Monday, March 10, 2025

USAID, the Sovereign Wealth Fund, and the Emergence of Trump’s Pain

And I don’t mean “pain” in the way that may first meet your eye. You’ll see what I mean by the end.

Before I get more serious concerning the robbery of America’s hard-earned wealth, let me present to you–in what is in some sickly comical way–some pretty ridiculous ways USAID has been employing our tax dollars:

That comes directly from a White House release.

I’ve been sitting on this USAID story for days now, and unfortunately I have accumulated dozens and dozens of “things” I call them as means of research and potential drops for an article for you. I will definitely have to address that little connection between USAID and my favorite crook Hillary Clinton at some point, in particular that little story I’ve frequently hinted at named “Haiti,” but alas it will have to wait. Today I present a likely collision of several seemingly disparate stories that not only affirms (as if we needed it) the work on worldwide money laundering I’ve done, particularly concerning Ukraine personally, but also may suggest a little secret hope I’ve considered–that perhaps Americans may eventually have restored to us the wealth stolen in the way of unconstitutional taxes and behind-the-scenes honey pot deals for decades and decades and decades.

Here is Ron Paul on the matter–minus my secret theory or hope–in his ever succinct yet ultra-informative way:

The same thing is coming into play with Syria, as we are now being reminded that Assad was saying all along that it was USAID that was funding the ongoing coup against him. I haven’t watched the following video, but I have watched the podcast before, and I don’t believe he is particularly sympathetic to Trump. The description reads, “USAID is often seen as a CIA tool of soft powerโ€”a way for the US to influence foreign governments without direct military intervention.” It may or may not be worth your time. I’ve even included two comments after the video from viewers that, while absolutely affirming the warnings I have been giving about Trump worship lately, do torpedo much of the presentation I offer in this specific article you’re reading. I think this is important as we avoid simply shifting one tribal dynamic of our political understanding to another, even if that means I am inviting you to disagree with me:


The USAID story also collides with election integrity, yet another narrative I have followed since “Joe Biden” totally won the very real and fair election of 2020 with a record 81 million votes:

USAID has allocated $41.7 million to Georgiaโ€™s elections through political NGOs, Shalva Papuashvili, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, posted on social media, Report informs via GPB.

โ€œConsidering the population ratio, this amount is equivalent to injecting $3.78 billion in foreign funds into US elections. The comparison becomes even more striking when based on the countriesโ€™ GDPs. It is unacceptable to spend $41.7 million on another nationโ€™s elections without expressing accountability to that nationโ€™s population.โ€

How does election integrity relate to money? Simple. Because it keeps the uniparty engine running and keeps in power the handpicked, foreign state-funded illegitimate politicians lying to you and stealing your money.

We really don’t talk enough about AIPAC, unfortunately.

Anyway, I have to even wonder if the Marco Rubio I will mention below is even a legitimate congressman, depending on how far back the corruption and illegalities go. But that would be a digression beyond this article, and certainly it only matters that, at the very least, Rubio et al are serving as narrative cyphers for the true purpose at hand–the inspiration of the American people to change, on many levels, but on a most basic one for my purposes today, its desire to value its own hard-earned wealth.

As Trump has said concerning other topics, stolen diamonds have to be returned.

Trump’s increasing insistence on ending the Fed was a whisper. Now this talk of dismantling USAID, the lifeblood (along with the actual blood of children) of deep state treachery, is an all-out shout from the rooftops, and quite literally, the pieces attached to the story simply will not stop dropping into my feed.

And yet it is they–our enemies–right now saying that abolishing USAID will rob Americans of their wealth. It is priceless psychological projection, worthy of any old narcissistic psychopathic partner cheating behind your back.

Throw in the buyout offer inside the insidious CIA–also happening at this very moment and yet another trail I’ve frequently explored in this digital space–and you may see it all, quite suddenly and quite clearly. Here is Ilhan Omar saying that the CIA has owned her through USAID since childhood. Weird, unless you can see through the false and embarrassing appeal to emotion.

Said Secretary of State Marco Rubio, โ€œThe attitude that USAID has adopted over the years is โ€˜no, we are independent of the national interests, we fund programs irrespective of whether it is aligned or not aligned with the foreign policy.’ Thatโ€™s ridiculousโ€”these are taxpayer dollars.โ€

We are at war against a clandestine enemy long warring against humanity, not just our nation, and Trump has been at the head of that war, in one way or another, even in the “pause” between 2021 and 2024. And given that fact, it is a simple first step to understand that when one group goes to war against another, then a victory over that group means that all prior financial obligations are wiped away, and to whatever degree the victor deems appropriate, the defeated entity’s assets are seized.

I don’t think this story ends with USAID’s abolishment. I think it continues. If I’m right, we will seize any and all funds still circulating the globe, which were stolen diamonds in the first place, which leads me to another of Trump’s whirlwind of moves–

The Sovereign Alliance fund.

President Donald Trump on Monday made good on a campaign promise by signing an executive order to establish the first-ever U.S. sovereign wealth fund. He then said that the fund could be used to keep TikTok operating in the United States, though he did not offer details.

“I think it’s about time that this country had a sovereign wealth fund,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office on Monday. “I think in a short period of time, we’d have one of the biggest funds.”

Sovereign wealth funds are investment funds owned by a national government as a way to stabilize the countryโ€™s economy through diversified investments and to generate wealth for future generations. They are a way for countries to invest excess capital into markets or other investments and are most common in non-Western, oil-rich countries, including Abu Dhabi, China, Norway, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent said, “We’re going to stand this thing up within the next 12 months,” but he did not specify wherefrom the money for a sovereign wealth fund would originate.

Here are two short takes on this from Badlands Media:

What is theirs, when we vanquish them, is ours indeed.

It always was.

Saudi Arabia, believe it or not, is important here. In addition to Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and to a lesser degree Syria and Venezuela lately, I have also dropped a post here and there on Saudi Arabia. I have done so because of the connection Trump forged with Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) back in 2017, and by recent extension the infamous 2017 sword dance Trump seemed to recreate–to signal and symbolize bigger things to come–on Inauguration Night.

The reason the supposed greatest nation on Earth doesn’t already have a Sovereign Wealth Fund, of course, is because our government has long been infiltrated by that very deep state I’ve been writing on since 2020. It is a mafia-like, protected by layers and plausible deniability crime syndicate that I believe will ultimately lead to a very surprising (for Americans) root source. Its sole intent is to bleed America of its wealth, even if that means utterly destroying its people both financially and spiritually.

The players inside this very mafia, those who have attained their wealth in that very war (against us) I spotlighted above, are now panicking and in agony, pulling out their very best bleeding heart appeals to pathos and the ignorance of so many people. Trump is dismantling everything they’ve built, exposing everything they’ve robbed, relegating them to the losers of a war they never thought they’d lose. They have crippled American families and laughed about it. They have stifled already-discovered cures for diseases while creating the very diseases themselves. They have silenced truth and healthy innovation and kept the poor living under interstate overpasses. The exorcists say that there are few things that infuriate the demons more than exposure, and truly we are watching this on display as we speak.

The human cattle, as Professor Faber says it in the novel Fahrenheit 451 I taught in the classroom, are being freed from their pens.

And when we see a nation like Saudi Arabia already having amassed what one commentator said was an $8 trillion fund, when we see Trump signaling Saudi Arabia in his discussion about this Fund yesterday, when we remember the alliance forged by Trump and MBS back in 2017, when we learn that said Saudi fund is directly tied to their own criminal purge and asset seizure in 2017, when we remember this writer’s conspiracy article about the connection between all of this in Saudi Arabia and that 2017 shooting in Las Vegas, when we do this and maybe a little more from our own dots we’ve been connecting…

…We realize that Trump is signaling the exact same thing, the exact same blueprint. America’s Sovereign Wealth Fund will be funded by the exposure and elimination of the forces against us, including USAID, and the seizure of all the assets of an enemy finally defeated, whipped, and vanquished.

