Tuesday, March 18, 2025

What’s Happening In American Courts If Not An Insurrection?

If protesting a fraudulent result before it’s been confirmed is an insurrection, then preventing the President exercising his powers and seizing executive authority after the election result has been ratified is DEFINITELY an insurrection.

District judges don’t have the authority to decide the policy of the executive branch or to appropriate the powers of the President.

The Supreme Court doesn’t have that power either.

You can’t have a situation where every single Presidential action and every single policy that’s won an election can be halted by any judge.

You can’t have a situation where any judge is more powerful than the President.

You can’t have a situation where a Supreme Court Justice encourages and supports district court judges overturning the policies that were voted for in an election.

You can’t have a Supreme Court Justice reprimanding the President for exercising his free speech or for stating the Constitutional truth that the President decides executive policy, not the judiciary.

You can’t have judges ignoring the seperation of powers.

You can’t have a situation where any President can create any agency and any department, but that no subsequent President can end or change any of those creations.

An elected President has the right to sign Executive Orders. He has the right to hire and fire any person to and from any federal government position. He has the right to terminate contracts and end agencies. He has the right to determine all executive policy and the right to expect the judiciary to respect the powers of the Presidency and the results of the election. His supreme command of the executive is very clearly expressed in the Constitution.

All of Lawfare 2.0 is as dangerous, unconstitutional and illegal as Lawfare 1.0 was. The first tried to illegally imprison Trump to prevent his election, the second tries to illegally assume the powers of the Presidency in order to prevent Trump acting as the elected President.

Both represent criminal conspiracy to treasonously usurp the Presidency.

Impeachment is the LEAST of what should now be enacted against judicial insurrectionists.