Erik Derr
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Amid Social Justice Furor On Campus, Stanford U Employee Falsely Cries Rape By Black Man Twice
About 66 Million Americans Say ‘Divorce’ Between Red and Blue States Would Be Good
Viral TikTok Posts of Highly-Organized Kitchen Pantries (!) Accused of Being Racist, Sexist
Seven GOP Senators Support Eric Garcetti as Ambassador to India Despite Ties to Sexual Abuse
New Bill Will Keep Cali from Secretly Dropping Sexually Violent Convicts into Communities
Oregon Bill Would Give $1,000 Per Month Universal Basic Income to Homeless and Low Wage Earners
Pennsylvania County Backtracks on Status as Immigrant Sanctuary, Cites Greater Crime and Drugs
Drug-Addicted Homeless Get Free RV Homes in California’s Capitol City
Study: Judging Dogs by Breed is a Poor Way to Anticipate Behavior