Sunday, March 30, 2025

What Exactly Are Popular Conservative Influencers ‘Conserving’?

America is being given a contrast, and they’re being given it time and time again.

A most glorious contrast that was once upon a time all too rare.

Not just between Republicans and Democrats—we left that child’s play behind long ago, even though I understand there is a definite difference at times that provides a convenient framework for conversation starters. No, this contrast is between common sense and the machine that exists to suffocate it.

Senator Rand Paul has introduced the Nutritious SNAP Act, a bill that would make federal food assistance, you know, nutritious. It would cut out the taxpayer-funded purchases of soda, candy, and junk food, leaving only actual food on the list of what’s covered.

“SNAP was designed to fight hunger and improve nutrition, not to subsidize soda and junk food,” said Paul. “It makes no sense that taxpayer dollars are being used to fund an epidemic of obesity and diet-related illness in low-income communities. My bill ensures that this assistance program actually supports health and wellness, not chronic disease.”

Now, let’s set aside whatever you think about Paul himself—whether he’s playing 4D chess, positioning himself for the next election cycle, continuing to illustrate the uselessness of Congress, or just having a moment of clarity after watching too many Walmart checkout lines loaded with EBT-funded Coca-Colas and Kit-Kats. None of that really matters here.

What matters for me today is what is perceived—by the American people. Because nothing exposes an antagonistic system like forcing it to defend the indefensible. Today I again delve into a story I’m honestly not all that interested in writing about, except for the fact that I see it as an easy, palatable topic to discuss an issue and analysis that Americans must apply to more incendiary geopolitical issues.

This soda is easy to swallow. Read this article for a little more context.

RFK Jr challenged the establishment on health, and the reaction was predictable. It’s the same playbook—attack the messenger, ignore the message, and protect the system at all costs.

The “conservative” gatekeepers—the ones who always sound like they’re on your side until the moment it actually matters—were wringing their hands, shaking their heads, and making deeply concerned noises about how removing junk food from SNAP is government o!v!e!r!r!e!a!c!h. They’d like to remind you that real conservatives don’t tell people what they can and can’t buy with their own government benefits, that restricting food stamps in any way is a slippery slope.

This is what controlled opposition looks like.

It’s narrative warfare, and here’s the playbook:

Step 1: Keep conservatives trapped in pointless, pre-approved debates. Instead of addressing the actual proposal—removing garbage food—the system keeps the discussion trapped in ideological quicksand. Are we even real conservatives if we regulate anything?

Step 2: Equate common sense with tyranny. Removing Coca-Cola from a taxpayer-funded grocery list isn’t a crackdown on personal freedom. No one is saying people can’t buy soda—they just can’t buy it with government assistance. But watch how fast the professional talking heads conflate the two. If you let them, they’ll have you believing that limiting SNAP to actual food is one step away from the gulags.

Step 3: Gaslight the public into believing their own eyes are lying. SNAP fraud? That’s a myth! Poor people don’t actually buy junk food on EBT! Never mind that every American with functioning eyesight has watched a shopping cart full of nothing but Oreos and Monster energy drinks sail through the checkout line on food stamps. You’re just imagining things.

And why? Why was there such strangely frantic effort to keep junk food on the SNAP list?

Because it’s not about nutrition. It’s about control.

And much to my satisfaction, the American people saw right through it. At least, judging by the reactions I followed. They understand the common sense of it all, even if they’ve never thought of the term “narrative warfare.”

A population hooked on processed sugar, chemical-laden snacks, and blood-sugar-crashing garbage is a population that is weak, sick, and dependent. A population that can’t function without its next insulin spike is not a population that’s going to resist much of anything–especially the installed system.

And the gatekeepers know this.

A sprinkling of these are the same “conservative” voices who spent the last four years making sure you believed our elections were just fine and dandy, that Joe Biden actually won the 2020 election—the most secure of all time! That sure, maybe there were “irregularities,” but let’s not get carried away. They laughed off the idea that machines could be manipulated, that mail-in ballots could be easily gamed. Even when Trump himself said outright, we have fake elections, these gatekeepers were the ones who told you to move along, to wait for 2024, to trust the process.

Or they simple chose a stunning brand of total silence on the issue.

2024 did indeed arrive. Fast forward to 2025 and Trump just signed an executive order on election integrity, bringing back to the narrative battlefield what so many of us were consistent in pointing out all along—America’s elections are a joke. Mail-in voting is a free-for-all, electronic machines are unverifiable, and both illegal aliens and dead people are casting their votes.

With all of this, I’m making a generalization on purpose. I’m not going after specific talking heads—I’m forcing us to think past personalities and focus on patterns. Ultimately it is we Americans who must develop the cognitive cypher sharp enough to tell the difference between the message and the messenger, between truth and some abbreviated, manipulative version of it–because that’s how we win narrative warfare.

Every conservative voice must be vetted in your mind—including mine.

At some point, you have to ask yourself: What exactly is the job of a “conservative influencer”? To conserve and protect actual conservative values? Or to conserve and protect the system from actual conservatives?

Because the latter is why they seem so conservative—they are actually conserving something. They’re conserving the status quo, how things have been done before.

Which includes Fruit Loops and Funyuns, because we can’t go down that slippery slope of too much government regulation!

The bolded question provides the contrast we’re being given here. It’s not between Rand Paul and the Left. It’s not between Republicans and Democrats. It’s between the common sense that normal Americans can just know with their gut and the controlled opposition whose entire mission is to prevent anything from ever really changing.

Because as conservatives, they have to conserve.

Except the American people know better. They know that long ago this country went off the reservation with a lot of things and some times “progressive” simply means returning to time-honored principles that simply make sense in being human.

That is the point here—how Americans respond, what we see, how we learn to re-evaluate what “conservative” talking heads we trust.

This is narrative warfare.

I admit that I risk an overemphasis on this story when there are more important things out there. SNAP-and-SodaGate can be a distractor for more important topics. Some of this is about keeping us engaged in fake battles while the real ones rage on unchallenged, keeping us arguing about the wrong things so that we never notice who’s standing right next to us with a knife in our backs.

I hope my followers will give me some leeway, however, based on how I opened this piece: I see it as an easy, palatable topic to discuss an issue and analysis that Americans must apply to more incendiary geopolitical issues.

I get it. So do the work and apply this article to Epstein, to JFK, etc. Continue applying these narrative war principles to things like Russia-Ukraine and everything happening in the Middle East.

Because here’s the real kicker: Even if Paul’s bill goes nowhere—even if it gets buried in committee, filibustered to death, or drowned in a sea of lobbyist dollars—the contrast remains. The exposure remains.

Because when you force the system to defend something absurd, it reveals itself. And when the American people see the contrast between common sense and the gatekeepers who exist to suppress it, some of them—just enough—start to wake up to the truly eternal issues at play here, those that go back to the time of Genesis.

And that is the thing the system fears most.


JFK, Trump, and the Bird That Has Changed Its Tune

May everyone named directly or referenced indirectly ask forgiveness and do penance for their sins against America and God. I fight this information war in the spirit of justice and love for the innocent, but I have been reminded of the need for mercy and prayers for our enemies. I am a sinner in need of redemption as well after all, for my sins are many. In the words of Jesus Christ himself, Lord forgive us all, for we know not what we do.