Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Confirmation Hearings Again Expose the Real Reason Trump’s Enemies Hate Him

The easiest way to dismiss an individual or movement’s message is to label the person or people before the public is listens to them. If the country is willing to accept that a group or person is a racist, white supremacist, fascist, or authoritarian, the underlying message message of those individuals will never be relevant. The left has tried relentlessly and unsuccessfully for nearly 8 years to dismiss President Trump and his MAGA movement. The Democrats have constantly used false statements and outright lies to try to label the current President and his message.

There is a reason for this. The majority of Americans want lower taxes, a strong border, school choice, energy independence, and a foreign policy that prioritizes peace rather than constant wars and endless defense spending. The real explanation for why many Democrats and some corrupt Republicans view President Trump as an existential threat is that the estblishment cannot control him. Trump is too wealthy to be bought and too smart and strong-willed to be controlled. The MAGA movement at the core represents the American people taking back control of a broken and corrupt system to make government institutions work for ordinary citizens. The Democrats and the left have never had any cogent arguments against Trump’s policy proposals, that’s the main reason why these politicians and their allies in the media are so obsessed with trying to label the MAGA movement. Trump’s political opponents have always been petrified of the idea that his movement will be evaluated based on the successful results and popular policy proposals he espouses.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is not a Republican or even a conservative. He is a firm believer in climate change, and the environmental activist has also been close friends and political allies with many Democrats and indivduals on the left for years. Kennedy’s long-standing message about the need to stand up to pharmaceutical companies has also resonated with many progressives, including some current Senators such as Senators Warren and Sanders. Still, since Kennedy has become Trump’s nominee to be the next secretary of Health and Human Services, most Democrats have lined up against the former Presidential candidate for two main reasons. First, Kennedy cannot be controlled, he’s independently wealthy and does not need the status that comes with this position, and thus is a threat to the establishment and special interests who like politicians and leaders they can control. Second, he has obviously aligned himself with Trump and the MAGA movement.

Still, the core reason why many Democrats oppose Robert Kennedy’s nomination is that he is a disrupter and a threat to the Pharmaceutical business and other special interests that have controlled much of the US health care system for years. Kennedy doesn’t fit any of the misleading labels his opponents have throw out against him. He and his kids have received most vaccines. He spoke out against the dangers of the Covid vaccine because there was limited data, but the former Presidential candidate has still praised Operation Warp Speed. The real opposition to Kennedy’s nomination is from corrupt corporate-owned Democrats because of Kennedy’s statements on wanting to warn Americans about the dangers of processed foods and make the country aware of all the risks of vaccinations. Kennedy wants the Department of Health and Human Services to be more transparent and accountable to the public, and he’s not interested in catering to special interests. His desire to investigate and expose the dangers of processed foods and make the public aware of the real data on vaccines is a threat to the corrupt political establishment that has often been controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and other special interests for a long time. While many vaccines are important and have produced enormous benefits to society, the Biden administration refused to release data and show the public the risks as well. Kennedy wants to bring transparency and accountability to a Department that desperately needs both.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is not a racist or anti-science, he’s an independent person who wants to make the government more transparent and accountable. His goals fit very well with the overall objectives of Trump and the MAGA movement’s desire to make the government work for everyday Americans. The Democrats and the left are trying to label Kennedy before his hearing with absurd statements from people such as Caroline Kennedy, who didn’t even bring up any information from the last 30 years, because Trump’s political opponents know that these individuals can’t defeat Robert Kennedy’s nomination on substance. Trump and the MAGA movement are continuing to strip power away from the establishment and the corrupt special interests that controlled Washington D.C. for too long. President Trump and nominees such as Kennedy are an existential threat to corrupt politicians and special interests, and that’s why his political opponents so desperately want to label him and his movement to keep the public from analyzing the actual message and policies that the current President supports.