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Conservative Victories Over CRT Frighten UCLA Leftists

A nationwide pushback against Critical Race Theory (CRT) is succeeding, and that makes UCLA Law School officials panic.

In 2021 and 2022, elected officials in 49 of the 50 states introduced nearly 600 measures that say educators cannot teach CRT. Legislators filed these anti-CRT bills even in predominantly Democrat-controlled states, including California.

“As of December 31, 2022, seven of 11 measures introduced in California school districts had been adopted, affecting approximately 110,000 students statewide,” according to a new report that researchers at UCLA Law School’s CRT program published this month, titled Tracking the Attack on Critical Race Theory.

Nationwide, exactly 241 of the nearly 600 measures passed.

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Delaware is the only state in the nation where legislators filed no similar measures.

UCLA researchers blame this pushback on former President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13950, which banned certain “divisive concepts” in federal trainings.  Nearly half of the proposed anti-CRT measures borrowed language from Trump’s order. More than 90% of the measures pertained to K–12 schools.

“Anti–Critical Race Theory measures were pervasive but unevenly distributed across the states,” according to the report.

“Most of the state-level measures were in those states that went to Trump in the 2020 presidential election, but local measures were introduced in equal numbers in states that went to Trump, those that went to Biden and those in which the vote was nearly even.”

Researchers at the UCLA Law School’s Critical Race Theory program gathered information from more than 30,000 news articles. The Critical Race Studies (CRS) program at the UCLA School of Law was the nation’s first law school program to incorporate CRT into its curriculum.

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Critical Race Theory embraces the concept that all American institutions are systemically racist. Whites, meanwhile, are supposedly oppressors. Blacks are supposedly victims.

“The findings in this report suggest that the anti-‘CRT’ movement is not stagnating,” according to the UCLA report.

“Indeed, government officials at all levels are introducing an equal or greater number of measures in 2023 as they did in 2021 or 2022.”

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