Sunday, March 16, 2025

Like Oil And Water Woke Ideology Is The Scum On Top Of Science

Some things don’t mix: Oil and Water, Glass Houses and Stones, Steelers and Ravens, Superman and Kryptonite, and Science and Woke Ideologies. The left has never met a delusion that they didn’t embrace. One problem with their delusions is they expect everyone else to become just as delusional as them.

By doing so, they disrupt rational societal norms. Transgenderism is a fallacy that Democrats and radical left have pushed to illogical extremes. First, transgenders don’t exist. Actually, they can’t exist. No-one can change their gender because they feel like it. Chromosomes NEVER change, so you aren’t “assigned” a gender at birth, you ARE an “unchangeable” gender at birth.

This has led to a relentless attack on females. Men, pretending to be women, are now violating the rights of biological females in their sports, locker rooms, bathrooms, and even their showers.

The male/female delusion is ridiculous enough, but the epidemic of stupidity doesn’t stop there. According to the left, you can identify as anything. Some have identified as cats or dogs, middle-aged people have identified as babies, and I recently wrote a column about a guy in Oregon whose pronouns are they/them and turtle. I guess it’s safe to say he came out of his shell.

The left’s woke ideologies aren’t just limited to gender. They love to delve into racist propaganda, while endlessly denying that they do so. Systemic white supremacy is one of their favorite myths to perpetrate and they will do so in as many ways as possible.

Ground zero for many radical attacks has centered on America’s educational system. From elementary schools through universities, the left relentlessly attacks the vulnerable and impressionable minds of the young.

Columbia has been in the news for several years for all the wrong reasons. Anti-Semitism has been rampant on the campus since the October 7 attack resulting in the disruption of classes, illegal encampments, destructive building occupations, and the vicious targeting of Jewish students. Because the school failed to correct these educational atrocities, President Trump has cancelled $400 million in federal funding previously earmarked for the university.

One professor has felt free enough to flaunt the dexterity of her ignorance in several ways. Columbia professor, neuropsychologist Jennifer J. Manly, participated in the pro-Hamas protests and stood as part of a human blockade intending to stop administrators from tearing down unauthorized encampments last spring. Photos taken at the protest, clearly show Manly wearing an orange vest and standing with other Columbia professors as they marched for Gaza, in front of signs that read “Demilitarize education” and “Palestine is Everywhere. Other banners called for financial boycott and divestment from Israel.

Manly has not only used her position to indoctrinate students at the university, with her hatred of Israel, she has also found a way to have her racial biases subsidized by American Taxpayers. The database at the National Institutes of Healthland, and others that are publicly accessible, indicate that she has been involved with over $100 million in grants over the past 20 years.

Manly has centered her research on the social determinants of health (SDH), which are the non-medical factors influencing health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, as well as the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, and political systems.

Those factors sound logical and realistically can be applied to anyone, no matter what race, gender, or religion the individual is. However, Manly then goes off the rails and her racist nature bleeds into the equation. Manly believes that racism, sexism, and homophobia can cause brain disease in “Black and Latinx communities.” A thesis that critics have correctly labeled pseudo-science.

Manly plays the race card at every opportunity, going as far as to claim that racism causes physical illness, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Last year during an interview she stated that “we shouldn’t blame people for their lifestyle choices in terms of their brain health. Rather, “systems of oppression” and “discriminatory beliefs” are what cause black people to suffer dementia at disproportionate rates.

Manly blindly claims that “Any biological differences are driven by – racism, which she defines as “the pathway through which race is ‘biologized.’” One paper Manley coauthored blames “historical patterns of segregation” for higher rates of dementia among blacks. Another paper blamed “structural sexism” for declining memory, which Manly concluded had stronger effects among black women.

Manly’s racist work is exactly the type of situation that DOGE needs to investigate. Taxpayers are unknowingly funding this bigoted ideology. The National Institutes of Health recently gave her and her team nearly $700,000 to produce work linking racism to brain disease. As part of this grant, in January, Manley and her colleagues published an article implying that blacks living in states with “high lynching proportions” experienced higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), something generally associated with a greater risk of dementia.

“High Lynching proportions?”

The article claimed that “racism is associated with inflammation and dementia risk” because it “cumulatively taxes the body resulting in worsening biological and cognitive health.” Another article conveniently concluded that “racist U.S. policies” had an “influence on cognitive health over time and dementia risk later in life.”

Psychiatrist Kurt Micelli, the Medical Director of Do No Harm, says that Manly’s positions demonstrate why DEI needs to be removed from the medical field. He finds her despicable linking of historical lynchings to black dementia rates to be “political” not scientific. He adds that the marker Manly uses to track her hypothesis of racism-invoked stress—CRP—can rapidly change and is more influenced by health factors such as obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, and high blood pressure. He states that her politically driven research wasted taxpayer money.

“There’s so much else that could be done instead of sort of focusing on an argument that . . . leads to calls for possibly reparations.”

Despite her politically based research and a history of defending pro-Hamas activism, Manly continues to help lead a multimillion dollar project funded by numerous agencies that tracks brain aging. She maintains over $20 million in active grants to support her research at the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center and the Taub Institute at Columbia.

Manly’s fixation on racism seems to have blinded her to the hatred of Israel that she so loudly professes. She has placed inappropriate emphasis on both, and the fact that Columbia has allowed her to continue to run amok is precisely why Trump has cut the school’s federal funding.

Manly has not one but two agendas. Both represent seeds of misinformation and hatred that she is trying to plant in the fertile minds of our youth. The millions of dollars in funds that she receives are allowing this to continue. Cutting off the Funding to the school is a good start, but the poison inflicted upon the unsuspecting by professors like Manly needs to be removed, roots and all.