Wednesday, February 19, 2025

“Little Demon” Only the Latest Smut to Emerge from Our Cultural Cesspool

“The Devil’s cleverest wile (trick) is to convince us that he doesn’t exist.”

Charles Baudelaire

U.S. Rep Mike Johnson this week correctly rebuked the FX animation “Little Demon” as being a dangerous influence on children.  He stated that “this (American) culture has become dark and desensitized” and this so-called piece of entertainment is only the latest example.

Johnson went on to describe the show as an attack against the “hearts and minds of our kids” and pointed out the inevitable conclusion that “Disney and FX have decided to embrace and market what is clearly evil.”

Little Demon began FX’s streaming on August 25 and stars Aubrey Plaza as the mother to the anti-Christ and Danny Devito as Satan, who together bear a daughter but have different desires for that child’s upbringing, according to a description on the show’s official webpage.

“Thirteen years after being impregnated by Satan, a reluctant mother, Laura, and her Antichrist daughter, Chrissy, attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware, but are constantly thwarted by monstrous forces, including Satan, who yearns for custody of his daughter’s soul,” the program explains.

Actress Lucy DeVito, who portrays the antichrist daughter and is Danny DeVito’s actual daughter, states “I love that we are normalizing paganism,” Lucy DeVito said. “Laura is a pagan. She’s a witch. She’s jacked.”

Let’s be clear about what’s at issue here.  We are not talking about targeting adult audiences in such a way that “Little Demon” could be characterized as satire for the purpose of entertainment.

No, the target of this programming—and its dark and recklessly cavalier portrayal of the devil—are innocent, impressionable children.  That’s demented.

What other similar examples are there?

My brother, attorney Christopher Alexander, of Louisiana Citizen Advocacy Group (LACAG), has recently written of an ongoing episode in Livingston Parish involving a confused librarian, a concerned parent, taxpayer money, and smut in the children’s section of a library paid for by Louisiana citizens.

What are the facts in the Livingston Parish matter?

Ryan Thames is a resident of Livingston Parish and the father of two girls, ages 13 and 5.  Thames had the “nerve” to publicly protest the placement of sexually explicit books located in the children’s section of a public library. His offense was to request that library personnel simply move the objectionable material to another part of the library, out of the reach of children. Samples of the books at issue, which include prepubescent themes such as anal sex, butt plugs, masturbation, sex toys for “bonus fun,” and the proper use of sex lube, complete with graphic illustrations.

Again, this cannot be misconstrued as merely “entertainment.”  Obviously, many users of a public library—particularly the children’s section of a public library—are children.  In any other setting, an adult who provided such sexually explicit, ‘grooming’ material to another parent’s child could potentially be arrested.

What else?

Drag Queen Story Hour at public libraries.

Cropping up in different parts of the country—including in Lafayette, Louisiana—are men dressed provocatively in drag as women who read nursery rhymes to young children, often in a public library.  Some of the sponsors of Drag Queen Story Hour have stated that their purpose is to indoctrinate children about a “gender fluid” way of life. 

It’s clearly dangerous and unhealthy for children to be exposed to gender confusion during their moral formation, at their most impressionable.  And this is not harmless, victimless “fun”: in Houston, a participating “queen” turned out to be a registered child sex offender convicted of abusing an 8-year-old.

This is, again, a targeted effort to create doubt in the minds of young children at the very time they should be affirmed and reassured about who they innately are, the ultimate goal being to create uncertainty, making children more likely to question their sexuality or gender at a later age.

Again, this is not some bawdy, risque form of entertainment for adults.  It is a pre-meditated effort to specifically target innocent, vulnerable children.

I share these examples so parents know what their children are being exposed to in public schools and libraries with taxpayer dollars. 

There is nothing more powerful than a passionate parent or concerned citizen filled with righteous indignation raising these issues in a school board meeting or other public setting. 

I salute them. Their valiant efforts to protect children from this filth will ensure our ‘best hope for the future’ of America.