Thursday, March 06, 2025

Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, And The UK’s Muslim Rape Gangs

Andrew Tate: There is an Islamic crime problem in the UK. This is an objective fact.

Elon Musk: True words.

Nathan Livingstone:@elonmusk “This Muslim under house arrest for sodomizing a fifteen year old makes some good points about Islamic crime in the UK”.

A friend shared this exchange, obviously as a criticism of Musk for agreeing with Tate.

I said this:

“A statement made by a despicable person or a hypocrite can still be true. If it’s true the truth is not affected by the source.

The Tates say a lot of things that are stupid. They also say a lot of things that are true.

It’s also the case that it’s perfectly possible for them to be BOTH personally vile AND the victims of silencing and demonisation campaigns by equally or more vile authorities.

You only consider the source. Here, Musk is simply considering the statement.”

It amazes me how people, including friends, sometimes lack basic logic and that firm bedrock of real morality that always supports logic.

If Satan himself said “there’s a Muslim crime problem in the UK” it would still be “true words” regardless of the source.

It is still, as Tate says, an objective fact. And it remains so whoever says it.

Just as trying to deflect from this fact, or treating the nature of the source expressing it as in this instance more important than the fact, is ultimately supporting the mass rape of British children by Muslim men.

For all I know the Tates are indeed sex trafficking pedos. I also know they only got into issues with the law about it when they started saying things the authorities don’t want said. I don’t know if the claims against them are solely about silencing them and false, or partially true, or fully true.

I do know that saying there is a Muslim crime problem in Britain is true. It’s too mild a statement, but it’s true. And that our current Prime Minister was part of that industrial scale mass child rape by denying it, deflecting from it, calling criticism of it being far right, and imprisoning people for telling the truth about it all while refusing to imprison the child rapists.

That’s much more important than Andrew Tate.

If a response to Muslims raping children is “well there are white perverts” or “well the people saying this aren’t nice” those are vile deflections from the truth.

The truth remains the truth, and ALL attempts to deny it regarding Muslim child rape gangs remain forms of support for child rape.

And you can always judge these things or anything controversial on the truth of a statement. When Tucker praised a scumbag who describes Churchill as the real villain of WWII as a great historian, that was vile because what the scumbag was saying was untrue and evil. The fact that Tucker has said a lot of true things previously and platformed a lot of people previously who were sharing truth doesn’t change that. Musk agreeing with a TRUE statement is not vile.

If Bill Gates suddenly turned around and said “they weren’t vaccines, and they killed people” the statement would be true, regardless of his guilt in the promotion and mandating of those treatments.

It’s sensible to be aware of the nature of a source, but not in a way that excludes objective reality.

I can’t think of any person on the planet so vile that an objectively true statement from them automatically becomes untrue. And conversely there is no person so pure and good that an objectively false statement from them becomes true.

Ignore all deflections. Hate all pedos. But the biggest pedo crime in British history was supported and is STILL supported by the people saying anything they can to pretend that there ISN’T an issue with Islam in Britain.

How can people be so bereft of logic that they don’t see this, and so bereft of morality that they don’t see this?

Tate’s statement WAS an objective fact being expressed. Nathan Livingstone’s reply WAS a roundabout way of supporting Muslim child rapists by focusing on the source of a statement rather than the content of the statement (just as telling us that Tommy used to be a football hooligan is such a deflection).

Thank God that Musk seems to have both logic and morality in his opinion forming. These are rare qualities today.