Sure, one might say that this is just going to become another slush fund for their own pockets and simply another face for government excess.

And that is certainly a viable theory. Perhaps event the correct one.

But from the vantage point of my specific, positive perspective and presentation today, it simply doesn’t make sense when you combine it with everything else Trump is doing, everything Trump is subtly signaling if you’ve developed the instincts for it–i.e. his Saudi Arabia “weave.”

What’s theirs is ours. It is the spoils of victory.

And “ours” does not mean DC. It means ours. Each individual American.

But then again, to discredit everything I just said, I wonder what that Rumble podcast above has to say on it, because I know that dude is way smarter than I am.

Fascinating times, these are.

I have long believed that these my occasional ventures into stories involving other nations would prove fruitful eventually, even though at the time my emphasis on them may have seemed strange to readers and perhaps even my publisher. But luckily I’ve been proven right on these instincts and my deep dives time and time again (the thing on Hillary is coming!), as the ongoing disclosure of Ukraine is now so clearly proving. This USAID bombshell is just the latest in a litany of revelations to the American people that we have been lied to and robbed all along.

And that it very likely goes back to a time in our history we have been thinking was safe.

Final Thoughts on a Long Article that Still Has So Much More to Say

Keep in mind the user comments I posted above with the Rumble podcast that contradict my presentation here today. Keep in mind that this presentation today is very Trump-friendly, and that I have offered other articles that keep alive the warning concerning any blind loyalty to anyone in any secular government that doesn’t have Jesus Christ as its center.

That said, I finish with a consideration that involves neither the potential good nor the potential bad with Trump. In fact, it simply involves a societal, psychological, dare I say scientific fact that I am labeling so because, based on absolutely clear observations if we were able to throw everyone into a lab, the American people as a whole will be experiencing something monumental, and we’ll be experiencing it en masse. All of this involves that entity I’ve been saying this whole war–political and spiritual–is all about.

And it ain’t about Trump.

It’s about US.

Trump’s moves are putting his own people–including conservatives and conspiracy explorers like myself–in a narrative pincer. It is a cognitive dilemma that is forcing us to reassess our stereotypes, our narrative loyalties, and our assumptions. In other words, as just one example stemming from this post, since all of us know full well that we’ve been robbed by criminals all these decades, and now are finding out that USAID was just one criminal entity behind it all, and are recognizing Trump’s purge of sinister agencies like the CIA and other criminal organizations in the vein of Saudi Arabia, and further still are really starting to believe the conspiracy theories we’ve heard about the CIA, how can we continue to hold so tightly to our tribal mindsets about certain groups, nations, and leaders around the world?

There will absolutely be people who will force themselves to live outside the Law of Contradiction, who will go to their graves saying that up is down and down is up even when the indisputable logic continues to bubble up and the intensity of the cognitive dissonance makes them want to play Russian roulette. Consider the word conundrum of this post that dropped just before my final read-through and posting. It speaks truth, if you can wrap your head around it:

Have you ever watched The Truman Show?

All of this is hard. Very hard. It is why I have tried to teach so diligently against the logical fallacy of the false dilemma, or in my terminology with my students, the binary trap. All of those teachings are now coming back around in abundantly obvious fashion. I understand the trap and still have to remind myself not to fall for it.

This is why I have been giving the warnings on Trump. It isn’t because I don’t support him. It is because I am leery of supporting him, dare I say “liking” him, too much.

It takes time to prime our minds for reality-shattering truths we’ve built our whole lives on, or anything we’ve built since 2015 or 2020 or 2001 or 1963 or 1945 or 1929 or 1861 for that matter. That trap, if we haven’t exercised some training to escape it, will really start to get confusing now, perhaps paralyzingly so. And the interesting thing about it all is that it is Trump’s deployments that will bring the pain, whether you are a supporter of him or not.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

Jeff LeJeune is the author of several books, writer for RVIVR and The Hayride, editor, master of English and avid historian, teacher and tutor, podcaster, and creator of LeJeune Said. Visit his website at, where you can find a conglomerate of content.