Monday, March 17, 2025

Is Everything Just — Fake?

Today is about taking three things we know and floating an idea, just as I’ve done numerous times in the past. As you know if you follow my work and not just make an assumption based on a clipped Facebook post teaser, I don’t necessarily subscribe to everything I write, but I do absolutely believe in engaging with the stories as they happen instead of waiting for “them” to tell us what to think, and my work often resembles a conversation starter more than political analysis.

Such an approach invites We the People to have agency in its own destiny, and not just shifting one form of blind trust to another.

So today may seem off the beaten path, but consider it. It may very well be where we are being led by Trump and his quirky yet clear narrative deployments.

That said…

At this point, it should be hard to tell—for everyone—what was real in Joe Biden’s America.

It could have been recognized all along, of course, and the sooner we stop discounting “alternative” voices as nutty as a squirrel, the sooner all of us can extricate ourselves from this ongoing nightmare, the litany of Trump victories notwithstanding.

The latest is autopen-signed pardons that apparently go back to the Obama days—at least—which is clandestine and dishonest at best and not even legal at worst. Here was Trump on Truth Social last night:

Is this why Trump is so obvious and public about his own signings, not to mention the pens he uses to do them?

Last week we “learned” through Trump aide Alina Habba of the fake Oval Office used to stage presidential addresses. Of course a lot of people were taking note of this all along, not to mention the possibility that there was some other type of national command being implemented, a continuity of government protocol Trump would have been legally bound to implement as Commander-In-Chief at the end of his first term–if he truly felt the country was under attack by foreign invasion—to counteract the sure devious designs of the deep state behind the illegitimate Biden.

It is a little-known theory that suggests when Trump left office, the military never fully handed control over to Biden–because they knew the 2020 election was compromised.

It’s a little-known theory I held back on writing about directly besides that Sept 2023 article—until now. I didn’t see the point in stirring around the actual surface happenings if the narratives beneath the surface were being spotlighted regardless. And the specific narrative that was being spotlighted for four years was Biden and the uniparty’s incompetence, if not downright devilry.

I’ve never concerned myself about being right as much as I have monitoring what it is people actually read, see, think, and process. You have to work around your readers’ cognitive dissonance if you actually want to win this war and not just “own” people online with Facebook emojis and arrogant comments. You learn to have mercy on your audience and navigate difficult cognitive concepts when you spend so many years in the classroom.

We all are going to have to account for every single word spoken or typed when we meet our Maker soon (Matthew 12:36).

On top of the Biden incompetency and possible devilry, now I’m studying the Trump narrative deployments, reading about historical possibilities that much of our Constitution—particularly after the 10th Amendment—is not legitimate either because of how everything was forced through, and wondering exactly to what degree our current Commander-In-Chief is trying to awaken us to the need for an entire government overhaul truly led and formed by We the People.

Is everything just–fake?

What about the supposed pardons 107 days ago? I was cracking jokes about all of that for several weeks too, because the Hunter Biden “pardons” went back to early 2014, which conveniently shined a big ole Streisand Effect spotlight on some of the deep state players back then—like Anthony Fauci—and the 2014 coup in Ukraine–which preceded every revelation occurring as we speak with Russia and Ukraine. Five of the six articles below illustrate my comical approach to what narratives were colliding, and are now in the cycle again with the above Trump TS post:

This doesn’t even include the numerous other pardons.

More and more, it is becoming evident on an actual and not just conspiratorial level that the entire Biden presidency was not just controlled, not just scripted at times, but perhaps even pre-packaged like a Netflix series with the intent of showing exactly how useless our government in its current standing can be.

And it absolutely must raise the question in all of our minds—again: Is anything legitimate anymore besides whatever military operation behind the scenes is keeping this nation running on a sort of auto-pilot and defending it?

And I’m not talking about the military in terms of your second cousin who is a Marine, and I’m not talking about the television characters either; I’m talking about the true brass, the true brains, the true muscle, the ones you pretty much never see.

I’m likely talking about God and his blessings of truth revelation himself.

If the Biden administration was any more fake, it might have scored a laugh track reminiscent of the spooky scary Covid numbers we were subject to back in 2020 (with all the dramatic music!).

I don’t think it is any longer in the realm of conspiracy theory (right again!) that Biden wasn’t really in charge. Many have placed the puppeteer label on Obama.

But the sloppiness of the deep state’s moves with Biden, including the latest in this autopen thing, something they would have been sure would come out if and when Trump was back in office, indicates something more. Something that is, yes, both conspiratorial and theoretical (mostly).

I think that something more could be for us as citizens to continue to push our cognitive limits in relation to what our government could actually be in the future. I think when Trump said he was giving the government back to the people in his Inauguration Address of 2017, he very well may have been alluding to a complete overhaul to replace what we’ve come to know (or not know) in civics class.

Whether I’m wrong on this or not in terms of Trump’s motives, I think the narrative itself is strong enough for us to start (continue) pushing those limits in unison—just like the energy, the movement, toward a Trump victory started years ago and was not decided on November 5. It was decided by the people and its mandate, one everyone couldn’t help but feel, whether you voted for him or not.

Remember, engage as things are happening—don’t wait for them to inform us on what to think months or years down the road. Remember how easy it is for them to memory hole things on us. And remember that if we don’t do this—engage—we will always find ourselves behind in the information war and having to quietly acknowledge that, dawgon it, that conspiracy theorist was right about that—I’d better hide for a while until the next conspiratorial thing they say when I can laugh hysterically and try to embarrass them again.

Sounds nutty, all of this? Maybe. But then again, so did the idea of autopen pardons and fake Oval Offices 107 days ago.

So did the truth about Russia-Ukraine.

So did the truth about the jab even though your wife is a nurse and took it (mine is a doctor and didn’t and switched jobs over it).

So did the truth about Covid.

So did the truth about child trafficking.

So did the truth about the longevity of the Trump-Musk alliance.

So did the truth about RFK, Jr’s relationship to Trump.

So did everything the “nutters” have been saying since 2020 and beyond. At some point we’ll all realize that we as Americans are actually the ones in charge of the script, that we’re the only ones holding the pen, and maybe come together and fight the true enemy in government instead of each other.

Now that would be a story worth telling.

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.