JFK Files Don’t Answer Two Important, Seldom-Asked Questions
The remaining JFK assassination files are now declassified and available to the public, and, after seeing the summaries, two seldom discussed mysteries are still unanswered.
Two and a half years ago, an anonymous source told Tucker Carlson that the CIA was, in some way, involved.
In my write-up on this subject at the time, I said that I firmly believe, based on the evidence, Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin. The X-rays performed on JFK show that the bullets that hit him, including the fatal bullet, came from behind — which is consistent with a shot from the Texas School Book Depository.
But there is potentially still more to the story.
Two years ago I asked the following:
“Is it possible the [CIA] agency had once used Oswald in some capacity (knowingly or unknowingly), perhaps as an informant or a pawn? And the agency is too embarrassed to admit it? Did the agency recruit Oswald for a top-secret program, and things got out of hand?
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I also made the following points:
• Oswald was a psychologically maladjusted man. He had previously attempted to kill another political figure, General Edwin Walker, seven months prior, but failed.
• A witness saw someone fitting Oswald’s description fire from the Texas Schoolbook Depository.
• Oswald’s brother Robert publicly said he believed his brother Lee killed Kennedy.
• The bullet that killed Kennedy was determined to come from Oswald’s gun.
• Oswald, as we all know, worked in the Texas School Book Depository. He fled the scene of the crime, which happened at 12:30 p.m. He did not report back to work that day.
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• The FBI knew Oswald lived in Dallas and was a political subversive. Nine minutes into this video, broadcast live immediately after Oswald’s arrest, Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry informed the press that the FBI knew about Oswald in advance of JFK’s visit to Dallas and had had dealings with him. The FBI, however, did not inform the Dallas Police about Oswald.
• FBI agent James Hosty, who worked in the Dallas FBI office, said his panicked superiors ordered him to destroy a note that Oswald had supposedly left with FBI agents threatening to blow up their office. No one from the FBI thought to check up on Oswald and his access to JFK in advance of his Texas visit.
Why do people have such a hard time believing that an avowed communist who couldn’t hold a job and who, based upon his history of attention-seeking and domestic violence and attempted murder, and, who, again, had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to take out the president, wouldn’t have done so?
As far as the new findings, one that stands out concerns an intelligence agent named Gary Underhill who told friends in New Jersey in 1967 that the CIA was responsible for the assassination. Six months later, Underhill was found dead of an apparent suicide.
The New Jersey friends are likely deceased, meaning we have no way to determine if they were reliable storytellers. I see no one else who knew Underhill coming forward to talk about his character or credibility (or his mental health).
Call me skeptical.
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So far, I’m not hearing anything in these records about a man named George de Mohrenschildt. He was a wealthy guy who, for some reason, became Lee Oswald’s friend. Oswald, of course, lived dirt poor and worked odd jobs, which begs one to ask what is a guy like de Mohrenschildt doing with a guy like Oswald?
de Mohrenschildt was also a CIA asset.
Most interesting, he killed himself before he had to testify to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s.
That’s incredibly sketchy.
Oswald, in the summer of 1963 was in New Orleans passing out flyers for a pro-Fidel Castro organization, but the address listed on those flyers was for the local FBI office. That always made me think that Oswald, perhaps unknowingly, was used as some government asset to flush communists and communist sympathizers out of hiding.
Do those new documents say anything about that?
I’ve been to Dealey Plaza several times. The stuff about a grassy knoll shooter never made sense to me. A person shooting JFK from behind the fence would be far too exposed from the back, where there is a wide-open space and a railway station. Remember, the assassination happened at noon on a clear and sunny time of day. By definition, a sniper “shoots from a hiding place.” A sniper isn’t really a sniper if he’s exposed to multiple people, especially people who are behind him.
Oswald killed JFK. But did anyone else put him up to it?
At this point, I don’t think we’ll ever know.
Special thanks to Warhammer’s Wife for proofreading this story before publication to make certain there were no misspellings, grammatical errors or other embarrassing mistakes and/or typos. Follow Warhammer on X @Real_Warhammer. Read Warhammer’s stories on The Hayride by clicking here.