Thursday, March 13, 2025

FAA Supervisor’s Cheating Scandal Reveals Turbulent Hiring Practices

DEI is racist. DEI is immoral. DEI is illegal, and DEI is DANGEROUS.

The very idea of hiring people for the color of their skin, their gender or their sexual orientation and not for their qualifications, experience or merit is not diversification, equality or inclusiveness. It represents division, inequality and exclusion.

As wrong as stand-alone DEI is, one FAA supervisor found a way to make the disgusting practice even more despicable. Shelton Snow is influential in the National Black Coalition of Federal Employees (NBCFAE). Snow, a Navy veteran, was caught red-handed supplying minority air traffic controller candidates with the answers to exam questions to help them get a job.   

“There are some valuable pieces of information that I have taken a screenshot of, and I am going to send that to you via email,” he says in the voicemail. “I am about 99.99 percent sure that it is exactly how you need to answer each question.”

The Daily Mail broke this story and learned that Snow gave out answers to blacks, women, and other minorities trying to obtain a job with the FAA. White applicants were excluded to “minimize competition.”

Snow sent an email to prospective FAA employees with “buzz words” to include in their job applications to attract the attention of hiring supervisors. In his email he explained that:

“These buzzwords will flag your resume, thereby giving you the advantage over thousands of resumes that may flood the system.”

He also told the applicants that listing their association with the NBCFAE would help their cause.

This reportedly occurred weeks after the Obama FAA announced a hiring initiative for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), aiming to increase opportunities for women and minorities.

The full extent of how many applicants benefited from Snow’s offer is unclear. However, Matthew Douglas, a former member of the (NBCFAE), told the Daily Mail:

“I know several people who cheated, and I’m aware that several of them are currently controlling planes.”

This revelation’s timing clearly demonstrates why President Donald Trump is cracking down on DEI hires in the federal government structure and agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration.

The radical left is still using the same old tired arguments to support DEI, which is nothing more than a quota system with a different name. They embarrass themselves and every minority that they claim to defend, by saying it will prevent minorities, particularly blacks, from “succeeding.”

During the Biden administration, the Department of Justice sued fire and police departments for using standardized tests to determine candidate eligibility.

Embarrassingly, the department claimed the tests were discriminatory because primarily white candidates were passing them and demanded that the tests be made easier to accommodate non-passing minority candidates.

That statement proves the fallacy of DEI. Rather than improve the minority candidates, they want to lower the standards so more can qualify. If I was a minority candidate, I would be pissed. These people are admitting that most minorities aren’t qualified and to combat that truth they will institute a quota system to close the gap.

Is that equity? No, that is stupidity.

Pro DEI supporters would rather hire people less qualified to push an agenda, which ultimately punishes the American public, no matter what industry is involved. However, when it comes to air traffic safety, cutting corners is the gravest of sins.

Newly appointed Attorney General Pam Bondi has rescinded the lawsuits, stating that the racial disparity between those who pass and fail the tests is not significant.

In a press release, she stated:

“Despite no evidence of intentional discrimination — only statistical disparities — the prior administration branded the aptitude tests at issue in these cases as discriminatory in an effort to advance a DEI agenda. It sought to coerce cities into conducting DEI-based hiring in response and spending millions of dollars in taxpayer funds for payouts to previous applicants who had scored lower on the tests, regardless of qualifications.”

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy announced an investigation into allegations regarding DEI hiring practices at the Federal Aviation Administration on Thursday.

Duffy said:

“I am launching a full investigation into the DEI hiring allegations at the FAA immediately. If true, swift accountability will come for those responsible. We need the best and brightest, not buzzword, DEI hires.”

The announcement comes in reaction to the report from the Daily Mail that revealed Snow’s sinister hiring deception.

Snow’s actions are indefensible, and he should not be able to remain employed under any circumstances. Extensive research needs to be done to ensure the public’s safety. Who knows how many unqualified people are working in situations that they have no business being in?