Progressive Hatred In Fairfax County, Virginia
Over the last several years, I have written many columns about Fairfax County, Virginia. Most have been about their unapologetic, arrogant, and despicable school system. The schools there continue to be nothing more than indoctrination centers for frustrated radical malcontents who have forgotten that their goal is to educate students in specified subjects and to keep their opinions the hell out of the classrooms.
Despite between 79 and 87 percent of Americans wanting schools to stay out of their children’s sex and religious upbringing, the radical left tools that teach at these schools have continued to push an agenda of death and delusion while reading, writing, and math scores continue to plummet.
Using the celebration of “Women’s History Month” as an excuse, West Springfield High School decided to desecrate the alphabet, something rarely seen in high schools, to promote everything irrational using letters and images to line the school’s hallways.
The school’s weak attempt to explain the disgusting display titled “The ABCs to ME,” which is decorated with the school’s colors of a blue background lined with an orange border, is to say that:
“The Women’s History class is celebrating and bringing awareness to what it means to be a young woman today at West Springfield High School and in the world.”
However, the school has a strange definition of celebrating. The first letter reads “A is for Abortion” and is accompanied by a picture of a coat hanger with a positive pregnancy test.
Unfortunately, the alphabet has 26 letters, which gave the school 25 additional opportunities to brainwash and offend. For instance, these losers think that “H is a for hope,” which is a wholesome thought, except they have a picture of Kamala Harris as the image to represent it.
To these brain-dead robots, “J is for justice,” but the image that accompanies it is of the Statue of Liberty holding a female sign in place of a torch, with her other fist raised. The Palestinian flag, Ukrainian flag, and transgender flag surround Lady Liberty.
The school then put men in the crosshairs by defining “L is for leadership,” associated with images of three loudmouthed loser women, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Michelle Obama, and Kamala Harris. To complete the attack, the school labeled “M is for Mansplain,” another derogatory description of men who try to explain things to women.
“N is for NOW,” the National Organization for Women, which is a hypocritical name for an organization that supports the inclusion of transgender women in women’s sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms.
“Q, of course, is for Queer.” The “Queer” in LGBTQ serves as an umbrella term to include individuals who may not identify strictly as L, G, B, or T, helping them feel recognized and valued.
“T is for Trans Women.” The sign displays a transgender flag heart inside the circle of the symbol for a female.
To summarize, “Z is for male gaze,” which demonstrates, once again, that poor test scores aren’t enough and that leftist education consists of nothing more than raw indoctrination.
This school district has its head jammed so far into its code of conduct that still requires mandated pronouns that it can’t see the damage it’s doing to young impressionable minds. The mandates are under investigation by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.
Fairfax County remains one of the offenders that believes it is above federal law and the Constitution. They need a strong reminder that this is a PUBLIC school that is funded by taxpayer dollars.
This display is unacceptable. It highlights the severe issues in the public education system and the urgent need for school choice in America.
The Constitution states that a school system or any government entity cannot embrace and promote a particular religion. Religion, in its most fundamental sense, is a lifestyle that an individual chooses. So how is promoting these alternative lifestyles, not the same thing? The non-stop push for LGBTQ acceptance is proof that Fairfax County schools and others are promoting a form of religion.
Perverse and disturbing yes, and also illegal to promote. These people hate to be told no. Therefore, the lesson they receive must be harsh enough that they have no choice but to cease and desist their illegal and immoral activities.