Fearing No Contraception Under Trump State Rep Chooses Sterility
Really? When I hear about things like this, I’m forced to confront the fact that some liberals are so far gone that it may be impossible for them to ever re-enter reality. As a result of their severe mental illness, they not only can’t see things as they are in the present, but their distorted view distorts their perception of the future.
As The Michigan Advance reported, Laurie Pohutsky, a 36-year-old Michigan State Rep. (D-Livonia), announced earlier this week that she had undergone surgery to permanently sterilize herself. Pohutsky announced her decision from the lawn of the Michigan Capitol building in Lansing while a protest was underway.
Now, for an otherwise seemingly healthy woman to make such a drastic choice, you would think there must be a good reason, right? However, you would be wrong. Here is what Pohutsky gave as to why she made this decision.
“Just under two weeks ago, I underwent surgery to ensure that I would never have to navigate a pregnancy in Donald Trump’s America. I refuse to let my body be treated as currency by an administration that only sees value in my ability to procreate.”
“If you know people who are questioning how serious this is, I’m going to repeat myself: A sitting government official opted for voluntary sterilization because she was uncertain she would be able to access contraception in the future.”
“We need to demand that our elected officials at all levels stop pretending this is politics as usual. It is beyond time that all elected officials force the issue instead of preemptively capitulating.”
Pohutsky, who professes to be bisexual, then demanded the other head cases who were there to also do more to stop Trump. Stop him from what exactly? Trump has never tried to prevent anyone from having children. What he wants is to stop the idea of using abortion as a form of contraception and to eliminate the idea that a person can change their sex, which includes eliminating the perverted influence of adults grooming children and the subsequent mutilation of children trying to please their groomers.
The Michigan Advance reported that the protest Pohutsky attended was part of a national “50501 Movement,” which tried to hold 50 protests in 50 states on the same day.
In addition to Michigan, demonstrations occurred at state capitals in West Virginia, Georgia, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, and Washington State. Hence, the plan was nowhere near as successful as the nutcases hoped for.
Two quotes come to mind when I think about Pohutsky’s imaginary fate.
“No person was ever so much deceived by another, as by themselves”
“A person who lies to themselves, and believes their own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth”
This is the case of a young woman who is so consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome that she tells herself lies and, by doing so, immerses not only her present but her future in regret.
Someone this susceptible to self-deception should not hold any public office. If she could convince herself that something this extreme was necessary on a personal level, what might she decide for others?