From JFK to Trump: Past is Prologue
Many of the long awaited JFK files have finally been released by the federal government. While this information should have been released a long time ago, Trump decision to make these documents public highlights the fact that he is by far the most transparent President in US history. While the left has tried to endlessly smear and malign the 47th President, the reality is that Trump has taken on the establishment in ways no President in history has before, and the fearless leader has also prevailed repeatedly on issues across the board.
The parallels between the JFK and Trump are unmistakable. Both were independently wealthy before coming into office, each challenged the establishment in unique ways, and there were assassination attempts on them as well. Trump survived the multiple assassination attempts on him while JFk tragically did not. Kennedy primarily challenged the leadership of both parties on foreign policy. JFK refused to invade Cuba, made clear he would not support war with Vietnam, and also expressed interest in ending the Cold War. Kennedy was not beholden to special interest, and the main reason he was such a threat to the establishment was these individuals could not buy or control him.
The establishment cannot buy or control Trump either. The 47th President is a billionaire whose net worth has also risen dramatically with Truth Social going public. The 78-year-old leader is not interested in money, he’s focused on cleaning up the mess left by a corrupt system that has seen failed leaders from both parties run the country into the ground for years. Trump was the one who got the Abraham Accords finalized, made sure the war in Afghanistan ended, and he is now focused on bringing a close to the endless conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The President never would have allowed the disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan Biden oversaw, but he was determined and correct in his effort to end that pointless conflict that was the longest war in US history.
Trump and his allies have challenged and taken on the establishment on the border, trade, and foreign policy. The President is also on the verge of ending the War between Russia and Ukraine. If the President can get a peace agreement between Putin and Zelensky, this would be the first time in over a century that the world would be close to global peace. Trump’s first four years were some of the most peaceful the US has seen, and he is now on the verge of delivering the kind of world peace that past leaders like JFK spoke about at length.
The final connection between JFK and Trump is of course the assassination attempts on both Presidents. The offical story of Crooks attempt to kill the 47th President and the successful assassination of JFK on November 22nd, 1963, are both events where there are still more questions than answers today. The ballistic and acoustic tests done using modern technology clearly show at least 2 shooters and thus by definition a conspiracy to kill JFK. The multiple assassination attempts against Trump have many unanswered questions as well. To this day the country knows little about Crooks or Routh. Crooks had multiple encrypted accounts and Routh had many cell phones, neither individual was just an ordinary person. The security breakdowns at Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally, are also eerily similar to the disgusting violations or protection protocol that occurred in Dallas as well.
Those who don’t learn from the past are bound to repeat it, and the lessons learned from JFK’s life and death couldn’t be more relevant today. Trump is the first President in nearly 70 years since JFK to be completely independent and willing to take on a broken and corrupt system. I don’t agree with JFK on many issues, his williingness to challenge the establishment on the constant war these groups supported should be commended. While the assassination attempt on the 47th President failed, as Trump continues to challenge the establishment more, the sad but very real prospect of violence against him and his allies remains very real even in today’s world. With many of the Kennedy files now public, the US should still remember the length that individuals and groups will go to to protect financial and other interests. The tragic death and disgusting cover-up of Kennedy’s assassination are lessons of what can happen if strong leaders remain quiet when corrupt individuals try to seize power.