Monday, October 21, 2024

Where Are The Bodies?

Some Germans who lived through World War II have said that they had no idea about the Holocaust that was going on. Maybe they thought the reports were fake news or enemy propaganda, or that civilized Germans would never commit such crimes. One โ€œdenialistโ€ was a bartender whose bar was downwind from the ovens. He claimed to have noticed nothing. The bodies went up the chimney or were buried in mass graves somewhere else.

Humans have an enormous capacity to see no evil.

Holocaust denial might have been more excusable had the deaths been scattered and seemingly random, not concentrated in a vilified ethnic group, and had they resembled natural death. Sudden death occursโ€”doctors might say, as some did in my residency program, โ€œWe see this from time to time.โ€

Some who knew full well that Jews were being murdered rationalized it by calling it an essential public health measure, claiming that Jews were the source of the dread typhus epidemic.

We of course are not like them, and nothing could be as evil as the Nazi Holocaust. But consider the possibility that a genuine epidemic might rationalize public health measures that (inadvertently we presume) lead to death. One is not supposed to blame officials or question their policies. Instead, we blame the disease on noncompliant people, deny them medical care, and even hope that they die.

Bodies are in fact accumulating though not concentrated in an identifiable location. But we are in denial even about the occurrence of excess deaths.

I sent a dispatch to a few thousand persons that linked to data from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), which insures 72 million lives. It showed a startling increase (1,000% or more!) in sudden, unexpected deaths in Germany after COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out. KBV denies a causal relationship to vaccination. The cause for the deaths is unknown, but it is not COVID-19. Authorities have not yet done appropriate studies to investigate a possible vaccine connection. Mainstream media did not attend a press event where data analyst Tom Lausen presented the figures, which he calls a โ€œrisk signal.โ€

Someone posted a link to my dispatch on Linked-in. It was rapidly removed. And so, with no warning, was his account, which had 200 postings and 16,000 followers. All down the Memory Hole.

Financial analyst Edward Dowd presented figures showing an 18% increase in excess deaths across all age groups in Australia, an unprecedented insurance catastrophe. The legacy media is silent.

Even raw numbers from actuaries vanish. But where are the bodies?

Many were cremated. Most were disposed of without autopsy. Hospitals and medical examiners donโ€™t like to do autopsiesโ€”insurance doesnโ€™t pay, and few families can pay a $5,000 cost out of pocket. The results could in any event be attributed to natural causes. An autopsy of journalist Grant Wahl revealed a ruptured aortic aneurysm. His wife said: โ€œItโ€™s just one of these things that had been likely brewing for years, and for whatever reason it happened at this point in time.โ€ She also said: โ€œHis death was unrelated to vaccination status.โ€ Quite possibly true. But she did not say what his vaccination status was. (He had been vaccinated and had received at least one booster.) Dr. Peter McCullough advises patients with prior aortic abnormalities to avoid COVID-19 vaccination because of potential damage from spike protein.

An alternative to an autopsy might be to do an MRI scan and preserve samples of tissue like liver or heart for tests that might become available later.

As it stands, we have an epidemic called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Statistics on the full extent are being suppressed. One prominent physician told me he had never heard of it. The cause is not known, and few dare to suggest a connection with the mass vaccination campaign.

What we urgently need is a neutral scientific inquiry that is not politicized. The typhus epidemic showed that this is possible. Even Germans (aside from some murderous Nazis) became allies of their mortal enemies in the war against typhus-spreading lice. Using apolitical scientific analysis of the objective evidence, Nazis, Soviets, Americans, British, and all Allies used virtually the same methods of prevention and treatment of epidemic typhus.

Why isnโ€™t that happening in America?