 15 times its initial investment.

Schachtel analyzed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings and discovered that the Gates Foundation reduced its BioNTech holdings by 86 percent, from 1,038,674 shares to 148,674 shares, during the third quarter of 2021, which was BioNTech’s most successful quarter.

In September 2019, just months before the pandemic was declared, the foundation bought shares at a pre-public offering price of $18.10 each. When the foundation sold these shares at an average price of $300 each, it made a profit of approximately $260 million, which is more than 15 times its initial investment.

Schachtel reported that $242 million of the profit is untaxed because the foundation invested the money. Additionally, before the third quarter of 2021, the Gates Foundation sold 2 million shares and later sold 1.4 million shares of CureVac, a German-based mRNA company, earning another $50 million.

Gates had been a huge proponent of the vaccine, but after profiting from it in a huge way, most of which was excluded from taxes, he suddenly did a 180 and went in the other direction. At the time, Schachtel wrote this.

“Bill Gates secured hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from his foundation’s impeccably timed investment in BioNTech — the Pfizer partner for its mRNA Covid shots — before dramatically reversing course and proceeding to openly cast doubt on the whole of mRNA technology.” 

After selling his stocks in November 2021, Gates said, “We need a new approach to vaccines ” because, despite his earlier claims to the contrary, the vaccines didn’t prevent transmission.

During a speech at the Lowy Institute, Gates stated:

“We also need to fix the three problems of [COVID-19] vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up, you lose protection, and they have a very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

Schachtel put it this way about Gate’s comments:

“Gates amped up his doubtful rhetoric about mRNA, continuing to distance himself from the once hyped technology he used to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in pandemic profits.”

Gates manipulated the vaccine process during the “Plandemic.” He was involved in forcing an untested, dangerous, and ineffective vaccine on a frightened and naïve public and made hundreds of millions of dollars during the undertaking.

Now Gates is at it again, with a new approach that is even more diabolic and bizarre than his vaccine fiasco. Gates has spent millions of dollars on his plan to use a “mosquito army” of “flying vaccinators” to mass vaccinate entire populations without individuals’ consent.

If you are like me, I was skeptical when I first heard about this. That said, the more I learned, it became clear that Gates was serious about making this twisted idea a reality.

In the past two years, Gates has increased his efforts to promote the use of mosquitoes to vaccinate a hesitant public. In November, a study conducted by the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), which has received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for several years, was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In September 2023, the Gates Foundation paid LUMC $1,578,317. Then, in November 2024, another $2,287,871 was provided to fund the research.

In a study conducted by LUMC, 43 adults aged 19 to 35 with no prior history of malaria were divided into three groups. Each group was exposed to mosquito bites carrying either the GA2 parasite, the GA1 parasite, or no parasite at all (placebo).

The participants received three rounds of vaccinations via mosquito bites, each 28 days apart.

The results indicated that eight out of nine participants in the GA2 group were effectively protected against malaria, in comparison to only one out of eight in the GA1 group and none in the placebo group.

The Dutch researchers aim to replicate their findings in a larger human trial. However, the decision to proceed has raised ethical concerns about informed consent and medical safety.

Critics claim that bypassing traditional vaccination methods and consent protocols could be ethically inappropriate and establish a dangerous precedent.

No kidding. Using a flying insect as a vaccination method is incredibly unethical. Conducting experiments on consenting individuals is one thing, but releasing mosquitoes on an unsuspecting public is an entirely different matter.

The idea of using mosquitoes as “flying vaccinators” dates back years. In 2010, Japanese researcher Shigeto Yoshida modified mosquito saliva to deliver leishmania vaccines to mice. Yoshida suggested that vaccinating through insects could be both painless and cost-effective.

However, humans are not mice, and Yoshida acknowledged that medical safety issues and concerns about informed consent limit the use of this method for vaccine delivery.

While Gates is advocating for widespread vaccination, leading experts are expressing concerns about plans to vaccinate entire populations without their consent. As reported by Slay News, Dr. Robert Malone, a renowned biochemist credited with inventing mRNA technology, has raised alarms about unsettling efforts to administer vaccines to the public without obtaining consent.

In a shocking interview with Infowars, Malone disclosed that the pharmaceutical industry has been planning to develop vaccines that could bypass consent. He revealed that vaccine developers have been exploring ways to vaccinate the general public through the food supply. However, he noted that scientists have struggled to create materials that can survive the human digestive system.

To address this issue, Malone stated that pharmaceutical companies have created “infectious vaccines.” He describes how these can be transmitted from one person to another, similar to a virus. This transmission method enables governments and pharmaceutical companies to forgo consent from individuals who opt not to be vaccinated.

To mitigate public dissent regarding this method, Gates has been advocating for the censorship of individuals by artificial intelligence (AI) if they challenge the official narratives about vaccines.

According to Slay News, Gates expressed his dystopian views during a recent interview with CNBC. He discussed the threat posed by anti-vaxxers and promoted plans to address vaccine hesitancy through real-time censorship enforced by AI.

Gates claims that those who urge people to avoid vaccines are “inciting violence.” Consequently, he argues that “anti-vaxxers” pose a “threat” to public health. In response, Gates advocates for strict speech “boundaries.”

Let’s face facts: Gates is delusional. The idea of vaccinating people without their consent is not only illegal, it’s unethical under any type of evaluation. The problem with the radical left is they think any idea that pops into their empty heads needs to become gospel. Aren’t these the same people who scream, “My body, my choice?” They want to pick and choose when even that can be applied.

The things that are wrong with this idea are endless. The first vaccines have proven not only to be ineffective but dangerous and, in many cases, deadly. So ask yourself, why would Gates advocate so strongly for mass vaccines without consent?

The reason is simple. Gates and others have long desired a massive reduction in the world’s population. We have no idea what those in control will “load” into the mosquitos, and once they are released, there is no way to control them. Of course, Gates and everyone involved will do this under the guise of “helping mankind.”

What may be the most despicable part of Gate’s plan is he not only wants to do this without anyone’s consent, but he also wants to silence anyone who disagrees with his demonic scheme.

They say money can’t buy happiness. Gates believes that, so he buys death instead.