Wednesday, March 26, 2025
AI Photo Courtesy of and Grok

Trump’s Next Big Battle, And The Strategy He Needs To Prevail

Donald Trump takes the oath of office Monday at noon, but the fight never ends, and everything we’ve worked so hard for is all for naught if we don’t prepare for the 2026 midterm elections.

Not next year. 

Not next month. 

But immediately. 

You don’t need a political science degree to know the history of how these things generally go.

A president wins an election. Two years later, we have midterm elections. For a variety of reasons, the opposition party performs much better than it did two years prior. If that opposition party was a minority in one or both houses of Congress then it can gain so many seats that it now has a majority in either the Senate or House of Representatives…or both.

I only know of one exception to this, in 2002, the first midterms after 9-11, when our country was on a major war footing.

In a way, hard-working middle-class taxpayers who vote MAGA are on a war footing of their own. Failure to strategize now increases the likelihood that Democrats will retake the Senate, and, certainly, the House, in November of next year. 

And guess what happens then?

The likelihood that Trump gets a Constitutional Conservative like Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia to replace any retiring U.S. Supreme Court justice goes out the window.

And, dollars to doughnuts, Trump gets impeached again. Even if he didn’t do anything wrong, Trump gets impeached again. The odds are long that the Senate would produce enough votes to actually remove him from office. Nevertheless, a third impeachment battle would, as intended, derail Trump’s agenda.

Political scientists say that divided government — gridlock — benefits our country. Fewer intrusive laws get passed. The feds don’t add as much money to the national debt. 

But under these circumstances, putting Democrats on parity with Trump is toxic. 

Trump is the best shot we have at having a government again that truly represents the best interests of middle-class folks and not one that represents wealthy lobbyists whose interests and priorities directly oppose ours’. 

Trump must continue speaking at rallies. He must warn voters about the consequences of sitting out the 2026 midterms. He needs to not only maintain the same get-out-the-vote operation he had in 2024…he needs to strengthen it.

We have a unique and historic opportunity to change America for the better. Let’s not squander it. 

Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typosFollow Warhammer on Twitter @Real_Warhammer