Sunday, February 09, 2025
Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Fire Department and

Los Angeles And The Inevitable Result Of Regressive Values

In most religious interpretations, Hell is a place where God does not exist and cannot be reached and a place where He can never ever hear your prayers. 

Some religious scholars say that Hell, despite popular beliefs to the contrary, is not a location where people are thrown into a lake of fire and suffer indescribable agony. They say it is more of a place where people are forever cut off from Godโ€™s grace and goodness.

Suppose Hell really is a place where chaos and bedlam reign supremeโ€ฆ.perhaps a place such as Los Angeles right now?ย 

Looters sit in wait for the next family to abandon their home. Arsonists ignite fires because they know firefighters and law enforcement officers are tied up elsewhere. The government mismanages everything about this crisis and canโ€™t even draw water out of their own fire pumps. 

Who knows what other forms of anarchy are transpiring that we won’t hear about until much, much later?


Los Angeles, for those who have never been there, has amazing weather and some of the most beautiful scenery youโ€™ll ever behold, and Iโ€™m not just talking about its beaches. Go to nearby Simi Valley, where the Reagan Presidential Library is, and youโ€™ll swear youโ€™re looking at heaven.  

Los Angeles, unfortunately, is also home to an entertainment industry that produces filth, not to mention hard-core pornography, and also overlooks the physical and sexual abuse of children. Members of this same corrupt entertainment industry push bad morals on America. They lecture us to vote for politicians who, once elected, inflict nothing but pain and misery upon honest and hard-working Americans in Flyover Country.ย 

In their own right, the people of Los Angeles elect politicians who call themselves โ€œprogressiveโ€ but, in fact, force society not to pro-gress but to re-gress. And thatโ€™s why they are ill-prepared to handle an emergency such as this. The mayorโ€™s top priority is diversity, equity, and inclusion. The fire chief is selected not for her qualifications but for her gender and sexual orientation.

Are we witnessing a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah?

Iโ€™m not saying God is unleashing His Wrath upon the city, nor am I saying that the residents of the city deserve this. But I am saying that all of this is an inevitable result of corruption, incompetence, and political correctness run amok. 

And thatโ€™s a lesson not just for the people of Los Angelesโ€ฆbut all of us. 

Special thanks to Warhammerโ€™s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer