Why Can’t Leftists Accept Irrefutable Truth?
It’s impossible for average working Americans to understand how the mind of a hardcore leftist actually works. When first confronted with their woke nonsense in the form of “politically correct” speech in the 1990s, regular people kind of shrugged and went along. “After all,” they thought, “what could be the harm in identifying people by whatever names they preferred, especially since it was long overdue that some of those antiquated, demeaning labels were retired?”
Yet, like every leftist effort to shape society, early victories only emboldened them, and, well, we ended up here in bizarro world.
A person of average IQ and reasoning skills doesn’t need an explanation to recognize how insane woke ideas are. Honestly, who would favor defunding the police as a way to lower crime rates, hiring and promoting people based on appearance to achieve excellence, opening our borders and expect neighborhoods to thrive, or mutilating children and expect them to live their lives free of mental health issues?
The Brain Roadblock
Most woke people can’t see or comprehend the obvious, and it is frustrating because their steadfast belief in delusions renders the art of persuasion useless.
Most of us have our favorite source for leftist propaganda. It’s important to stay current on the tactics and strategies the left is constantly conjuring up to diminish America and make our lives less prosperous and fulfilling. I’m not entirely sure why, but my go-to happens to be Yahoo. So, as I scrolled through the comments after reading an article on Republican hardliners supposedly revolting against the Trump agenda (they’re not), I came across a thread that started like this:
The post by the individual named “Nobody” defaulted to a staple of the leftist’s red meat playbook. “No more tax cuts for the rich and wealthy.”
The reply from the poster named “Edwordo” was brief: “The top 1% pay 40% of all federal income taxes but only make 20% of all wages.”
Game, set and match, right? I mean, if those numbers are true, and they are, shouldn’t the narrative that the rich aren’t paying their “fair share” have buried the OP? On a macro level, shouldn’t that single statistic gut one of the Democrat’s favorite class warfare arguments? Who believes that any demographic forced to pay 40% of the tax burden when they were only making 20% of all wages earned isn’t getting it jammed up the ol’ tailpipe hard?
You would imagine that in light of his (I’m assuming it’s a he) slam dunk argument, Edwordo would have been praised, but as you can see, only 4 people agreed with him while 64 disagreed.
Intrigued, I started scrolling down through other replies to Edwordo and came across these gems.
After Edwordo reminds Nobody that his data is empirical, Nobody quickly devolves into an emotional rant. “Nobody cares about the rich because they have the vast majority of the money.” In essence, the discussion has moved past one centered on fairness into a general indictment of the rich simply because they’re successful.
Then there was an attempt at deflection.
Some untruths.
And downright nastiness.
Throughout the discussion, Edwordo repeatedly points out his factual data comes from the IRS itself, but to other commenters, this is irrelevant. They don’t want to entertain the truth because it would force them to question one of their most sacred beliefs. You would have a much better chance of squeezing blood out of a turnup than to get a leftist to let go of the idea that the rich are horrible, greedy people out to exploit the poor.
How do We Deal with This Mindset?
To be fair, one person raised the argument that while the income tax percentages are skewed against the rich, they do not take into account capital gains. While this has a kernel of truth, it’s not as though capital gains aren’t taxed. A discussion of the morality of taxing a gain on capital that was already taxed twice or more would be lost on the majority of leftists, and the ones who did understand it wouldn’t care.
Which leads to a perplexing dilemma. If woke leftists can’t accept a simple, one sentence statement of fact and admit it is truth, what chance do we have of persuading them on more complicated matters? It’s like they are in some collective trance, where even providing hard evidence doesn’t alter their beliefs.
Wealthy people are a target in the way African Americans were a target in the 1950s or Jews are a target now. In this case, the rich are victimized and vilified because of their success, and the left uses their wealth as fuel to stoke hatred. There are no exceptions for those who busted their asses working 16-hour days to build better lives for themselves and their families.
Despite the fallacy and clear proof to the contrary, leftists will continue to embrace the discredited notion that rich people aren’t paying their “fair share.”
In light of all this, it makes you wonder how we will ever move forward because as long as one side clings to false stereotypes instead of factual reality, there is no hope of finding compromise solutions.