Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Photo courtesy of FLICKR

Bruce Jenner’s Car Insurance, and Other Things Media Morons Aren’t Telling You

WRITER’S NOTE: The world is run by morons. The media is too lazy or too partisan to ask certain questions or to report certain facts. People who work in government and legacy media are too stupid or too sheltered to understand certain things…or maybe they do understand, and this is all part of some elaborate plan? 

•  Statistically speaking, men pay higher car insurance rates. Did State Farm charge Bruce Jenner more than they do Caitlin Jenner? 

• How many other people have ever thought that K-12 and/or college educations (a) left you ill-prepared for what you really needed to know in life? and (b) spent too much time drilling into your brain things that ultimately proved useless? 

RELATED: Nine Outcomes When Morons Control Government and Media

• When Donald Trump’s base instincts are right, they’re right. But you can’t go on your instincts alone when you’re playing a game of chess. You must think through either your opponent’s countermoves or the consequences of your actions. And his inability to do that is his greatest failing. 

• If I were in the national media then I would try to win over Trump voters by reporting the news in a non-biased and objective manner. I would hold Democrats and Republicans to the same standards. I might get more ratings or sell more papers that way. Duh!  

• I feel like Joe Biden and his voters don’t mind that honest, hard-working people are suffering under his policies. They think we have had too many advantages in life and somehow deserve it. If we had an honest media in this country, then perhaps a mainstream national media outlet would explore that issue? 

• I remember the Gabby Giffords shooting, the Aurora, Colorado shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, the guy crashing a small plane into the IRS building in Austin…..and nitwit/network reporters immediately went on air and assumed it was the work of the Tea Party.  During the 2020 riots, I never heard anyone in the mainstream media even utter the words Antifa or Black Lives Matter. I’m not complaining. I’m just observing. 

IN THE NEWS: Federalism and the Enigma of Why Liberals Despise it

• Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is kicking butt at the box office. I imagine I could write a comic book like the character of Spiderman. Instead of getting bit by a spider. it’s about a man bitten by a radioactive German Shepherd. He suddenly develops the same scent that a dog has. Law enforcement officers use that man to do things that only a drug dog could do….like sniff luggage at the airport. They also use him to smell the outside of lockers at local high schools. Maybe Hollywood will come calling? Hey, this idea is more original than most of what you’re going to see at the box office this summer. 

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