Monday, March 24, 2025
Good vs. Evil contest: andrewchandler80 on deviantart – HD Wallpaper for PC Desktop Background

This Is Not About R vs D. This Is About “C.O.C.” –And So Much More

Cloak of Chaos.

What is raging in Los Angeles right now could have been and was predicted by many. It is both the continuation and precursor to so much more to come. And it is predictable because of recognizable patterns that the entity of Evil has followed from the very beginning of time, what it follows in our books and movies, what it follows in our relationships in real life.

It’s when you start recognizing said pattern in seemingly disparate areas and topics that things really start to make sense, really start to take on meaning transcendent of what we’ve come to understand as “real life” and “politics.”

Satan and his minions are limited in their capacities. In the divine order, they cannot create unto themselves. They must ape what God creates, which means, again, there are only so many plays they and their dark puppets all over the planet can make.

It is where the notion of patterns comes in.

โ€œPut you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfectโ€ -St Paulโ€™s Letter to the Ephesians 6:11-13

One of the deceptions they’ve used to keep us off the scent while we were distracted with other things all these decades is the binary trap, mutually exclusive thinking, particularly Republican on the Right and Democrat on the Left. “Black and White” is another. Granted, using such basic terminology can be handy for conversation’s sake, but the danger is when the hearer or reader is a staunchly literal thinker. Sadly, there are still Americans who recognize what a RINO is in conversational “peacetime” but cannot extend such basic nuance to “wartime” conversations such as what is going on right now in Los Angeles or what happened in North Carolina or New Orleans or Las Vegas or Butler or or or or or….

All of a sudden some plop right down into their previous safe camps and find it impossible to think along the same nuance.

I am reminded of a FB post I saw the other day:

Not exactly the same thing, but the basic premise is indeed identical: Too many people still cannot apply the intellect to which they’ve advanced when things are quiet to real-time thinking when they’re not quiet.

Like right now.

Understanding the psychology of the Overton Window is key to seeing why we humans struggle with this.

They think this war involves being “right” with all the details and any seemingly sensical, grounded evidence available. I have worked hard for many months to encourage people not to search out these details because you’ll find yourself looking like a kitten and its eyes going back and forth as you wag your finger in its face.

Rise up to the 40,000-foot view. Sacrifice details that are often convenient plants by the enemy anyway, and use logic to see what is going on and, for God’s sakes, risk being wrong every now and then for the sake of your friends, of your family, of humanity.

If you are still making the argument that this could not possibly be arson because most of these folks are liberals or Democrats and blue southern California might as well not be a part of the United States anyway, you truly are missing the point, and woefully so. And here’s the thing: we need you to understand. Such staged binary wars are a stale Saul Alinsky tactic of communism that, frankly, even most still-sleeping people recognize. I saw this point about Democrats and the election made about North Carolina and I’m seeing something similar with Los Angeles. Thankfully, these are much smaller in number to the positive shift in the Overton Window I am witnessing. But still, the question is worth asking: Do some of us still really think along the lines of, well, this doesn’t help the liberals politically so we must discount the conspiracy theories THIS time.

Even though they’ve been damn near spot on for how long now?

Did you know that in many (all?) of these events, there is evidence of pedophilic, Satanic activity associated? Did you know there are lots of folks out there calling attention to this, in this case the swamp of pedophilia in LA? What about Haiti and the Clinton Foundation?

Do we not see the incompetence of the government, the news about insurance policies being dropped, and other head-scratchers as anomalies worth giving at least a cursory glance?

Are we not at least going to allow the questions to be asked, for the sake of the children if it is in fact true?

This site has not even touched the real conspiracy theories.

Some folks are so concerned about being “right” that they play it safe to the detriment of the innocent. Some folks risk being wrong on some of the small things in order to draw attention to the bigger problem of evil at play.

We have to decide what type of fighter we are, if we decide to join the fray at all.

It does my heart good to see so many RVIVR readers recognizing that all of this goes well beyond party politics and just staying the “conservative” line. They recognize the age-old deception in the binary, in so many cases R vs D, and that most if not all of this is meant to cause chaos so that the true enemies pulling our strings on these fake squabbles can stay cloaked in the shadows. We can’t look at these events as lawyers trying to prove something; we have to see them as storytellers recognizing the general sweeps and patterns that have been true to Evil’s plot since its dawning. The angel of light would not serve. The angel of light took a third of the angels down with him.

And that same angel of light is trying to cloak his soul-destroying chaos in the shadows now. We say Amen to this, Christ’s warnings, on Sundays, but we must apply his words to the war raging right under our noses as we speak. Pray with me, and if you are able, fast. For as Jesus himself says in Mark 9:28, some of these devils are not cast out but by prayer and fasting.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.