Sunday, February 23, 2025

The “Gates Of Hell Foundation” Is Spreading Moral Decay

The Gates Foundation is nothing more than a front for evil.

For appearances sake, they would love you to believe that everything they do is for the benefit of mankind. We know better. Bill and Melinda Gates and their so called “foundation,” rivals George Soros in their corruption. Like icebergs, which may reveal very little above the water in comparison to what remains hidden below, Gates pulls strings worldwide on a massive scale.

Gates is a firm believer in a new world order. He believes that no more than a billion, or possibly two billion people should inhabit the earth. Considering that there are currently around nine billion, an elimination process would need to be initiated. To that end, Gates was involved in the creation of the vaccines as well as the insistence that the initial jab and the so called “boosters” be administered. His involvement in governmental procedure and his control and collusion with media and social platforms, bullied people worldwide to poison their bodies. The full effects of these vaccines will be nightmarish as time passes. Not only in increased death rates at younger ages, which alone would prevent a certain percentages of pregnancies, but also the sterility effects that have yet to fully materialize.

Why do you think the puppeteer elites on the left so emphatically support abortion? Do you really think they give a damn about “a woman’s right to her body?” They could care less, what they love is that a human – an excess human, to be more specific – is killed and will not inhabit the earth. The saying that they have inoculated the naïve and those desperate for a cause with, “my body, my choice” is music to their disgusting ears.

They use a person’s ignorance against them. Convincing them that they are fighting for one thing, while at the same time they are moving the elite agenda forward. For them it’s a perfect scenario. First, they incite the radicals and give them a cause. They then can simultaneously use the cooperation of the radical left wing, while at the same time knowing that their cooperation will ultimately end up at the expense of those same radicals.

The left loves anything that can cause chaos, division, and hatred. Things like abortion, race and gender identity are talking points that they use constantly. The “faux ideal” that they are currently pushing the hardest, is the ridiculous notion of gender identity and transgenderism. Their fingers are reaching outside of the borders of this nation and with the exception of Canada and the U.K., many countries despise the intrusion.

As early as two years ago, even the New York Times acknowledged that there were moral differences between the American left and the European left. France, for instance was already feeling the negative influence from U.S. elites. The New York Time’s headline read “Will America’s Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of its Leaders Think So.”

The article went on to say:

“The threat is said to be existential. It fuels secessionism. Gnaws at national unity. Abets Islamism. Attacks France’s intellectual and cultural heritage.”

France’s President, Emmanuel Macron said, “The threat? Certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States.”

Macron’s Education Minister was more direct:

“French politicians, high-profile intellectuals and journalists are warning that progressive American ideas, specifically on race, gender, post-colonialism, are undermining their society. There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities.”

Recently, it has come to light that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded a Dutch organization that is under scrutiny over a disgusting leaked video. As a result of the leak, the Rutgers Foundation is desperately trying to downplay the filth that has been exposed. On the tape, children, some as young as four years old were questioned about masturbation and sex.

A conservative group, Forum voor Democratie (FvD), has seen the tip of the iceberg and is trying to expose the group for what they really are.

On March 20th The Rutgers Foundation uploaded the video in question titled (in English), “What Do I Like.” The video, which is five minutes long, is stomach churning on many levels. Apparently, the focus of this group is to focus on sex education and childhood sexuality. The question that immediately pops into a rational person’s mind, is why? Childhood Sexuality Should Not Be A Thing.

The video consists of young children discussing sex with either their parents or guardians, but the questions and overall discussion are so repulsive that you have to question the parental ability of those involved.

On the tape a six-year-old boy named Loek is in discussion with his two gay male fathers.

One of the men asks, “Do you like it when someone is petting you?”

The boy shakes his head, the man then asks, “what about being tickled?”

Loek responds, “That, I do!”

“Oh, we’ll have to do that every night then before you sleep.”

Disgusted yet?  Wait it gets worse.

Talking with a nine-year-old girl, her mother unbelievably has this conversation.

“Sex is not only for when you’re just making babies. I’ve said before that it’s also fun to do. You discover how your body works and how my body works. Not only boys can have an orgasm. Girls, too, can have an orgasm. But they don’t have ejaculation then because we don’t have sperm. But it’s a nice feeling. And uhm, you’ve obviously looked at your vagina before haven’t you?”

She then goes onto describe female genitalia, keep in mind, this is a nine-year-old girl.

“You have your inner labia and there are two little holes there, one for peeing and one where the baby comes out. And above those holes is also a kind of button. Did you ever see that or not?”

After shaking her head no, her “mother” continued with this:

“You’ve never studied it like that before, huh? The little button you call your clitoris. When you touch that it gives a very nice feeling. It’s actually very nice when you’re touching that button. For example, you can rub it with your finger…”

Now before you read this, imagine a four-year-old boy being asked these questions by his mother. In my opinion, they should all be in prison as we speak.

This little guy’s name is Mats. His mother asks this:

“What about you? Do you ever play with your d*ck? Do you ever touch your willie? Yes, and how does that feel? And when do you do that?”

Mats, having no idea what to say, shrugs his shoulders. His b*tch mother then blitzes the poor kid with questions. NONE of which are relevant to a four-year-old!

“Do you do that when we’re eating? No, right? or in the classroom? No, not at all. Why don’t you do that in class? When can you play with your d*ck?”

Less than 24 hours after the video was released, panic began to set in and The Rutgers Foundation (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), pulled the video.

“We find that the video is being taken out of context by some people online and used to spread misinformation. To protect the children in the video, we have taken the video offline.”

However, FvD reposted the video in order to raise awareness about what the foundation was doing.  This prompted Rutgers to threaten a lawsuit against FvD, but FvD refused to remove the tape.

“It is very clear that Rutgers feels caught and that it is doing everything it can to cover its dirty tracks. We consider it a matter of public interest to make public the sexually objectionable material of Rutgers.”

It’s a joke that Rutgers would try and play the victim card after putting those children through that. So while the legal aspects of this are played out, it should be noted that this isn’t the first time Rutgers has come under scrutiny since their sex education curriculums encourage children to be educated on sex from birth. For example, one book on their recommended reading list for six-year-olds, titled “What Is Sex?” includes instructions for oral sex.

The book became a point of contention when the Education Minister, Dennis Wiersma, was challenged by FvD on its contents. The Forum party was supported by DENK, a left-wing party focused on immigrant rights, which was also concerned about the “Spring Jitters Week” curriculum being pushed by Rutgers.

DENK’s Stephen Van Baarle revealed this:

“There’s a teacher’s guide that says: ‘Tell students that it’s nice to touch yourself and that it’s nice to touch genitals.’ We are talking about children of 5 years of age being told this… Those teachers should teach children to read and write, instead of telling them that it is important or nice to touch genitals.”

“Spring Jitters Week” took place in some 2,000 primary schools across the Netherlands in March of this year. 

According to the website for the Spring Jitters project:

“One of the goals of the Spring Jitters Week is to introduce schools to relational and sexuality education. It is a fun way to give school-wide attention to relationships and sexuality.”

Nothing gives legitimacy to filth like a financial backer such as Bill Gates. He will push the left’s sick agenda no matter how many lives are ruined, because remember, that’s the point.

The world needs to be educated about Gates and all of those like him. Their facade may make them tolerable and their wealth may make them enviable, but their ego and agenda makes them deadly.