The Left’s Call for Schumer’s Head Signals the End for Moderates in the Democratic Party
There once was a Democratic party that balanced the budget, cut spending, reformed welfare, and worked well with Republicans. When Bill Clinton became President in 1992 and then pivoted to the right after New Gingrich took over Congress in 1994, the more moderate and successful version of the party looked built to win elections for years to come. The Democrats had a broad base in the 1990s, and the party had the support of the working class as well.
The 1990s seems like a distant memory now. Today’s Democratic party is one that represents elites and progressives. The party looks down on the working class. There are no more Reagan Democrats, those individuals are Trump Republicans, conservatives are now the party with a broad-based coalition that includes working-class Americans. The takeover of the Democratic party by the left, which started when Obama won in 2008, and then accelerated with Bernie’s progressive movement that eventually displaced the moderates in the party, is now complete. The far-left owns the Democratic party and they control the current agenda. These radicals have no patience or tolerance for moderates or people willing to work with the President on even issues Democrats agreed with Trump on.
This is why the many Democrats calling for Schumer’s head after the Senator recently signaled he would support Republicans continuing resolution to fund the government and avert a shutdown is a key moment for the future of the Democratic Party. The American spoke clearly and loudly this past November. Trump won the popular vote and the electoral college, the President has a clear mandate for his policy agenda. The Democrats would come across as childish and unwilling to accept the results of the 2024 election if the left were to shut the government down without offering any real or substantive alternatives. Schumer knows this, and that’s why he supports Repoublicans continuing resolution.
These facts are irrelveant to the the far-left though. These radicals who control today’s lost Democratic party refuse to compromise with Republicans or work with Trump on even the most basic issues such as cleaning up government waste. This is why no one should be surprised that many leading Democrats are now calling for AOC to primary Schumer, and she has already spoken out vocally against her senior colleague. The moderate wing of the Democratic party gets smaller every year, the far-left owns today’s pathetic Democratic party. These extremists will also do anything and everything to take Trump and the MAGA movement down.
The upcoming battle between Schumer and the far-left is a battle the longtime Senator from New York cannot likely win. The energy and most of the votes of the Democratic party today are with progressives not moderates, that’s a big part of the reason Harris chose incompetent Walz over Shapiro to be her running mate. If Schumer is replaced by the far-left simply for being willing to vote for a Republican budget less than 5 months after conservatives won a resounding victory, this will signal the end of the already small moderate wing of a Democratic Party that is completely out of touch with the American public.