Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Neurosurgeon Talks 20th Century CIA Malfeasance at Tulane University

This is about us us us. This is about how we manage better this unfolding of history compared to the last 70 years, when America experienced the more aggressive advent of the television in most every living room across America.

Us. It is why I sometimes toss out a concern here and there about Trump even though I support him and enjoy following him. There must be a line or a fork in the road moment with any person we trust, and there are certain things on which I will absolutely not follow Trump. I feel the most obvious example is sometimes the best example, like when a coach reprimands his best player. That’s why I use Trump in that regard–it just means more.

Us. We have to pull together and change. We have to pull together and fight for whatever freedom we hold most dear–and for me personally that is the freedom to worship in the faith and church of my choosing.

More specifically, this story pertains to the very screens I’m looking at right now this very second and look at all day as I research these alternative topics for you. So I don’t come as judge and jury. I know how impossible this seems–to get away from our screens and devices.

That said, the following video is just something quick to add to your bank of information in this ongoing narrative war. I don’t know Dr Kruse’s politics but I thought it would be a good opportunity to show what it means to consider seeming “conspiratorial” information and try to connect more practical, political dots already circulating in our heads. This was called the “Activate Prior Knowledge/New Information” section of the lesson during my time in the classroom. It is how a teacher moves students through the succession of Zones of Proximal Development, and one reason why I see the world stage as I do. I believe there is a master teacher above doing this very thing, like giving us links to a chain and asking us to connects those links at a steady pace.

No need to squabble on each side of our lines of scrimmage (thanks, Andy!) about this. It’s just interesting information, that personally I’ve seen pop up many times in one way, shape, or form over the last several years. If you haven’t and don’t want to believe it, fine, discard it. Or better, suspend it in the back of your mind as something you don’t believe now but will consider if more dots float your way.

We don’t have to understand everything at any given moment.

Just give God a chance to work at his pace.

If you don’t like Dr Kruse for whatever reason, all the better. I frequently practice the process of parsing out information from people I don’t particularly care for just in case God has a message for me from them. I used to do it all the time with contentious students and parents both. Fellow faculty members too. I invite you to do the same.

Have a good Tuesday, everyone.