Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Murphy’s Law Is Alive And Well In New Jersey

Murphy’s law is an adage that states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” American aerospace engineer Edward A. Murphy Jr. is said to have coined the saying around 1949. That may be true, but Phil Murphy, the current Democratic Governor of New Jersey, might be one of the squirrels still living in that family tree.

Over the weekend, Murphy appeared at an event held by a delusional group called “Blue Wave New Jersy.” Pretending to be a tough guy, Murphy instead demonstrated his ignorance by essentially taunting ICE and daring them to remove an illegal alien who is living at his house.

“Tammy and I were talking about….I don’t want to get into too much detail, but there’s someone in our broader universe whose immigration status is not yet at the point that they are trying to get it to, and we said, ‘You know what? Let’s have her live at our house above our garage.’ And good luck to the feds coming in to try and get her.”

Since Trump took office, ICE agents have prioritized arresting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes, including sexual acts against children, rape, robbery and murder. So far, over 7,400 illegals have been arrested that fit that description.

In March 2019, New Jersey became one of 11 sanctuary states. Murphy has implemented various programs to provide housing and support for illegals. He also introduced a policy called the “Immigration Trust Directive,” which limits the ability of state and local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE agents and immigration officials.

In 2019, Murphy signed legislation allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, delusionally claiming that this would reduce traffic-related accidents.

Newly appointed Border Czar Tom Homan stated in November that anyone who obstructs federal agents’ efforts to arrest illegal immigrants could go to jail. Trump put real teeth into this by removing a Biden-era policy that prohibited ICE agents from arresting illegal immigrants in sensitive locations, including churches, schools, and hospitals, or … apartments above the garage at a governor’s house.

Responding to the Governors taunt, Homan said this on Sean Hannity’s show:

“If he’s knowingly harboring, concealing an illegal alien, that’s a violation of Title 8, United States Code 1324. I will seek prosecution, or the secretary will seek prosecution.”

“He may be “bluffing,” but if he’s not, we’ll deal with that. I think the governor’s pretty foolish saying what he said, ‘cause I got note of it, won’t let it go, will look into it,” Homan said.

Murphy’s tough-guy act didn’t last long. Following the incident, a representative from the governor’s office informed the New York Post that Murphy’s comments had been “misinterpreted.” The representative clarified that the governor was only referring to a legal resident who expressed concern about President Donald Trump’s potential “return to the White House.”

“No one has ever lived in the home” described by the governor, the representative insisted.

In response to Murphy’s comments New Jersey Assemblyman Erik Peterson (R- District 23) slammed Murphy for thinking “he’s above the law.”

“The governor thinks he’s above the law, instead of enforcing our duly enacted laws, he’s breaking them and telling others to do the same. It’s outrageous.”

“If Murphy wants to be a social justice warrior so badly, he should resign instead of making a mockery of his oath of office to uphold the law. Authorities should make sure the person Gov. Murphy referenced is safe if ICE doesn’t act.”

“Now he wants us to believe he’s suddenly acting out of kindness? It’s about power, political theater, and maybe cheap labor to clean his mansion.”

Murphy, like some other governors, think illegal immigration is a game. They disregard the safety of their constituents and the law for no other reason than to push a liberal Democratic agenda. Any immigrant who plans on assimilating into American society enters the country legally.

The Democrats suffered what should have been an eye-opening defeat in the November election. The fact that they haven’t learned proves that they have lost touch with the American people. They still believe that we are stupid and naïve and will swallow whatever scenario the MSM propaganda delivers.

We won’t, and politicians like Murphy will soon learn that his namesake law is coming quickly to remind them.