The Road To Hell Is Paved With “Radical” Intentions
The Amazon rainforest is considered sacred ground. It is often called the “lungs of the planet” because it plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle by drawing in carbon dioxide and expelling oxygen. Despite what the radical left would like you to think, climate change is a lie, and the left proves that themselves with their actions.
The left is so worried about the climate that it chose the Amazon rainforest to host an international climate summit this fall. Brazilian state officials are clearing tens of thousands of acres of the Amazon rainforest to complete a new eight-mile-long four-lane highway.
Let that sink in.
Of all the places on earth, they could have huddled up to amplify their climate change BS, they chose to decimate the “Lungs of the Planet” … can’t you feel how concerned they are?
The COP30 summit is scheduled to take place from November 10 to 21 in Belém, Brazil. It is expected to attract around 50,000 attendees, including world leaders and business representatives, who will discuss climate change. COP stands for the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Naturally, the development raised concerns among locals, who contend that deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and construction undermine the purpose of the gathering.
Silvia Sardinha is a professor and wildlife veterinarian. She treats injured wildlife before releasing the healed creatures back into the forest. She told the BBC that releasing animals into the wild will be more difficult because of the development.
“From the moment of deforestation, there is a loss. We are going to lose an area to release these animals back into the wild, the natural environment of these species. Land animals will no longer be able to cross to the other side too, reducing the areas where they can live and breed.”
The Brazilian government and the state government of Pará are promoting the summit as a historic event for its positive environmental impact. The U.N. climate convention has 198 parties and is the “parent treaty” of the 2015 Paris Agreement. President Donald Trump wisely withdrew the United States from this international farce, which falsely claims to reduce carbon emissions.
This unnecessary eight-mile monstrosity has been named “Avenida Liberdade,” which translates to “Avenue of Liberty,” but in reality, it is nothing more than a scar on what was previously pristine forest land. Ironically, It had been under consideration since 2012, but was “shelved because of environmental concerns.”
I wonder what changed? Might there be money involved?
Adler Silveira, infrastructure secretary for Pará, said the COP summit is bringing about thirty major projects so, “we can have a legacy for the population and, more importantly, serve people for COP30 in the best possible way.”
Silveira stated that Avenida Liberdade will function as a “sustainable highway,” featuring wildlife crossings for animals, bike lanes, and solar lighting. Additionally, he mentioned that hotels are being constructed in the area, and the port is being redeveloped to accommodate cruise ships.
Can you smell the money yet?
Rachael Garrett, a professor of conservation and development at the University of Cambridge, told ABC News in September that paving these roads has social benefits for nearby residents who have difficulty accessing hospitals, schools, and goods. She added that the construction of highways in the middle of the rainforest will likely lead to a “fishbone pattern” of deforestation extending from the roadway.
Claudio Verequete, a resident who lives near the road still under construction, disagrees with Garrett. He said the road has endangered his livelihood.
“Everything was destroyed,” said Verequete, who used to harvest açaí berries from trees where the road is now under construction. “Our harvest has already been cut down. We no longer have that income to support our family.”
He stated he received no government compensation and that because of a barrier, he could not access the road.
“For us who live on the side of the highway, there will be no benefits. There will be benefits for the trucks that will pass through. If someone gets sick, and needs to go to the center of Belém, we won’t be able to use it.”
COP stands for Conference of the Parties (COP) and refers to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international meeting, which is the main decision-making body of the UNFCCC.
Translation: A committee of liars.
At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, last year, a group of influential individuals suggested that implementing carbon taxes is necessary. They also mentioned that the required framework to implement these taxes is already in place and must be implemented. It was also noted that obtaining more funding and reaffirming the global necessity to combat climate change will be crucial at the upcoming COP29 and COP30 events. However, the previous climate forum, COP28, faced challenges as the meeting’s president acknowledged that there was no scientific basis for the fast-paced fossil fuel phaseout agenda.
There is an expression that says if you tell a lie long enough and often enough, people will believe it. By their own admission, there is no scientific basis for the fast-paced fossil fuel phaseout agenda. In other words, the entire story is being fabricated.
The Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old. Like other planets, it was formed in the early days of the Solar System, which began to form about 4.6 billion years ago.
The Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, located in the U.K., has some temperature measurements that began in 1850. Still, there is insufficient data before 1880 for scientists to estimate average temperatures for the entire planet.
So, the planet is 4.54 billion years old, and we have accurate temperature readings for less than 150 years. There is no such thing as climate change, and we need to shoot down these lies at every opportunity.
The left knows it too, and that’s why, at every opportunity, they place the green of money over the greenery of forests, even in the untouched Amazon.