Wednesday, February 19, 2025

City Of El Paso, Not State Of Texas, Is The Leading Exporter Of Migrants To NYC, But Adams Blames Abbott Instead

When New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency late last week in response to the influx of thousands of migrants from Latin America transported to the Big Apple from other states, he was quick to single out Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has authorized the transport of about 3,000 immigrants at the Southern Border to New York City.

However, Adams had little to say about, and didn’t even name in his address, the biggest importer of migrants, by the numbers.
Since last April, when the effort started in earnest to transport migrants apprehended at the Southern Border to self-proclaimed sanctuary cities, all run by Democrat leaders, the City of El Paso, Texas, has shipped about 7,000 migrants to New York City and 1,800 to Chicago.

Put another way, Oscar Leeser, El Paso’s Democrat mayor has bused more than twice as many migrants to the Big Apple as the Lone Star State’s Republican governor โ€” with hardly any mention from Adams during his emergency declaration or subsequent press conference. A similar dearth of information about about El Paso’s migrant transport successes can be found — or not be found — by doing a general search for El Paso migrants on Google. A few stories may have made it through the mainstream media disinformation filters, but not many.

Asked by a reporter if he would be willing to work with Abbott in trying to resolve the ongoing immigration problems, Adams nixed any chance of that.

“No, Governor Abbott made it clear. First of all, he lied and stated that he wasn’t doing this since April. He was caught lying by his own news outlets in Texas. He’s just untrustworthy. We attempted to coordinate with him, he stated that we didn’t. We had to produce the emails that show we were,” Adams defiantly said. “I think the issue is to do a decompression strategy from the national government, to make sure that we can ensure that these asylum seekers are spread throughout the entire country. We all should be part of resolving this issue.”

On the other hand, a difference between what Leeser told reporters — that officials from New York and El Paso had an agreement on the number of migrants that would be transported northward — and Adams’ contention, that there never an was a formal understanding and he wanted El Paso to stop its transports, didn’t seem to rile the New York mayor.

“There was never an agreement for El Paso to send asylum seekers here. We never told them, please send us your asylum seekers. That has never happened. We will never do that. We have our own issue here,” Adams said during the press conference. “El Paso, the city manager, the mayor, they should stop sending buses to New York. New York cannot accommodate the number of buses that we have coming here to our city…we don’t want to send a signal out there that New York is telling any municipality that we could accommodate the influx of asylum seekers that we are talking about.

Aside from remaining tempered and easy when addressing El Paso, ย Adams has refused to blame the Biden administration for the overflow of immigrants at the Southern Border or even suggest the current influx of immigrants, which is straining the city’s homeless shelter system and has forced officials to turn close to 50 hotels into emergency shelters, should be stopped.

“This is going to take a national coordination and it should be handled at the border…they should be allowed to go to the destinations that they desire and not just incentivized to go to New York or Washington or Chicago, as it currently is being put in place,” Adams said. “We should ensure that the entire country absorbs this influx of asylum seekers, so that we are not leaning on three cities in the northern part of the country. That is the role of the national government.”