Saturday, February 08, 2025

The National Media is Quick to Move on From the New Orleans Jihadist Attack for Very Specific Reasons

Barack Obama, one of the worst Presidents in US history, mentioned Sandy Hook more than any other event during his Presidency. The divisive former President almost never referenced the rampant gun violence in Chicago and other urban areas, but he spoke frequently about Sandy Hook. There was a reason for that. The left knows that the out of control gun violence in America’s cities is linked to gangs, drugs, and the lack of family structure, not guns. Obama almost never discussed the crime issues in the Windy City despite being a Senator from Illinois who even owed a home in Hyde Park, on the south side of Chicago.

This is why the corrupt liberal media’s decision to move on quickly from one of the worst terrorist attacks in US history in New Orleans that occurred just 2 weeks ago should not surprise any informed person. Shamsud-Din Jabbar was reportedly radicalized by ISIS before he used a pick-up truck to murder 14 people and injure countless others. While shots were fired at the scene, the killer’s primary weapon of choice was a vehicle. This disgusting attack seemed to be a scaled-down version of the attack in Nice where an individual murdered 86 people and injured 434 more with a pick-up truck.

The common denominator of both attacks is that neither involved the use of an assault weapon or gun as the primary weapon by an individual to engage in mass killings. Jabbar killed 14 people quickly without using any guns, his attack showed once again that those intent on taking human life do not need firearms to effectively carry out their despicable actions. The left’s bizarre obsession with gun control has nothing to do with public safety. Many of the states and cities with the strictest gun control laws such as Chicago and Philadelphia have the highest rates of gun violence. Most murders involving guns are not mass shootings. Mass shootings only make up 1 percent of gun violence. Pistols are used in nearly 60 percent of gun violence. It is also a fact that nearly 10,000 more people died in car accidents resulting from drunk driving than in mass shootings in 2024. The Democrats are not calling to ban alcohol.

The real reason the left wants to ban so-called assault weapons, a political term with no meaning, is these political extremists want the government to be able to have complete control over ordinary citizens. The second amendment exists to protect the people from a government that could go tyannnical, this critically important part of the constitution is not about hunting and fishing. Even in the US, the sometimes abusive suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 2 are warnings of what can happen in America.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and nearly every other dictator in modern world history, banned the privative ownership of firearms. An armed citizen is the single best resistance to a government that wants to deprive its citizens of rights and liberty. While the court system offers some protections, in times of crises, such as was seen with the Koramatsu cases during World War two, the judicial system will seldom step in and put meangingful constraints on the abuses of power by the government. The facts are now clear, the Patriot Act was not focused on foreign terrorists, that disturbing piece of legislation was about giving the government more tools to surveile and infringe on the rights of American citizens. The Patriot Act also went far in sadly transforming the FBI from a respected law enforcement institution to a disturbing domestic surveillance agency that frequently infringes on the rights of everyday Americans.

The horrific New Orleans tragedy once again showed that guns are not necessary for disturbed individuals to carry out acts of violence, and the terrorist attack also showed the biggest threats to America are not right-wing groups, something any remotely objective person already knew. The corrupt and increasingly irrelevant legacy media will talk every day about mass shootings involving rifles, but these left-wing individuals were predictably quick to move on from yet another tragedy that undermines the failing message of the left.