Saturday, February 22, 2025

Her Body, Yet Her Mother’s Agenda Made The Choice

I have long believed that the pro-abortion crowd doesn’t give a damn about women in general or their rights. What they care about is pushing an agenda that limits population growth on a local level. Think about it: women have more contraceptive choices now than ever before, yet they have been brainwashed into thinking that if they are irresponsible, the taking of human life is a God-given right.

It isn’t. There is a sanctity to human life, and being irresponsible isn’t a justifiable reason. If this is about a woman’s choice, why is the abortion mob only upset when the killing of a child is delayed or stopped? Why are they never heard from when a woman wants a child and is prevented from having one?

An interesting case has just arisen between two states with conflicting abortion laws. A pregnant minor in Louisiana desperately wanted to keep her child, and she should have been able to. Louisiana has some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country. So strict that it is illegal for a doctor in another state to send abortion pills into Louisiana.

Louisiana’s near-total abortion ban means physicians convicted of performing abortions, including those using pills, face penalties of up to 15 years in prison, fines of $200,000, and the loss of their medical licenses. Additionally, Louisiana is the first state to reclassify the abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol as “controlled dangerous substances.” While these drugs are still permitted in the state, medical personnel must take extra steps to access them.

In this case, the young girl was so intent on keeping the baby that she had already begun planning for a gender reveal party. Her mother contacted Dr. Margaret Carpenter in New York and obtained abortion medication. As a result, the young girl lost the baby and suffered a medical emergency that required her to be taken to the hospital.

Baton Rouge, La. District Attorney Tony Clayton stated:

“The young child was told by the mother that she had to take the pill or else, and the child took the pill. To ship a pill from another state is equivalent to me shipping fentanyl or any other type of drugs over here that end up in the mouths and stomachs of our minor kids.”

This statement on the case was Issued:

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill signed an extradition form earlier this month for Dr. Margaret Carpenter to appear, following a formal indictment from a grand jury for prescribing and sending the abortion pill within state boundaries in violation of the law.

Abortion is banned in Louisiana with exceptions for rape and incest. The two drugs used for medication abortions — mifepristone and misoprostol — are currently classified as Schedule IV controlled substances in the Pelican State.

Kathy Hochul, widely considered to be one of the worst governors in the country, continued to force the liberal Democratic agenda by ignoring the fact that a doctor in her state violated the laws of Louisiana.

Hochul demonstrated her evil intent with these words on a social media post:

“I will never under any circumstances turn this doctor over to the state of Louisiana under any extradition request. I will do everything I can to protect this doctor and allow her to continue the work that she’s doing that is so essential.”

Essential work? Killing a child is Carpenter’s essential work? This was NOT THE MOTHER’S CHOICE. This proves that the ridiculous “My body, my choice” mantra that the left embraces, only applies in circumstances that will advance innocent lives being taken.

Hochul also said:

“Louisiana has changed their laws, but that has no bearing on the laws here in the state of New York. I will not be signing an extradition order that came from the governor of Louisiana. Not now, not ever.”

Hochul added that she’s sent out a notice that certain out-of-state warrants are not enforceable in the state of New York. 

Carpenter was previously sued by the Texas attorney general over allegations of sending abortion pills to the state; however, that case did not involve any criminal charges. Following the indictment, Hochul signed new legislation that allows physicians to request pharmacies print their practice names on prescription labels while keeping their individual names confidential.

In other words, break the laws of other states and protect the identity of the murderers doing it. Send lethal medication across state lines, and don’t require the doctor’s name to be exposed.

Carpenter’s is a groundbreaking case that will challenge conflicting state laws. New York has a ‘shield law’ that protects healthcare providers from facing out-of-state investigations and prosecutions for transporting abortion medication.

Hochul is a blight on humanity. She creates radical state laws based on her personal beliefs and gives the middle finger to anyone who disagrees with her. If New York has the right to create laws that represent its population, then so does every other state.

Louisiana and many states have clearly stated laws that protect life. New York doctors need to respect those laws. Otherwise, they are criminally negligent and deserve to be prosecuted for their crimes.