Monday, July 01, 2024
  • The Ukraine War is a Winning Campaign Issue, so why are Republicans Ignoring It?

  • For Republicans, the Ukraine war is a major winning issue if they take the time to explain it to the American people. We have sunk hundreds of billions of dollars into a losing effort, and Biden shouldn’t be allowed to avoid accountability for this debacle by delaying Ukraine’s defeat until after the election. It’s another example of his horrific leadership. At a time when we are spending a trillion a year for interest on the deficit, we’re shoveling billions more into an endless money pit when we already know the outcome in advance. Whether Putin wins a total victory, or Ukraine is forced to give up territory, the war is already over. The public just doesn’t know it yet.
    It’s maddening how Republican leadership squanders opportunities. Ukraine is a Republican kill shot. They must go out and take it.