ICE Just Nabbed An Illegal Alien “Immigrant Advocate?” That’s What I Voted For!
Our readers might not know anything about LULAC, which is a leftist advocacy group whose full name is the League of United Latin American Citizens.
Citizens of what country, we can’t say.
We’re on LULAC’s email list for some reason, and we get their press releases. Most of them are quite uninteresting, but here and there we do find something at least slightly remarkable in them.
Lately that’s become more true.
And we’re starting to think this really is the League of United Latin American Citizens, meaning they’re citizens of Latin American countries and not the USA. We’re starting to think that based on this last press release…
“We Finally Got You”—LULAC Condemns Arrest of Latina Immigrant Advocate Jeanette Vizguerra
Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Calls Detention of Longtime Activist an Outrageous Abuse of Power
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) strongly condemns the politically motivated arrest of Jeanette Vizguerra, a longtime immigrant-rights advocate, outside a Target store in Aurora, Colorado. Vizguerra, a nationally recognized leader in the fight for immigrant justice, was taken into custody by federal immigration agents while on her break at work. As they detained her, one of the agents reportedly told her, “We finally got you.”
For over 15 years, Vizguerra has stood at the forefront of the immigrant-rights movement, fighting for families like hers. A Mexican citizen, she came to the United States in 1997, working as a house cleaner and janitor while raising three American-born children. After being ensnared by the immigration system in 2009 due to a traffic stop, she faced repeated threats of deportation. In 2017, she made national headlines when she sought sanctuary in a Denver church to avoid removal under the Trump administration’s crackdown. She was later granted temporary relief under the Biden administration, but her fight for justice never ceased.
LULAC National President and Chairman of the Board Roman Palomares issued the following statement in response to her arrest: “Jeanette Vizguerra’s detention is nothing short of an assault on the fundamental rights of every immigrant in this country. It is a chilling reminder that those who dare to stand up for justice are being targeted and silenced. But let me be clear: We will continue to defend all immigrants. They all have rights. They can try to intimidate us, they can try to scare us, but we will not surrender. Instead, we will fight even harder and stand up to these bullying actions if we don’t, we will certainly lose our democracy. We must not allow fear to rule our communities.”
Vizguerra’s arrest is part of a broader effort to criminalize and detain activists who challenge the government’s heavy-handed immigration policies. LULAC stands in solidarity with Jeanette and all those who refuse to be silenced.
“This is not just about Jeanette Vizguerra—this is about all of us. This is about whether we, as Americans, will allow our freedoms to be trampled for political gain and partisan politics. We call on every person who believes in justice to stand with us in demanding her immediate release. We will not stand by as our communities are terrorized. We will not allow our country to become a place where speaking truth to power is punished. The time to act is now.”
LULAC calls upon elected officials, advocacy organizations, and the public to speak out against this unjust detention and demand Jeanette Vizguerra’s immediate release.
It doesn’t sound like a very unjust detention. This press release isn’t exactly a balanced presentation of Jeanette Vizguerra’s story. The AP’s version isn’t a lot better, but it does have some fun details that LULAC conveniently left out, including…
Vizguerra, who came to Colorado in 1997 from Mexico City, has been fighting deportation since 2009 after she was pulled over in suburban Denver and found to have a fraudulent Social Security card with her own name and birth date but someone else’s actual number, according to a 2019 lawsuit she brought against ICE. Vizguerra did not know the number belonged to someone else at the time, it said.
The lawsuit, which she later dropped, alleged that ICE did not have a valid order to deport her after she pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count in that case because it says she voided it by agreeing to self-deport to Mexico. ICE wrongly tried to revive that order after Vizguerra was arrested for reentering the United States later, the lawsuit said.
She began living in churches in 2017 to avoid being deported under the first Trump administration after a hold on her deportation was not renewed. She was given a two-year stay of deportation after two members of Colorado’s congressional delegation, Sen. Michael Bennet and then-Rep. Jared Polis, who is now Colorado’s governor, introduced what are known as private bills to give her a path to become a permanent resident. Such delays have sometimes been extended for years as lawmakers reintroduce the measures aimed at helping individual immigrants, but few of the measures ever become law.
After that stay was not renewed in 2019, Vizguerra again entered church sanctuary but then left in 2020, according to a timeline provided by the American Friends Service Committee.
So here’s an illegal who stole someone else’s Social Security number and brazenly claimed she didn’t know what she was doing, got caught and left the country, then came back and got arrested and ICE has been trying to deport her ever since.
And meanwhile, the Left has turned her into a cause celebre because she’s a political activist working to trash our immigration laws and blow the border wide open, for purposes we know are counter to America’s national interests and ruinous to our fiscal survival.
This is exactly who I voted to get rid of. Kudos to Tom Homan, ICE and the Trump administration for showing the testicular fortitude to send this troublemaking illegal alien back to Mexico where she belongs.