The Pathetic Legacy Media Tries to Gaslight on the Real Reason the Economy is Slowing
Not a day goes by that the left and their allies in the media don’t lie about Trump and the MAGA movement. One of the main reasons the traditional press has little to no credibility with most of the American people is because the people running the legacy media have decided that their job is to destroy the President, not report the news. Indeed, many in old media still think that these individuals are defending Democracy, the tired line that Harris ran on and failed to win with.
Anyone who has taken Macroeconomics 101 knows that in order to get prices down rates usually need to up and the economy will slow down. There is obviously a lag between when rates are lowered and the time period during which growth slows, but this is part of the natural process of making the country more affordable for middle and working class individuals. The average monthly payment for a mortgage is nearly twice was the cost of financing housing was just 5 years ago, that’s the price of the Fed having to deal with the inflation created by Biden and his policies, the so-called Bidenomics.
There have been multiple large companies that have announced significant recent layoffs, such as Chevron and JP Morgan, and these massive firings were clearly planned well before January, and many executives such as Jamie Dimon at Chase likely didn’t want to make these decisions before the election when Biden and Harris were trying to argue the economy was still stable. The economy is clearly and predictable slowing, which is part of the necessary process of getting the prices down that rose dramatically during the four long years of failed economic policies by Biden and the left.
This is why the corrupt liberal media has now managed to sink to an even new low, with thse left-wing activists now trying to blame the recent economic slowdown on Trump, who has been in office for less than 2 months. Biden spent at historically high levels, and unlike Trump, who focused on rebuilding the military and making sure our corporate tax code made US companies competitive with their international peers, the failed previous regime was wasteful. The absurdly named Inflation Reduction Act did nothing for the American people, and prices continued to rise, the bill was nearly $2 trillion in wasted money. The misleading named infrastructure bill allocated very little money to actual infrastructure projects as well.
Biden and the left failed in every possible way over the last 4 years. The previous regime further polarized the country, wrecked the economy, and made the US weaker abroad, with wars breaking out in Europe and the Middle East. One of the biggest lies told by the left is that Trump only won because prices were high. That is not true. Trump won because the American people both rejected the left and embraced the MAGA agenda, which puts working and middle-class families first. The President’s values and priorities are aligned with the American people, and the Democratic Party and the Left are completely out of touch with the American public. While Trump will be able to implement his agenda that he has a mandate, the President has to first clean up the significant mess the failed previous administration left for him. The current economic slowdown is primarily a result of the failed economic and social policies of Biden, and the country will pay a price for those failed actions for what likely will be a good part of this year.