Tuesday, March 11, 2025

“Poison Ivy League” Professor Suggests Suicide Best Option For Elderly

First, let me get this off my chest. The professor in question is Yusuke Narita. This narcissistic twerp is an assistant professor of economics at Yale. Narita is thirty-seven years old but looks like a delusional twelve-year-old, often times wearing glasses that have one round rim and one square one.

More frightening than his eyewear, is what comes out of his demented mouth. Remember when Ivy League schools where considered among the best, if not THE best in the country? That is now a memory, as the “Poison Ivy League” has become a hot bed for far-left indoctrination and one of the main reasons is because of so-called professors like Narita.

Narita’s research centers around the design of decision-making algorithms in policy and business, with a particular interest in education policy. However, in December of 2021 he made his first caustic comments during an interview stating:

“I feel like the only solution is pretty clear, in the end, isn’t it mass suicide and mass ‘seppuku’ of the elderly?”

Seppuku is an honorable death or ritualistic suicide by disembowelment that can only be conducted by a samurai. Hara-kiri means stomach-cutting in Japanese where the word hara refers to stomach and kiri refers to cutting. Hara-kiri and seppuku mean exactly the same thing in Japanese, but Japanese people almost never use the word hara-kiri and prefer the word seppuku instead. hara-kiri refers to the action of cutting the stomach, while seppuku represents the ritual and the traditional procedure of cutting the stomach.

What’s especially upsetting about Narita’s comments are twofold. First the Japanese culture is one that demonstrates great respect for the elderly, so for Narita to even suggest something as ghastly as sacrificing those who are older is blasphemy. Second, this has nothing to do with the subject that he is being paid to teach. Caring for the elderly of society is not a burden as Narita believes, it’s a sacred obligation to protect those that built the economy that Narita exists in. Yale should not allow him to remain on staff where he can poison additional minds.

Last year, responding to a question about whether he believed eliminating the elderly was a good thing he responded:

“Whether that’s a good thing or not, that’s a more difficult question to answer. So if you think that’s good, then maybe you can work hard toward creating a society like that.”

He predicted that euthanasia and the “possibility of making it mandatory in the future will become part of the public discourse.”

His comments drew mixed reactions in Japan. He has developed a cult like following of younger people that feel the elderly can no longer contribute. He has in excess of 500,000 followers on twitter and has appeared on magazine covers and in commercials for energy drinks.

On the negative side when confronted, he pushed back saying he was taken out of context and what he was really referring to was removing the elderly out of leadership roles.

“I should have been more careful about their potential negative connotations.” Stating that, “mass suicide and mass seppuku were an abstract metaphor. After some self-reflection, I stopped using the words last year.”

The issue with dystopian imaginings like those that Narita is entertaining, is who decides when a person’s contributions have ended?

Are love and support not contributions? Is a calming and comforting nature no longer of use?

Stick to your algorithms, because your ideas of an idyllic society are short sighted, ignorant, and devoid of heartfelt caring.