Friday, July 26, 2024

AG Appointment of Special Counsel Against Trump is Clearly a Political Vendetta

The decision of Attorney General Merrick Garland a few days ago to appoint a special counsel in the investigations of Donald Trump will provide to millions of Americans only, yet another, example of the highly politicized, weaponized nature of the Department of Justice and the FBI.  This assignment specifically includes a probe of both the Mar-a-Lago documents case and whether President Trump “unlawfully interfered with the transfer of power” after the 2020 election or with the Electoral College vote count.

Garland’s announcement of the special counsel states: “based on recent developments, including the former president’s announcement that he is a candidate for president in the next election, and the sitting president’s stated intention to be a candidate as well, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel.”  He closed by contending that “such an appointment underscores the Department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters.”

Unsurprisingly, a spokesman for Pres. Trump immediately responded, “this is a totally expected political stunt by a feckless, politicized, weaponized Biden Department of Justice.”  The Trump statement continued by pointing out that “Robert Mueller, the Russia collusion special counsel, staffed his investigation with partisan Democrats and his probe turned into a debacle.” 

As though Jan. 6th has not been investigated enough.  As though the documents at Mar A Lago contained any “secrets” when it’s the president himself who decides what’s classified or unclassified; regardless, when there is a dispute regarding presidential documents it is resolved between the former president’s attorneys and government attorneys.  At the very most a subpoena can be issued. 

However, right on the heels of President Trump announcing his candidacy for the presidency, we have the Biden Administration’s politically compromised Attorney General Garland, announcing the appointment of a special counsel.  It is both naïve and nonsensical to assume the attorney general is not coordinating with the Biden White House about this.

It’s all politically motivated because the Biden Administration and its highly politicized Department of Justice fear a second Trump presidency. Nothing else. 

Are we really supposed to be this stupid or naive?  The Jan. 6th investigation has been going on for nearly two years—including lengthy hearings and an impeachment effort—while the Mar-a-Lago investigation has been going on for close to a year.  However, as soon as President Trump announces he’s running for president this all fires up?  Does the appointment of a special counsel even matter anyway, given the special counsel reports to AG Garland and AG Garland reports to President Biden.

But let’s recall: only now, supposedly, the Department of Justice and the FBI—which covered up and held on to the Hunter Biden laptop for some two years—is taking any steps to investigate or prosecute the laptop or the Biden crime family generally.  There clearly exists in the public record substantial incriminating evidence to do so.   In fact, much of the damaging information contained in those emails has already been corroborated.

Recall that Big Tech, including Facebook, Twitter and many other Left leaning social media platforms successfully suppressed and censored the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 election.  Following the election, a full 16% of voters polled stated that they would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known prior to the election of the information contained on the laptop. The very reason it was censored!   And so, the voice of the people was silenced and the trajectory of American history was forever changed.

As the Wall Street Journal notes, “the prosecution of a former President, especially one running against Mr. Biden, had better be for serious offenses.  The evidence should be so compelling that it persuades fair-minded Republicans, not merely MSNBC or CNN anchors.”

We simply don’t have that context here and this latest so-called “investigation” of President Trump is, therefore, undermined and compromised from the start.  So will be any judgment it renders.

As Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) noted, “this is Trump derangement syndrome but this time with a gun and badge.” 

All Americans should be fearful of the totalitarian state that America is in the process of becoming.