Jeffrey Epstein And The Troubling Anti-Semitism Problem We Might Face
I posted most of this on X earlier today, but I’m going to expand on it a bit here. And what started the conversation was this…
I don’t know who this guy in the video is, and I probably don’t want to know.
Obviously, I don’t endorse what he’s saying. It’s pretty ugly stuff. It’s clearly anti-Semitic and it’s awfully anti-Israel as well. And I don’t fall in either of those camps. I like to think of myself as a booster of Israel. As far as I’m concerned it’s an outpost of Western civilization in the Holy Land, and Israel has to be saved. And I’ve never bought into the idea that Jewish people should be put in for any kind of hate or discrimination. It irritates me to no end that so many of them are Democrats, but so be it. Lots of black people are Democrats, too, and I don’t have any hate in my heart for black people.
And that’s politics, not race. The way I see it, racism is collectivism. Ron Paul was the first to say that, at least that I’m aware of, and he was right. Collectivist thinking is stupid, lazy thinking.
So is anti-Semitism. And what’s on that video is no good.
But here’s what worries me.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were working for the Mossad.
They were.
They were pretty likely also working for the CIA and Mi6, too, which makes this worse, but principally it appears they were Mossad assets.
And that means Mossad would be guilty of corrupting young girls from a country they’re not only allied with but catching a hell of a lot of foreign aid from.
That’s not how you treat your friends.
I want those Epstein files out in the open. I said so in the first segment of this week’s Spectacle podcast. I think it’s imperative that we start to have some transparency in this country. I think we need to hold our corrupt elites accountable, and this is about the most extreme case available for that.
But in that podcast, I said I understood why Attorney General Pam Bondi is now slow-playing the release of the Epstein files, which now marks her as a bit of an indian-giver and damages her credibility. Because what seems certain at this point is a full, unredacted release of those files is going to prove Mossad’s involvement, or commanding role, in Epstein’s underage prosecution racket.
There is going to be a reaction to that should it come to light.
And it scares the hell out of me that if we do have a full release of those files and the Mossad theory proves true, you’re going to have an anti-semitic and specifically anti-israel backlash which generally turns America into a hostile country toward Israel.
The Democrats are there already. Most of their voters are pro-Palestinian, which seems crazy. Yes, the Epstein thing would certainly be bracing, but how many Americans has Israel taking hostage, tortured and killed since October 7, 2023? I’m not aware of any number beyond zero, but we obviously know that the Gazans racked up a pretty good body count that day. We still don’t have all of our people back. And yet polling shows the Democrats still like the Palestinians better than the Israelis.
And between that polling an the appalling amount of harassment Jewish Americans are getting in cities and college campuses, mostly from people whose politics is heavily Democrat, there is no doubt we have a problem as it is.
But then you throw full public understanding that Epstein was pimping out teenage girls to rich and powerful pervs not just so that he could get the business as their financial advisor but so that Mossad would have kompromat on them? I’m worried this could make the Democrats’ position the majority one like it is in Europe.
I don’t want us to be that country.
But I also don’t want us to be the country that lets its corrupt elite be pedophiles and get away with it.
This is a mess. The only way I can suggest it be handled is that the Israelis need to serve up the individuals in Mossad responsible for backing Epstein so they get prosecuted alongside Epstein’s johns.
Do i think that would ever happen? No.
But that’s why stuff like this scares the hell out of me. Without some accountability for Epstein’s handlers, who in all likelihood killed him to hide from the consequences due them, I don’t know how you shout down people like the guy in this video.
So far, Bondi, and her boss Donald Trump, are dodging this bullet by delaying the release of the Epstein files. Maybe finding a way to end the Gaza war first would lessen the consequences of a full Epstein release, and whatever damage to Bondi’s credibility delaying it until that point might be useful enough to justify it.
Or maybe not.
The whole thing scares me. I think there will be lot more videos like this one, and the point of view expressed in it might be awfully hateful but it’s not 100 percent wrong.
And it pisses me off that it’s not 100 percent wrong.