Saturday, March 22, 2025

Current Politics & the Ancient Enmity Between the Devil & the Seed. Or, Breaking Up on Valentine’s Day

I know, you get your butt kicked for so long and you work so hard to expose so many truths-most clandestine that when the victories start rolling in you just want to relax a bit and enjoy the offseason.


We live in an era where information is wielded as a weapon, creating a battlefield for minds on both collective and individual fronts. This information war is a reflection of the larger struggle for truth and historical accuracy, and it can be incredibly difficult to distinguish friend from foe. It’s a battle against deceit and manipulation, aimed at either preserving or distorting a nation’s narrative–a narrative that foundationally may not even be the truth unto itself. Navigating misinformation requires disentangling the knots we’ve created in our own understanding. Such work, in my opinion, means we cannot know the truth directly.

Scott posted a Quote of the Day today that I just happened upon after I finished the first draft of this post. It applies perfectly to my ongoing self-reflection and caveats against forgetting the command we have concerning moral things while we bask in the glow of the Trump effect.

“Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness.” – Leviticus 19:29

A paramount theme in analyzing political trends is the need to cultivate critical thinking and self-reflection. The narratives we consume and propagate are often laden with emotional appeals, drawing on ancient tactics used to manipulate public perception–and lead them to ruin through the path of only-fleeting victories.

I want to repeat a word there: Ancient.

These tactics are ancient. These tactics go back to the enmity God placed between the devil and the Woman and her seed in the very beginning. And ultimately this enmity is what the “deep state” this space so consistently discusses means; sure it is bureaucratic and goes back to Bill Clinton. But it also goes back to George H.W. Bush.

It also goes back to the 1960s.

The 1940s.



1800’s, etc.

I’ve been reading the papal encyclicals of the 1800s and early 1900s, even some from the 1700s.

It’s all there. We were not taught all of history, and to a staggeringly, eternally crushing degree. It’s the communists, the Bolsheviks, or other names they go by in order to hide, and always has been. Even the popes’ clear hesitation with their wording as to what forces were working inside governments suggest it, dare I say prove it. The popes were not in the dominant control so many claim. That is clear in their language. They too knew they were up against an ancient enemy, and perhaps out of fear or perhaps out of prudence, they very often chose generalities instead of specifics, trusting that the full specific truth would be carried by God to the reader.

Or else they risked having the entire ancient empire fall upon their heads and damning so many souls to hell.

This enmity goes all the way back to Christ and to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years before that. We hold exactly zero power against them without a certain all-powerful God who tells us exactly how his mind operates in the first five books of the Bible. And so much of that mind is that he allows societies to fail politically in order to exact justice for their degeneracy in moral concerns.

It is frightening, how he can lead sinners into the operation of error as St Paul puts it and keep them there, all while they believe they are following his will. It is a fear of mine that Trump’s decisive actions against things like gender insanity are going to lullaby us to sleep again, not realizing Trump has done nothing, nor can he do anything, about the still-rampant moral degeneracy in this country.

A moral degeneracy I admittedly helped to build as I lived my twenties and thirties attached to the corrupt soul-destroying tactics of cultural Marxism.

The majority of this war is on US. Not on Trump. Get out of bed, sleepyhead.

God’s punishment for sinners is oftentimes simply further sin. It is oftentimes a grip in quicksand inside a most terrifying operation of error. In other words, what if this type of thing from “KAGdrogo,” which at first glance–for myself and all of my work going back a long way included–seems perfectly in line with both patriotic and Godly values…

…but is also in itself a part of the deception?

Remember exactly what the First Commandment says.

I am reading it point blank in Exodus and Numbers–the seeming “chosenness” of the Israelites did not excuse them from their previous idolatries. And for those who believe this is just the Old Testament and Christ came to eradicate all that, consider how often both St Paul and Christ himself use the men and happenings of the Old Testament to teach the emerging religion of Christendom.

In today’s rapidly shifting political landscape, understanding the multifaceted narratives at play can be daunting. However, just as the age-old stories of fallen Man and the Tower of Babel remind us, no single analysis, certainly not one single emotion-driven social media post, holds all the answers. As we continue to monitor current political trends, hopefully, as the alternative is to allow the whirlwind of Trump moves to lullaby us into a fall sense of complacency again–when fake and rigged elections are still very much a problem that will exist when Trump leaves office–may we be vigilant in our pursuit of honestly challenging the simple binaries even conservative alternative media will lead us to.

The Democrats are done. The woke Left is done. What concerns me is that too many people don’t realize that the neat couplet of R vs D has simply shifted. We have to keep in mind that there are new binaries forming, have long been forming, as we speak. The following story should make us take pause:

“Fox Corp. said Monday it has purchased Red Seat Ventures, the digital media company whose clients include former Fox News stars Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson, in a bid to tap younger audiences and the growing podcast market.

Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

The deal represents an investment in a new area of media, the so-called creator economy, in which individual personalities such as Carlson, Kelly, Shawn Ryan and Candace Owens reach millions of subscribers via podcasts and streaming shows.

Red Seat Ventures — named for the red seat in Boston’s Fenway Park that marked the park’s longest home run — provides a range of services for talent, from billing and payroll to production support. Its client list includes former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss, former HLN host Nancy Grace, true-crime podcaster Chris Hansen, television personality Dr. Phil and former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly.

The deal brings O’Reilly, Kelly and Carlson back in the Murdoch fold, though Red Seat Ventures will operate independently within Fox’s Tubi Media Group, which operates a free video streaming service. The former Fox talent will not be employed by Fox.”

Don’t let that last sentence–one I could’ve very easily left out in order to bolster my point today–deter you from being cautious here.

It is frighteningly valid, in other words, to theorize that the firings of personalities from Fox was simply a seed planted in the American conservative’s mind that these guys and gals were “rebels” against the corrupt regime media and were truly on our side.

And that the whole time, that ridiculous, extreme gender insanity was never the goal at all, that it was only there as a tactic to eventually be removed as a seeming victory for patriots behind Trump.

It seems to be a logical strategy, if I were the Evil One.

Ancient, I tell you.

Certainly all of this is simply playing devil’s advocate. Certainly Trump and Tucker and Kirk and Posobeic and others could genuinely be on our side. Even more certainly they all have been able to reveal truths in this great awakening. I am not discounting one tittle of that.

But as we bore down the tunnel of truths said regime has worked so hard to keep from us, we must realize that there is an ultimate secret they are willing to sacrifice all the others to keep.

It is why we must follow and evaluate the information, not the information dissenters. Every single one of us must have a definite fork in the road moment planned with every single one of the TV characters we sometimes (alas) must trust every day.

As I used to teach my students and players, we must visualize to actualize.

I employed the interesting Vivek Ramaswamy narrative deployment about a year ago to discuss this fork in the road concept. We recently experienced more of that deployment with H-1B.

I even once discussed why the Bill Mahers and Stephen A Smiths of the world could speak partial truths worth considering, even though the bulk of their work is abominable.

I have very very often used Tucker Carlson’s work as legitimacy for some of the alternative theories I was floating with you, and even held back doing so more, given the sheer number of interesting guests and information dissemination for which Carlson is responsible. But that doesn’t mean he is infallible, nor does it mean he is not a part of a more complex underbelly that, again, is willing to sacrifice “smaller” truth reveals for the sake of concealing the ultimate.

In other words, we have to break up with our TV characters this Valentine’s Day, if not sooner.

Because the fog of information war is so thick, we must dedicate our time to locating and revealing the lies so they can be parsed out, allowing the truth to materialize on its own and with God’s providential hand, like one of those autostereograms that can be so frustrating and yet so satisfying when the fog finally clears.

This can be impossibly difficult.

Do you see a shark there?

Trump himself is a testament to turbulent information dynamics and dissemination. As his double entendres and “weaves” so often illustrate, it is impossible to ascertain his true motives without allowing some time to pass, without allowing time for the organic movement of public opinion to seep through the cracks of both water cooler conversations and the comment sections on X. As an example, given his very consistent style over the years, it is practically a given that there is more than meets the eye with his recent aggressiveness concerning things like Greenland and Gaza.

Combine this with the fact that I can make multiple, completely logical arguments for both negative and positive views on these stories, especially with my knowledge of Palestine, Israel, and ancient Christian teaching, and what you have is a commentator willing to be patient to see where the court of public opinion, not to mention the court of public understanding of the history never taught to us, takes us.

Who wrote those textbooks?

Trump knows that history. If he pivots on his previously established style and everything we’re seeing is to be taken at face value, it will surprise me, but not surprise me to the degree where the cognitive dissonance forces me to support him with something that is clearly not of God.

The bottom line is this: it does us no harm to juggle these two parallel narratives–to both enjoy the victories that are exposing the thieves and saving the children and be vigilant in where our fork in the road may have to be with any of these TV personalities. If we’re capable only of thinking along one of these lines at a time, then that may be a call for a look in the mirror and an article all unto itself. I invite you all to continue to enjoy the victories both conservatives and conspiracy theorists have worked so hard to achieve, yes, all the while realizing that, quite possibly, not a single one of the personalities that helped us achieve them are ever going to let us in on the ultimate endgame truth.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.